‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


I was done sitting around and getting sympathy from my friends. I need to get over John, he’s already over me, and so it’s only fair. Right?

I held my cell phone in my hands and scrolled down to that name that I thought I’d never ever call in my life. “Hello?” he answered wearily.

“Hey, Connor?” I chipperly greeted him. “What are you doing today?” I asked curiously, playing with the bed threading beneath me.

“Nothing much.” He replied.

“Wanna hang?”

“Um, sure.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at his confused state.

I gave Connor the address I was at, along with some directions, and he told me he’d be there in five.

After fixing up my appearance I skipped downstairs so that I could wait for Connor in the yard rather than inside. To my dismay he was sitting on the couch watching television.

“Where are you going?” he asked, eying me up and down.

I didn’t respond to him, I just kept walking out the door until I was standing on the top step, on the lookout for my date.

“What’s with the sudden change of heart?” Connor asked as we were starting to drive away from the house, breaking the awkward silence that was starting to fill the vehicle.

I was slightly confused, having to ask, “What do you mean?” I needed clarification; the only person my heart has changed on was John.

He let out a dry chuckle before simply explaining, “You used to hate me.”

I gasped, “I’ve never hated you.” I turned to look at him to see the unamused smile play across his plump pink lips. “It’s just, that, you weren’t older than me.” I confessed lowly, looking back out my window and away from his gaze.

“What?” he asked this time. I couldn’t tell if he didn’t hear me, or he just wanted clarification. I chose the latter, mainly because I didn’t want to have to repeat myself.

“I’ve spent so much time hanging out with older people,” I started to explain “That I’ve missed out on doing things my own age.” I concluded in pure honesty.

“Oh.” Was his initial reaction before he decided to speak actual dictionary words, “Well, you’ve still had everything you wanted at the time.” he added.

“Yeah, had.” I rolled my eyes and laid my head back against the headrest, before confessing, “John and I broke up.”

Connor’s eyes widened a little and I could see the hint of hope radiating from his eyes. “Why?” he cautiously asked.

“We fell out.” I shrugged it off as something simple for Connor’s sake, and maybe mine... “We’re just too different now, we want different things,” I started to smoothly lie, “He wants to be a rock star, and I want an education and an actual career.” I added in. I don’t know if I’m trying to convince him or myself…

“I see.” He replied with a nod of the head. I smiled to myself in accomplishment, he actually bought the story. “So what do you want to do?” he changed the subject as we came to a four-way intersection.

I closed my eyes, still leaning back, and sighing, “Anything.”

“A skate park?” I asked incredulously as I got out of the car and followed Connor down a long cement pathway to the entrance.

“You said anything.” He smiled as he used my words against me, and then grabbing my hand to pull me along beside him.

“I’ve never been on a skateboard before.” I confessed quietly as Connor flashed some sort of pass to a guy seated in the entrance booth.

He smirked a crooked smile that made my heart skip a beat, “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you.”
I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

My lesson consisted of Connor showing off a bit on his board before actually letting me step foot on it. He’s such a freaking ham.

“Ok,” he said as he kicked the board up so it landed in his hands. “This,” he held the board up for me to see it, “Is a skateboard. It has wheels,” he pointed to the four wheels placed under the wooden board, “and it rolls.” He then placed the skateboard in front of me, the wheels hitting the pavement, “You stand on it.” He pointed out, gesturing for me to get on.”

I looked at him wearily; that thing was definitely going to slide out from underneath me, sending me flying back.

Connor saw the uncertainty etched out on my face, “Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” he reassured me.

With that, I inhaled and then stepped onto the piece of wood, Connor’s left hand embracing my right the whole time.

“There,” Connor said, “You’re standing on it.”

“Great.” I sarcastically replied, causing him to chuckle.

“Ok,” he took my free hand in his own, “We’re gonna move now.” He informed me.

“If I fall…” I started to threaten.

“You won’t,” he again sweetly reassured me, “I got you.” he smiled up at me, our eyes locking, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“You’re doing fine!” Connor argued after an hour or so into my “lesson”. “I’m gonna let go.” He said for the fifth time this argument.

“Oh no you’re not.” I argued back from my place on the board.

Connor was behind me, instead of holding my hands and pulling me along, his hands were on my waist, gliding me to wherever it was I was meant to go.

“Oh yes I am.” He chuckled evilly as his hands left their place and I went rolling down the small hill we were practicing on.

I went into panic mode, suddenly not remembering anything I was just taught, and the board rolled from under me and I went flying in the other direction.

“Natalie!” I heard Connor yell as I hit the pavement hard on my back. “Shit.” He sounded so worried.

I don’t know why, but something inside of me caused me to start hysterically laughing.

“Natalie, are you okay?” I looked up to see Connor’s worried face gazing down upon me, making sure I wasn’t hurt or bleeding I presume.

I arose from the floor, brushing myself off before looking him in his dark hazel eyes and replying, “Well I’ve had enough damage for one day.”

I could tell he was looking me over once more just to make sure I was okay.

“Uh,” Connor started to say, his right hand moving up to rub the back of his neck. “You wanna see a movie?” he asked a little shyly.

I smiled back, “Sure.”

And with that, Connor went to retrieve his board as we made our way back to the car, my fingers lacing with his.
♠ ♠ ♠
1 of 2 If you're overly awesome commenters then I'll post the second half ASAP.
So that means, like, hmmm 10 by the end of the night :)

Tell me what you think, I wanna know. We're getting to the scenes that were the first to pop into my mind, one of which is at the end oft the next chapter!

Love you all,