‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


Connor and I reached the movie theatre, both of us unsure and lightly arguing about what to see.

“Piranha.” Connor argued.

“Nanny McPhee.” I argued back.

“Vampire’s Suck.” he tried to coax.

I seductively smiled, “Eat Pray Love.”

“Inception.” We both oddly said at the same time.

Connor smirked and extended his right hand out towards me, “Deal?” he asked.

I smiled back and took his hand in my own, shaking it, “Deal.”

He turned to the ticket vendor, “Two,” he held up two fingers, “for Inception.”

“That’ll be twenty dollars.” The vendor told him.

After Connor paid for our tickets, we decided on taking a seat smack dab in the middle of the showroom we were directed to, just to be weird and difficult.

In the midst of the previews, just when the actual film was about to start, Connor draped his right arm across my shoulders. I couldn’t help but snuggle in closer to him. After a little while longer, our hands were laced together and I noticed that I was spending most of my time paying attention to the patterns I was drawing on his skin, then what was going on in the movie. When the film came to an end and the lights turned back on, I pulled myself out of Connor’s hold.

Walking out of the movie theatre, Connor asked me, “You hungry?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I guess, you?”

“Same.” He replied back, as we made our way to his car.

I don’t know why things are being pretty awkward between the two of us, we just spent a little over two ours cuddling and playing with each other’s hands. I don’t get it.

“Where do you wanna grab a bite?” he turned to ask me as he started the car.

“In-N-Out.” I replied, knowing that he was thinking the same thing. In-N-Out is beast!

He smiled, confirming me guess that he was thinking the same thing, “You got it.”

We were back out the house. Connor parked the car by the curb, deciding to walk me to the door.

I turned the knob on the front door once we reached it, Connor following in behind me, it was open. We both proceeded inside the house, standing in the tiny foyer. I noticed that there was a body with blonde hair lying on the couch, her feet above his huge ones. I turned around to face Connor, who was no more than a foot away, and he kept moving in closer to me. Soon enough my back was against the wall that was next to the staircase, his tall frame was so close to mine. His faced, adorned with his side swept nearly black hair and dark hazel eyes kept leaning in closer to me. He kissed my cheek, then kissed a little closer to my lips, and he trailed kisses until the next untouched space was my lips.

“Connor,” I breathed, but his movements didn’t stop. “Connor, I can’t.” I said steadily this time.

I pushed him away, sliding against the wall until I reached the stairs, and then I continued running to my room.

Locking my door behind me, I threw myself onto my bed, the tears coming out faster and my sobs coming out louder into my pillow. He has to ruin everything, doesn’t he? I can’t even try to get over him without him having to come back and, and, and ughhh!! I hate that skinny bastard. I cried myself to sleep, my thoughts finally subsiding to let me drift off into unconsciousness.

I woke up at 2:15 in the morning; I dialed my Tempe Taxi Service’s number, informing them that I would need a car as soon as they could send one. I threw whatever I could find lying around my room into a suitcase, and packed the rest of my bags. Then I met the taxi outside in the night.

I’ve come to the conclusion that John was my Arizona. He was my safety, my happiness, my backbone, my everything. Now all that was gone. Gone within minutes.
♠ ♠ ♠

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