
Chapter Two

She frowned and tested the windows lock for good measure as she did everyday. After a moment’s struggle, the lock clicked and the window swung open.

“What luck I have!” she thought, “My father must have doubted that I’d be cunning enough to attempt to escape through my window!”

As it happened, the Princess’ maid had opened the window for a few moments of fresh air while the Princess was sleeping. When she closed it once more, she had forgotten to use her key to lock the window, and simply used the hand lock. The Princess’ shoulders dropped as she came upon the realization that even though her window could open, she still lacked a method of getting down the long length of her tower.

“I will find a way,” she vowed, “I will find a way to get down my tower and my love and I will finally be together.”

She poked her head through her window and watched the boy again. She rested her cheek on her hand, and the boy looked up towards her. Her breath caught in her throat as their eyes connected, and the boy smiled and waved gently to her. The Princess smiled back and brought her head back through her window.

“The boy has fallen for me, too! Oh, now our lives truly will be perfect!” she thought ecstatically.

She closed the window and clicked the lock shut, for she did not wish for the misfortune of her maid happening upon the open lock and destroying her one chance at freedom.

That evening the Princess sat at her vanity, staring thoughtfully at her reflection. Her maid bustled through the door with a heap of fresh linens piled on top of her outstretched arms.

“What do you bring me, maid?” the Princess sighed.

“I bring fresh bed things,” the maid answered, “Do you wish for me to change them now?”

The Princess turned slowly to look at the powder white bed-sheets. An idea quickly formed in her head, and she smiled lovingly at her maid.

“No, maid, I wish for you to leave them here. You may return in a short while and exchange them then.”

The maid looked confused for an instant, and then thought better of questioning the Princess’ incentive. She bowed quickly and ambled out of the room, locking the door behind her. The Princess dashed over to the pile of sheets, unfolded them, and began to tie them together. The Princess had the idea to tie the ends of the sheets together and hang them out her window for her to descend.

“Hopefully,” she thought, “I will have enough sheets to reach the ground!”

The Princess spent many an hour tying the sheets together and attempting to find an anchor to tie them to in her bedroom. Finally, she managed to tie an end to the foot of her armoire and began lowering the length of the sheets out her bedroom window. A few minutes in, a knock sounded from her door.

“Your majesty?” her maid’s voice sounded, “Would you like me to change your bedsheets now?”

“No, leave me. You may return later to change them,” the Princess snapped.

At last the Princess lowered the entire length of the sheets and glanced down her tower out of the window. The sheets were the perfect measurement and just barely brushed the grass. The Princess turned back to her vanity and looked at herself.