‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


Next year - 18 years old

Sitting at the window seat with Rach on my left, I was looking down at my interlocked hands lying in my lap, sweating profusely. Why am I so nervous? I’m coming home. I’m coming back to where I belong. Coming back to my loving friends; who I missed terribly. Coming back to my… boyfriend. Oh God.

Following Rach out of our terminal, I spotted Garrett waiting there for Rach and I, along with John, his back was facing towards me. At the sight of his lanky, yet sexy frame, all my nervousness was washed away. I quickly ran up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes.

“Boo!” I exclaimed removing my hands, there was no point is saying “Guess who” because he obviously knew that I was the only who would do that.

He turned around, “Hey.” He smiled his lovely crooked smile once his eyes met my frame.

“Hi.” I smiled back, dropping my carry-on down to the floor. I noticed Garrett and Rach had given us some privacy and gone to get our luggage which was placed a ways behind John’s back.

“How was-“

I hugged him so tight, he had to stop talking.

“What was that for?” he chuckled, his arms still laid at his sides.

“I’m so happy to see you.” I exclaimed very giddily.

He chuckled again, “Well, that’s a first.”

I loosened my grip on him, pulling away to look at him face-to-face. “No its not,” I scolded him. “I’m always happy to see you.” How could he ever think that?

“I mean that I got a greeting like that,” He explained his previous statement. “You’re being such a girl.” He chuckled again, and I couldn’t help but smile up at him. I was back home, I was happy, excited even, and I was back in John’s arms. What more could I want? Of course I was acting like a silly little school girl.

I smirked and kept looking up at him, “Well, I’m a free bitch baby.”

“And what does that mean?” he questioned my incredulous statement.

“That means shut up and make a move already.” I told him seductively, my eyes boring into his.

His response was, “Who are you and what have you done with the Natalie I knew a few years ago?”

I stepped back, removing myself completely from the touch of his body, placing my hands on my hips, “Well, if that’s the way you’re going to act, then I’m just going to go help Garrett with my luggage.” I told him, starting to pick my carry-on up from the cold floor.

With no cocky remark coming from John’s lips, I slung my bag over my shoulder and proceeded to make my way over to the conveyor belts. I didn’t get far though, due to the fact that John grabbed my arm that did not have my carry-on and pulled me close to him, crashing his lips to mine in the process. It was more than the perfect kiss to the perfect start of the perfect summer.

After retrieving our luggage, John and I said our goodbyes to Rach and Garrett before separating to our respectful rides back home.

“Where are we going?” I asked John once I realized that we weren’t on any road that led to his house.

“My house.” He said matter-of-factly with a proud grin. I looked at him confused for a moment before it finally clicked.

“Shut up!” I exclaimed, turning to look at him as he smirked at my reaction. “You didn’t tell me you bought a house.”

“Yeah, Halvo and I share it.” He informed me, the smirk still present on his features.

“How is Halvo, I haven’t seen him in awhile?” I asked, resting my head back on the headrest of the seat, closing my eyes, remembering all the havoc and great times we’ve had.

“He’s Halvo,” he stated. “Of course he’s having fun.” He chuckled. “They just finished a mini tour with Mayday.” He added on a serious note.

“Ooo fun.”


We pulled up at an unfamiliar small tan house, which I assumed to be John’s new living quarters.

“O-M-G this is it!” I exclaimed happily, shifting in my seat, making my way out of the car.

“Yeah, why are you so happy?” He asked, looking at me like I was insane.

“What?” I questioned as we started to get out of the car. “I can’t be happy that my boyfriend finally moved out of his parent’s house?”

“And what does that mean?” he raised an eyebrow at me as he pulled my suitcase out of the trunk of his old BMW.

“That means you’re becoming a man.” I replied with a smirk. “Grand tour?” I asked when we reached the front door.

He chuckled at my eagerness. “Let’s put your bag away first.”

I rolled my eyes, “Fine.”

Despite what he said, John pointed out all the rooms on the first floor before leading me upstairs. The staircase was placed a couple of feet behind the front door, with the kitchen to its left, the living room to the stairs right. Down a small hallway that was adjoined with the living room was Halvo’s quarters along with his own bathroom.

At the top of the staircase, there were three doors, not including closets and the equipment room. John led us into the door on the far right, across from the bands equipment room.

“This doesn’t look like your room.” I said out loud as I took notice that the walls were a light shade of purple, with a matching bed set, desk, bookshelf, and wardrobe drawers.

“It’s not.” He said simply. “It’s yours.”

