Status: Struggling

It's Just Meant to Be

Finding Someone Else

George left Fred and Aura at the ice cream parlor and entered Flourish and Blotts. He always went to the bookstore by himself. He enjoyed looking at the books. He wasn’t paying much attention when he bumped into someone. He heard her curse as her books scattered across the floor. He began to apologize when he heard “Watch where you’re going!” coming from the angry girl on the ground. He recognized that voice. It was one of Malfoy’s minions. Aura Zarano.

“Weasley,” she sneered.

“Zarano,” he replied in a tight, clipped voice.

He looked her up and down. She looked rather enticing splayed on the floor like that in her miniskirt and disheveled red locks falling haphazardly over her shoulders.

“Well,” George mused, deciding to play with her. A little Slytherin agitating would brighten his mood, “Aren’t we looking fine today?”

He saw the shiver run over her skin as he leisurely looked her over once again.

“Shut up and help me get up, George.”

“Oh, are we on first name basis now?” He mocked, but extended his hand anyway.

She rolled her eyes and took his hand. He decided what he was going to do a split second before he did it. Since Raine obviously didn’t want him, what harm was there in fooling around a little. He’d been tethered to Raine for too long. He pulled Aura up hard enough to make her lose her balance and fall into his chest. He locked his arms around her and looked down into her striking blue eyes. He hadn’t expected her eyes to be that color. He hadn’t expected her to feel like this in his arms. Her skin was soft where his hands rested on her lower back. Her shirt had ridden up and he took advantage of that by slowly running his fingertips across her bared skin.

“Well,” George whispered, “I rather like this.” And to his own surprise he found he wasn’t lying.

“Shove it, Weasley. Let me-”

He couldn’t stop himself as he melded his lips with hers. For some reason he’d expected her to be cold. He hadn’t expected this warm and willing reaction to his attentions. She was one of Malfoy’s friends, if you could call them friends. She hated him, yet here she was kissing him back. Meeting each stroke of his tongue with one of her own. Good god, he thought, she sets me on fire. He felt the hands that had been wrinkling his shirt suddenly shove him away. When he came to his senses, he realized why. Malfoy had entered the shop. George heard the boy’s icy tone.

He walked slowly past her and let his lips brush against her ear, “Meet me on the train. I’ll be waiting in the compartment outside the prefect compartment.”

He was satisfied with the shiver that once again danced over her skin because of him.
The trip was over quickly and Raine was invited to stay the night. She agreed, just as she always had. This had always been the one night out of the summer that she allowed herself the comfort of sleeping in George’s arms, and as she curled against him that night, her only thought was, I’m home. But this time, George’s heart wasn’t in it. He couldn’t stand to hold her in his arms believing she felt something for his brother. And after his encounter with Aura today, it was images of her supple body pressed against his that filled his mind rather than ones of Raine.

Raine noticed George’s lack of attention. Normally he had he locked so tightly in his arms she couldn’t move. He barely slept, instead preferring to talk with and steal kisses from Raine all night. Tonight, he had one arm thrown around her shoulder and he snored quietly. He rolled onto his side, pressing an unexpected erection into Raine’s hip. She experienced a shiver of pleasure. He was having wet dreams, she was sure. Her enjoyment deflated though when he quietly muttered a name. She couldn’t tell whose it was, but it had not been her own.
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