‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


Again, I exited the terminal. This scene was all too familiar to me, except that this time there was no one there waiting for me. I went to baggage claim, found my duffle, and made my way into the lighted evening.

It all set in.

I found the closest bench and collapsed on it. Pulling out my phone I dialed the number of the only person I could have trusted since the first day I met him.

“Kennedy, can you come and get me?” I blurted out shakily once I heard him pick up his phone to his ear.

“What’s wrong?” He asked like any other person would. Worry was evident from his hasty speech. “Where are you? Now he sounded just a tad confused as to why I was calling him.

Just as simply as I told Vanessa beforehand, I told him, “The airport.”

“Wh- Never mind.” He started to ask, but then backtracked. “I’ll be there in ten.” I could hear him opening the front door and swinging his keys in his hand.

“Thanks, Kenny.”

I sat on that bench all the while I waited for Kennedy, counting down the minutes until I am faced with a confrontation.

His little red Toyota pulled up right in front of me. I could only imagine what I looked like sitting outside of the airport with nowhere to go…

Upon climbing in and buckling up, Kennedy turned to me and asked sweetly and knowingly, “What happened?” His deep hazel-green eyes filled with worry.

I couldn’t look at him. Not yet anyways that is. “Is Gabi home?” I counter-asked, staring out the passenger window.

“Yeah.” He answered me with a furrowed brow. “But, Nat, what’s going on?” he pleaded; he really wanted to be filled in and understand. That’s why I love Kenny, he always wants everyone around him to be happy, and if he could make it happen then he’d be ecstatic.

I turned towards him, my eyes not connecting with his face. “I’ll tell you when we get to your apartment.”

He nodded his head once and then we were on our way to Kennedy and Gabi’s apartment.

As soon as I walked through the door Gabi hung up with whoever she was talking to in the kitchen on the phone with, and ran over towards me, enveloping me in a short hug before she pulled away and started the questioning. “Natalie, what happened, baby?” was the first for round one.

“I’m,” I took a deep breath, I just couldn’t come to terms with this, “I’m pregnant.”

Her hazel eyes grew wide and a hand flew up to her mouth to stifle her gasp, “No.”

I simply nodded.

She was still shocked; she stood there slowly letting her hand fall from her mouth as she asked question number two, “When’d you find out?”

“Earlier today.” She gave me a look of sympathy.

Neither of us talked, not even Kennedy, though I’m sure this was as a shock to him as it was to Gabi, he has to work with him first handily every day. Sounds like he has it worse, huh?

Gabi was taking in my appearance through this silence. “You look tired, you need to sleep.” She told me, motioning Kennedy to bring my duffle bag into their guest room.

“I’ve been throwing up the entire week, I’m exhausted.” I informatively told her, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Kennedy cringe in disgust.

“It’ll get better in time.” She semi-cheerfully said, coming over and pulling me into a tight, reassuring hug.

“Hopefully.” I whispered in her ear.

Suddenly I felt the weight of the world slip from my shoulders, and all I’ve wanted to do was sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I expect 15 comments between the both of these.

What do you think is going to happen now that she's back in AZ? What about John?
Lemme know your theories!!

Oh, I started an Autobiography, if you will, it's called To Be Extraordinary. I guess you can read it if you want to kind of get to know me personally. Chapter 5 is where is gets interesting, just a heads up. The first like 4 are totally fillers/random shit to sort of get you set in my life routine. Please read/comment/subscribe on it, if you love me!
