‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


“Wake up, fuckers. Time to get rollin’!” Eric yelled into our room, stirring both John and I awake.

“Do we have to get up?” I groaned, cuddling closer into John’s chest to hide from the rays of sun creeping their way into the beige room from behind the blinds.

“What time is it?” he asked; his voice saying that he was going back to sleep as well.

“I’m not checking.” I told him sternly.

He groaned, but didn’t move from his place, “I have to do everything.”

“Stop complaining or I’ll shuffle over to my own room,” I used as a serious threat.

I felt John shift under me to look over at the digital clock on the nightstand. “Fuck.”

“What?” I asked concerned, sitting up as well.

He turned his head to look over at me, now sitting up next to him, “We really have to get going.”

“Where are we forced to go?”

He jumped out of bed and scurried around his room trying to find some clean and presentable clothing, while I stayed seated in bed watching him run around like a headless chicken. “Interview at the office,” he informed me. “Fuck we’re going to be so late.” He exclaimed as he pulled on his black skinny jeans, buckling the belt as well.

“Do I have to go?”

“Yes.” He said as he looked over at me like I was crazy for asking such a simple question. “You aren’t leaving my side this whole summer.” He added on as he pulled on his white v-neck tee shirt. He pointed to the door, “Go get dressed.”

I groaned, “I feel like this is school all over again.”

Once I shuffled across the floor to the door way, as I made my exit John smacked my butt causing me to yelp. I glared at him over my shoulder.

“Just making sure you won’t fall back asleep.” He smiled his cocky crooked grin; I then stormed down the hall towards my room.

I am not a morning person.

“Sorry we’re late.” John apologized to the group of his friends and band mates once he first stepped through the doors of the 8123 Management offices, dragging me by the hand behind him. I decided on wearing a simple pair of skinny jeans, a grey tee shirt, and flip flops; not like I had much choice because John was banging down my door five seconds after I left his room.

“Well I’m surprised you two don’t look all disheveled.” Garrett joked in the same manner that the boys have been joking about since the day John and I became public.

Kennedy raised his eyebrows in a knowingly fashion, “Considering what you must have been doing last night.” He added.

Eric held his hands up, defending John and I, “I can say that I didn’t hear a peep last night.”

“Woah, so then what were you two doing last night?” Jared asked.

“You’re a bunch of assholes.” I snapped once John and I joined the group out front of the conference room.

A wave of faux hurt faces along with hands flying to chests, and also an eruption of laughter roared throughout the group of boys. I couldn’t help but smile and roll my eyes at their silly antics.

A petite blonde girl emerged from the other side of the glass door from inside the conference room. “Is everyone here?” she asked, directing her question towards Tim most likely because he’s the head honcho here.

“Yep, our Johno just arrived.” Jared answered for Tim, dropping a hand onto John’s left shoulder, the one opposite me.

She came towards John and I, extending her hand towards him, “Hi, I’m Kaitlyn.” She said with a wide smile and an all-too-cheerful voice.

He let go of my hand to shake hers, “Nice to meet you.” he politely replied. He then motioned over to me with his left hand, which was free, “This is Natalie.” He introduced me, and I gave her a small smile and wave.

“Hi, are you in the band too?” She asked nicely, knowing that I wasn’t ringed throughout her tone.

John took a hold of my hand again. “Nope,” I replied popping the p. “I just got dragged along because they want to torture me.” I looked up at John accusingly.

She turned her body on me to give the boys her full attention, “Okay, then, you guys ready to go inside?” she asked as she pointed to the glass surrounded room behind her.

The Maine boys all nodded and started following Kaitlyn into the conference room. I in turn let go of John’s hand as he too followed in the interviewers steps.

“What are you doing?” John questioned as he noticed that I was not following behind him, and that our skin was no longer touching.

I folded my arms across my chest, “Waiting for this to be over so I can go back to bed.” I tried to put on my best mad face, but failed, because honestly, how could someone be mad at a face like John’s?

He came over to me and took me by my wrist gently so that he could pull me along with him.

“I’m not in the band, though.” I protested as he kept trying to drag me along against my will.

“Doesn’t matter.”

