‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


It’s been almost three weeks since spring break, and I decided to fly down to Tempe for my birthday, considering it was a four day weekend since I had no classes scheduled.

As I was waiting in the airport Gate 6 seating area for my flight to board my phone started to vibrate in my hand, signaling I had an incoming call. I took a quick look at the screen before answering. I shook my head with a small smile played on my lips as I read that name, Godsex.

“Hello.” I said happily, that smile still present on my facial features.

“Hey Nat-uh-leee!” Justin sing-songed into the receiver. “Happy Birthday, sexay!”

I couldn’t help but smile wider and chuckle, “Thanks, bro.”

“So now that you’re nineteen, you ready to settle down?” he asked seriously in a mocking manner.

I played along, “You offering?”

“Hells yeah!”

In the background I heard Justin’s roommate, Ryan yell, “Natalie, back the fuck off. Just-i-sexy is mine and he doesn’t need your love!” I couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably, causing bystanders to stare at me until I decided to collect myself.

“Did I forget to mention you’re on speaker?” Justin added in.

“Alright, Ry. You win.” I said loudly, to make sure he heard me, intentionally ignoring Justin’s comment.

“Good.” Ryan replied. “Happy nineteenth, Nat.” he congratulated me.


After that, Justin must have taken me off of speaker because his voice got a little lower and clearer when he asked me, “So what are you doing for your big day?”

“Flying down.” I simply replied.

He seemed shocked in a happy way. “Really?” he asked to confirm my previous reply.

“Yes.” I answered him. “I’m actually waiting to board my plane right now.” I informed him.

“Awesome.” I could tell he was extremely happy about my spur-of-the-moment visit. “I’ll let you go then.” He said. “We must hook up sometime while you’re here.” He added in.

I smiled, “Definitely.”

“Bye.” He said, ending our conversation. “Happy Birthday.”

“Bye, Godsex,” I replied, “See you later. Tell Ryan I said ‘bye’.”

“Will do, sweetie.” With that we both hung up.

Before my flight left from New York, I read the text that was just sent to me. It was from John.

Happy Birthday! Love you.

Just a few more hours and I’ll be in his arms again. I can’t wait, I miss him so much!

The taxi came and picked me up at the airport, then drove me to our first stop: the house. I didn’t expect anybody to be home; I read their tweets and all most all of my Maine and A Rocket boys tweeted Moose Party, which meant that they were partying at Max’s place, our second and last stop of the evening. I threw my suitcase and carry-on upstairs in my room and then ran back to the taxi cab to start epic my birthday evening.

I walked through Max’s open front door and noticed that this was more than just the guy’s casual party; the place was packed and there were so many people I could tell that I have never met before. I walked towards the back of the house, and into the kitchen to get myself a drink. I took notice to Eric, Max, and Vito standing by the counter where all the drinks were set up on.

“Hey, guys.” I greeted them with a huge smile and a wave. Each one of them looked at me with wide eyes. When none of them spoke I curiously asked, “Have you seen John?”

“Natalie, hey.” Eric spoke up to greet me first. “What are you doing here?” He asked, avoiding my question.

“Decided to hang out with my friends for my nineteenth birthday.” I shrugged matter-of-factly. “Where’s John?” I asked again, a little demanding this time.

Vito replied stoically with a forced shrug, “Don’t know, haven’t seen him.”

I looked him in the eyes and called him out, “Bull.” I walked off in the direction of the living room where there were people dancing around. I chose to ask the first person who was not one of my close friends, “Have you seen John?”

She looked at me once over and said, “Check the guest room.”

I cautiously plowed myself through all the drunk and sweaty people that crowded up Max’s house on my way through the rest of the living room, and down the hallway until I reached the last door on the right, the guest room. I pushed the white door cautiously open in case the girl was wrong and it was some other couple spending their time in here.

The room was dark; the only light in the room was the small amount I let in from the hall. I scanned the room with my eyes not finding John. There was a faint creaking sound emitting from the room, most likely the bed. My assumptions were correct; there was another couple in here. Just as I was about to close the door and let them be, I heard the female’s voice moan out rather loudly “Johnn!”

With that I threw the door open, letting the little light fill up most of the room. I took in the scene before me, to my dismay it was in fact my John that was hovering over the nude girl, his stupid equal sign tattoo on his left forearm gave him away. I took the door knob back in my hand, shutting the door behind me as I left.

Fuming I stomped back to the kitchen and found the three boys who were standing in the same place that I left them in.

When I was in ear shot of them I started screaming, “You knew! You fucking knew and you didn’t stop him!” I was standing right in front of Max, Vito, and Eric, almost right in there faces. “You didn’t remind him that he had a girlfriend.” I yelled at them, taking my anger out on them instead of the jackass that deserved it. “You didn’t remind him that he was in love.” I yelled once more. I felt my emotions catching up with me, tears starting to form in the ducts of my eyes. “Some friend’s you are.” I huffed out before the tears could fall, before my composure completely fell apart.

Eric stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my shaking frame. “Come on Natalie, I’ll take you home.” He said to me, and then led me through the back door and to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the drama-rama begins. I'm so excited!
Can we manage 10 comments?
oh, this chapter was cut in half so this is: 1/2 if i get 5 or more comments by tomorrow then I'll post it tomorrow night :)
