
Chapter Three

“But what of the boy? Would he think me fair enough to wed?”

The Princess shook such thoughts from her head and began to pull herself out of the window. Her task was difficult and the sheets were slick. She almost lost her grip more than once. She kept her footing along the stones of her tower and made her way to the ground. After what seemed like an eternity she felt her feet brush the solid ground. She turned and could see the boy working in the field. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon; he would be going inside soon. The Princess pulled up her dress and ran to the boy. He turned and watched her run with a smile on his face. He dropped his scythe and opened his arms as she grew close. He swept her up in his embrace and she laughed.

“Oh, my sweet boy, how long I have waited to feel the warmth of your embrace,” she said breathlessly.

“Not nearly as long as I have been waiting, your Majesty.”

The boy smiled wickedly and pulled her in tighter. He pressed his lips roughly to hers and the Princess frowned, confused. She did not understand. This boy was her true love, so why was he acting so callously? She attempted to pull away, and the boy ceased his forced kiss.

“What is the matter, Highness? Are you not satisfied with me?”

He cackled and pulled her towards his house.

“I don’t understand!” she cried.

“What is to not understand?” he laughed evilly, “You are mine now, and you will be as such for the rest of time!”

The Princess cried out and wrenched her hand from his grip.

“You are not who I thought you to be, boy. I no longer wish to be yours.”
She turned and started to run back to the castle, but the boy grabbed her waist and pulled her back.

“You must be confused, my sweet, for you no longer have a choice.”

The Princess slapped the boy across the face and took advantage of his momentary weakness. She pushed him to the ground and ran for the castle again. She ran as hard as she could, pushing her stamina to its limits. She could hear the boy running behind her now and that only forced her to run faster.

“Sweet Princess, why do you flee?” he gasped mockingly.

The Princess cried out in sorrow. She was only one hundred feet from the safety of her castle, but she could hear the boy growing closer. Her mind reeled as she tried to think of an escape. Such irony it was that the one thing the Princess ached for was to be away from the castle and free of her father, but now the castle was her one safe haven. The Princess ducked behind a tree, attempting to slow her breath so she would not be discovered. She heard the boy’s footsteps slow.

“He must have realized I have stopped. But where is he? If I peek surely he will find me!” She thought.

His footsteps grew louder and the Princess held her breath in anticipation. Leaves crunched and twigs snapped as he grew ever closer. He reached the Princess’ hiding place but had not yet realized her location. The boy peeked his head around the tree and the Princess clenched her fist. She drew her arm back and threw her fist straight at the boy’s nose. She heard the tell-tale crunch of bones breaking and she gasped in surprise. But she would have time to feel guilt and sorrow later; right now she needed to make it back to her castle. She pushed the boy to the ground once more and dashed for the castle’s door. She grew close and threw herself at the door; but alas, it was locked! She glanced over her shoulder and saw the boy starting to get to his feet. She pounded her fists on the wood of the door and cried out,

“Someone, please! Someone help me, please!”