‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down

Retail Therapy

After a very convincing conversation with Ross I was brought back to that house due to the fact that Ross said that I could not live in his clothing for the rest of my stay here. Thus forcing me to be in the presence of the prick, who, if I’m lucky will still be passed out at Max’s. I walked through that front door of the house after Ross dropped me back off after our lunch date.

I was closing the door behind me when I heard, “When’d you get back?” I turned to face him, trying to keep my composure together. He was sitting on the couch, his head was the only thing turned around to face him, a look of surprise etched on to his face.

My jaw clenched together and I bitterly spat out, “Don’t fucking talk to me.”

He was taken aback, “What-“

“I caught you with that whore last night.” I enlightened him with a grim smirk. “I can’t fucking believe you.” I threw my hands up in rage, “If you didn’t want me anymore then why didn’t you say something instead of stringing me along and breaking my heart?” I questioned him rhetorically, and continued my rant, “I loved you, and I thought you loved me too.” I shook my head unbelievingly, “But I guess I was only good for one time.” With that said I started up the stairs and towards my room.

“Natalie, wait.” He called after me, now standing at the bottom of the staircase.

I spun around in an instant. “No John, you wait.” I retorted harshly. “I waited for you for three years.” I informed him. “That’s three years of my life down the toilet. If I knew that it was going to end up like this, I wouldn’t have even wasted my breath.” I spat out. “I’m done.” I stated, but rethought my words, “We’re done.”

John then decided to ask, “Then where’d you stay last night?” He didn’t get the picture, did he?

“None of your fucking business.” I, once again, turned around and ran up to my room before my tears could fall in his presence.

There was a knock at my door an hour or so after my fight with John and I contemplated on opening up the door; it could either be John or Halvo. I chose to unlock the door since he probably wasn’t back yet, he must have went over to her house to openly fuck her without me getting in the way.

I shuffled over to the wooden door, opening it and coming face-to-face with Halvo. “Hey, I thought you might want something.” He said, offering me a plate with a sandwich and some potato chips on it. He’s so thoughtful.

Not having the heart to tell him I wasn’t hungry since I ate just a couple hours ago, I took the plate from him. “Thanks, Eric.” I tried to smile up at him.

Eric looked torn, and I couldn’t help the feeling I got thinking that I did this to him. I mean, I caught his best friend cheating on me, and he knew that John was, Eric then stepped up and cared for me while I was emotional, and now I’m here, living in his house for the next few days, the house which he shares with John. I guess he doesn’t know whose side to be on; its better being neutral.

“Gabi’s downstairs by the way.” He told me, pointing to the stairs with his thumb over his shoulder.

I nodded my head, putting the plate on my nightstand after taking a chip in my mouth, and then followed him to the foyer where Gabi was standing there, waiting for me.

“Hey, baby. What’s up?” She greeted me, overly happy, she mustn’t have known.

I shrugged and replied, “I caught John cheating on me.”

Her green eyes went wide, “Oh my God, Nattie.” She was completely shocked; her right hand even flew up to her mouth to cover her gasp.

“Yeah, everyone there knew he was cheating on me too.” I told her, looking at Eric through my peripherals, who decided to leave us girls alone and go practice in his room. “You didn’t know?” I asked her.

“No, I’ve been at school,” she told me, “and Kennedy was with me this week so he doesn’t know either.” She finished

“Well now you do.”

“Oh, baby,” She cooed, coming in closer to me, embracing me in a hug, “he doesn’t deserve you.” she said like the others did.

All I could do was sigh into her shoulder, I was already sick of this; this sympathy, and talking about it.

“I’m gonna take you out,” she stated. “We’re gonna have a girls day.” If I didn’t know her better I wouldn’t have known that this girls day was going to happen whether John and I broke up or not. “Come on, get dressed.” She shooed me upstairs

I threw on a new pair of jeans and a tee shirt and then Gab and I were on our way to the mall. Retail therapy definitely gets the mind off of high-end assholes.

I was sitting on the floor of my room sorting out all of my clothing, new and old, when Halvo walked in.

“Woah, serious shopping.” He exclaimed.

I looked up at him with a smirk, “Yeah, I know.”

He closed the door behind him and took a seat next to me. “What are you gonna do with it all?” he asked. Obviously all of the articles did not fit in my closet.

I shrugged, unsure of this myself, “Take what I can home I guess.”

“You’re gonna leave?” he looked upset that I was considering leaving for forever. “Do I get to say goodbye?” Our eyes were connected and I could feel the sadness that was radiating from him.

I leaned in, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. “Bye, Halvo.” I whispered in his ear.

“Bye, Nattie.” He whispered back. “I’m sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” I shook my head against his neck.

“I’m still sorry.” I pulled away from our embrace to look at him in the eyes. Eric Halvorsen is such a great guy.
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"Good job now write more"
haha i liked that comment, so here's the 'more'

20 comments and then I'll post the next one. It's already done being written :) It's pretty big and heated too, so, ya know...