“John, she’s staying out here with the rest of us.” Tim put his foot down. “You’re a big boy, you can do it yourself.” He came over and pulled John’s fingers off of my flesh one by one.

“And you don’t want Natalie’s witty comebacks when the guys start talking.” Eric said.

Tim added on to Eric’s statement, “Nor do we want Kaitlyn to start asking questions about her.”

“Yeah, I don’t want my personal life broadcasted.” I had to add my two cents into the boy’s comments once John’s grip was off of me. “That’s your thing.” I told him as I looked up into his green hypnotic eyes with a smirk.

“Fine.” He barked as he turned on his heels and into the conference room, closing the glass door behind him.

“You’ve got him whipped.” Nick stated once John was out of the room. “How’d you do it?”

I smiled, “He’s learned over the years.”

* * *

My Maine men exited the glass room with Kaitlyn on their trail. John immediately came over to me and wrapped his arms around my torso and placing a chaste kiss on my forehead.

“A Rocket To The Moon?” was the next thing that the little blonde interviewer asked.

“That is us.” Justin stepped towards her with Nick, Eric, and Andrew behind him.

I groaned into John’s chest once I realized that I’d have to sit through another lengthy interview, “Ugh another one.”

“Yes,” Was all John said back to my whine.

“I just want to go back to sleep.”

Pat asked me, “Why are you so crabby?”

“I was woken up at 7:30 in the morning and I’m jetlagged.”

“Your life is so hard.” Kennedy chuckled.

“Yes, yes it is.” I replied. “Thanks for realizing it.”

Once A Rocket was finished, we all went out to eat brunch at Denny’s.

“Mmm, food.” I relished once the waitress brought out our orders. I got a ham and bacon omelet with a side of toast.

“Well you’re happier.” Pat took notice.

“I’m being fed.” I replied matter-of-factly, then stuffing my face with a huge bite of a piece of toast with some of the egg on it.

Nick chuckled, “You’re such an animal.”

“Yeah, dude, slow down.” Eric cautioned me.

“At least we know she’ll never be overly self conscious about her body.” Justin added in.

I gave them all a wide smile clad with chewed food.

John shook his head with a smile, and then draping his right arm across my shoulder, pulling me close. “She’s my girl and I love her.” He placed a light peck to my temple.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Pat wondered, unintentionally changing the subject.

“Practice?” Kennedy asked, but said in more of a statement form.

Tim said in a reminding tone, “You have two weeks before tour.”

I choked on what I was eating.

Eric saw my slip up and said, “Told you to slow down.”

“Tour?” I choked out once I got the bile out of my esophagus.

“Yeah,” Pat confirmed for me. “With All Time Low and BLG.”

I glared over at John with daggers shooting out of my eyes.

He felt and saw the anger radiating off of me and was quick to defend himself, “I was getting there, you just got back and I didn’t want to piss you off.”

“How long?”

“Two months.” He replied.

I shook my head in disbelief, “Basically all of break.” I didn’t look back at John; I turned back towards my plate of half eaten eggs in front of me.

“What are you crying over?” Tim asked me. “You’re coming too.”

I picked my head up to look over at Tim, “I’m what?”

“You, Natalie, are coming on tour with us, The Maine, Boys Like Girls, and All Time Low.” Garrett elaborated for me.

“In a van with a bunch of smelly guys. How I always pictured my summer vacation.” I said with very evident sarcasm.

Jared reassured me, “We’re in a bus.”

“Ooo upgraded.”

“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” Pat gave me an out.

Tim totally crushed and recycled his little brother’s statement, “I had to pull major strings, she’s coming.”

John leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Come on, we’ll be together every day.” He tried to coax me into wanting to go.

“Tempting.” I said out loud.

“We can play pranks on all the guys.” He whispered again, his breath tickling my ear and sending goose bumps down my body.


He tried again, seductively saying, “We can share that really, really small bunk at night.”

With those words so many dirty thoughts ran into my mind, and I couldn’t help but confirm, “I’m in.”

John chuckled with a smirk as smiles of happiness and joy spread across the guy’s faces, knowing that this is going to be an interesting and fun summer.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it was short, but like I said, they're all going to be fillers for a while.

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