I was confused and yet flattered, “I have my own room?” I had to ask for the clarification.

“Yeah, I thought it would be nice for you to have your own space.” His hands were shoved in his pockets now that my luggage was placed in the room, and he was looking down at his feet. I could never get enough of the shy, nervous, awkward John.

“Thanks,” I turned to him, sliding my arms between his and his body, pressing us close together, I looked up at his face. “But I want to be all up in yours.” I leaned up and pecked his nose.

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear.” He in turn leaned down and kissed me on my lips.

After that, John showed me the bathroom which was the door to the left of my room’s, and then his room which was on the far left. His room was a bunch of beige’s and browns; simple, yet sophisticated.

We sat on his bed, talking about the past few months, and what we’ve been up to. Talking didn’t last that long before we attached ourselves together at the lips.

We kept at our antics until we heard a familiar voice start to speak. John was on his back with me straddling on top of him, our heads lying at the foot of his bed, fully clothed. “John, have you- oh.” The intruder was none other than Eric Halvorsen himself, he was taken aback when he saw our positions, but put it aside as he greeted me with one of those head nods and a smirk, “Hi Natalie.”

I looked up at him standing awkwardly in the doorway; I smiled, not moving off of John, “Hey, Halvo.”

“Am I interrupting?” He asked, already knowing that he most certainly was.

“What do you want?” John groaned from under me. I chuckled; sexually frustrated John is cute.

Eric got to the reason for his intrusion, “Have you seen my bass?”

“No.” John replied with that tone that said it’s-your-shit-why-would-I-know-where-it-is.


“Did you leave it at Justin’s house when you were unloading the van?” I asked, throwing in my own little input as to where it might have been hiding.

“Oh, I didn’t even think of that.” Eric said. “Thanks, Natalie. It’s gonna be nice having you around.” He thanked me, walking out and back downstairs, leaving the door wide open behind him.

“I’m going to like being around.” I said looking down at John and pecking his lips.

“You’re not going to go visit Jess?” John asked randomly after our make out session.

“Nope, they’re on tour with WTK.” I told him matter-of-factly.

He changed the subject when there was nothing else to say, “So what do you want to do?”

I contemplated his question for a minute, wondering if we could get away with being cooped up in his room for the rest of the day. My conclusion, being that it was my first day back and everyone knew about it, came out negative; even if we didn’t go out, they all sure as hell would come here. I chose an alternative that I was in fact in dire need of, “Get a tan.”

He got up from his seated spot next to me on his bed. “To Tim’s house we go!” he exclaimed, pointing an index finger in the air as an “onward” motion. I chuckled at his childishness, as I too rose from my spot and followed behind him and out to the car.

“Hey, Timmy, Ashley.” I greeted the long term couple as John and I entered their backyard, where the rest of the guys were of course also hanging out.

“Natalie! You’re finally here.” Tim greeted me with a hug, as did Ashley.

I replied to his realization once we broke from our embrace, “Yessir.”

“Nattie!” I heard that familiar high pitched scream call behind me, but his body crashed against my back in a huge embrace before I could turn around and greet one of my best friends first.

“Oh my god!” I said in shock. “Hi to you too, Patty.” I greeted him back, moving my hand up over past my head to pat his own head.

He squeezed me tighter, “I missed you, kiddie.”

“I missed you too, shortie.” I replied.

“Hey what about us?” I heard Kennedy call from inside the pool along with Jared, Vito, Eric, Gabi, Garrett, and Rach.

“I’m getting there.” I huffed at their impatience, as I made my way over to the side of the pool to greet the remainder of my best friends.

After saying hello to each one of them and swimming a bit, we all unanimously decided that it was time to eat some of the sandwiches that Ashley made us. We were all crowed around the patio furniture on their back deck, for lack of chairs, girlfriends ended up sitting on their man’s lap.

“I missed all of you, okay.” I concluded after Pat and Jared decided that they wanted to fight over who they think I missed more, ruling out John and the girls for obvious reasons; him being my boyfriend, and the girls being my only girl friends.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” The two said simultaneously.

“It’s been too long.” I sighed leaning back into John.

Pat wagged his finger at me, “You’re not allowed to leave anymore now that you’re back.”

I semi-groaned, “I have school.”

“Don’t go. None of us did.” Garrett pointed out to help Pat out, according to them, there was still a chance that I wouldn’t be sucked into the whole college thing and leave them with only their music and each other for nine months of the year.

“And that’s why I am going.” I responded. “You guys are musicians, I have no talent what’s so ever.” I confessed.

“Be our merch girl.” Jared added in.

“That puts Vito out of a job, and I’m not that kind of person.” I tried to let them down easily, playing the Vito card.

“Sometimes I do need help.” Vito confessed. Of course he’d say that. They’re all against me here.

“Yes, you need lots of help.” I told him, getting off of John’s lap and over to him in his chair on the opposite side of the table. “It’s 11 AM and you’ve already tapped into the Jack.” I took his cup away from him, sipping it myself, just because I could.

The gang all laughed at Vito’s shocked face as I ripped away his alcohol, and then drank the rest myself. That face was priceless.

“Mooch off of John. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Tim brought the conversation back into play once I was seated back on my boyfriends lap.

John wrapped his arms around my waist, squeezing me close to him. “As long as it keeps her around, it’ll be fine with me.” he pecked my cheek.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I reassured him. I saw the hopeful looks of the men around me, thinking that they finally won this argument. “Except school in September.” I watched as almost all the boy’s faces fell. “But I will be back whenever I can. I don’t have any obligation to go back to my mother’s anymore. I’m a free bitch baby.” I reassured them again.

“No you’re not.” John pulled me in again at the latter of my last statement. “You’re taken.” He pecked me again.

I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“Oh do I?” he questioned, loosening his grip on me.

“Yes you do.” I told him. “Or else you’re sleeping alone tonight.”

Eric jumped in, “Hey, we got a three bedroom so I wouldn’t have to hear the two of you fucking in the middle of the night.”

Pat covered his ears with his hands, “Spare me the details.”

“We’ve never slept together before. GOD!” I assured them. I don’t know why they always assume these things.

“Likely story.” Jared narrowed his eyes at me, making me shift in my seat.

“What about the night before you left?” Tim questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Kennedy did the same, “Or when John stayed over after the show?”

“Nothing happened.” I said again.

“Come on, we’re all friends here . You can tell us.” Rach joined in, smiling widely.

I had enough of this inquisition, and accidently blurted out, “I’m a mother-fucking virgin!”

“At least we know one of you are.” Jared chuckled.

“If you’re a mother-fucking virgin, then you’re not a virgin because you’re fucking mothers.” Garrett pointed out just to be cocky.

“Natalie, we didn’t know you were like that.” Kennedy looked taken aback.

“That’s hot.” Vito said seriously, eying me.

“Oh my god.” I shook my head in defeat and leaned back against John, he stroked the top of my head knowing that I’ve lost this second battle of the day.

“Where are you going?” John asked as I walked towards my room, once we got home from Tim and Ashley’s.

“To go change.” I answered. “I won’t be long.”

“You better not.”

Once I was finished, I entered his room which was pitch black. “What, are you sleeping already?” I asked, not really believing the words as they escaped my lips.

I felt hands wrap around my waist, and warm lips trailing kisses up my neck. “No.” he whispered in my ear, and then continued with what he was doing.

“John.” I moaned as he sucked the tender spot on my neck and felt him smile against me, already knowing that that was my “spot”. He turned me around in his arms, our lips finally connecting.

He wasted no time backing me over to the bed, him falling on top of me, but holding his weight off of my frame. After a few heated moments, I rolled him over, taking control and coming out on top.

We broke away for air and he looked up into my eyes with his enchanting green irises.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for prom.” He whispered apologetically. “I told Tim to not book anything for that weekend, but he forgot.” He told me for the millionth time.

“It’s okay, I forgive you.” I leaned down and chastely kissed his lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Natalie.” He replied. “Always.” He craned his neck to kiss me again. I rolled off of him, snuggling into his side.

I wasn’t mad, per say, but I told him months in advanced about prom and how much it would mean to me for him to be there, but alas Tim came in the way. I do regret not going to the biggest night in my high school career, and letting John’s imaginary presence be my reason for not attending the event. Considering I had no other friends there besides Nathan, but he moved on and it would be awkward, I opted to not go at all. I’d rather be at home and alone, then in a room full of hundreds of people and all alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't get any comments on the last chapter of The Summer Scene :'( my feelings are hurt.

Here's the deal with updating: I just started my 2nd summer job, so I won't really be able to update it as much as I did with The Summer Scene, along with all my IB homework O.O, so please bare with me here.

And just so you know, these first few chapters will be kinda like filler's, unless you guys have something you'd like to see happen, then let me know, if not, then you have to wait until spring break...(in the story)

I love you all <33
Comments Motivate Me
