‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down

The Morning After

Day four of my stay here I got up early, before Kennedy and Gabi both came to greet the day. With nothing really to do I decided to finally turn my phone back on. Fully loaded, my inbox started to receive text messages all at once; a majority of them were from Vanessa, one from a number a knew all too well, and three from Halvo.

There were two sent from him from yesterday, spread out by about three hours.

From: Halvo Halvorsen
WARNING!! John’s on his way over! MAN THE HATCHETS!!

From: Halvo Halvorsen
So what happened? John’s being a whiny bitch and won’t talk to anyone. He resorted to locking himself up in his room.

And the last text from Halvo was sent at seven in the morning today, half an hour ago.

From: Halvo Halvorsen
John’s gone for the day if you want to come over and hang? If not that’s cool too, I have band practice at noon though. So gimme a call…?

I mulled over taking Eric up on that offer; I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to go back there just yet, there is just so many memorizes surrounding that place.

I hit the reply button, and then typed away my message.

To: Halvo Halvorsen
I’ll be there in 15.

I couldn’t hide from my friends forever, just because of that one douche bag. I got ready, grabbed my bag and sunglasses, and out the door I went. It wasn’t that hot yet since it was early in the day, so I wouldn’t get too sweaty and gross throughout my walk. I didn’t bother to put my headphones in, I liked the quiet right now, everything was calm and awakening, it was nice.

I walked up the small amount of stairs and rang the doorbell to the house. Not to mention it felt really awkward ringing the bell to a house that I semi-lived in.

“Hey,” I greeted him before he even got the chance to open the door fully.

He looked at me and smiled before asking, “How’ve ya been?” There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he already knew about my situation.

“Hanging in there.” I sighed.

Halvo stepped forward closing the gap between us, wrapping his arms around my torso to pull me into him for a hug. “I’m sorry about him,” he apologized.

Again I sighed, but this time into the crook of his neck as I hugged him back, “You always are.”

“Well someone has to be.” He replied as he pulled away from the hug.

I chuckled blandly, “That’s why I keep you around.”

He let me into the house, and I scanned around from my place in the foyer. Nothing changed at all, even the pictures of us, the bands, me, Eric, John, me and John, were still in their rightful places.

“What do you want to do?” Eric asked from behind me, pulling me out of my reeve.

“Food?” It came out more like a question; I didn’t eat a thing before I left and I was hungry, but I didn’t know if Halvo ate already or not.

A silly smirk took place upon his lips, “You read my mind.”

“It’s not that hard,” I chuckled, “You’re always thinking about Chipotle.”

“So sue me!” he replied throwing his arms up in the air, trying to cause a scene, but making me laugh instead.

Still laughing, I countered, “I’d rather not.”

“Good.” He winked at me and I just laughed some more.

To my surprise, Halvo didn’t go and order us some Chipotle; instead I sat at the barstool at the island counter and chatted with him while he made us both bacon egg and cheese sandwiches.

After we ate I did Eric the favor and washed the dishes for him.

“Wanna watch a movie?” he asked as he watched me hand wash the silverware.

“Depends on what you got.” I replied with attitude and a smile.

He got up off of the stool and made his way to the living room to scan the DVD cabinet. “Um…” He yelled back to me as I now finished drying the dishes, “Transformers?”

“Fine.” I yelled back to him. “But I’m not cleaning up your drool over Meghan Fox.” I told him as I came into view, making my way over to the couch.

“That’s alright,” he reassured me, “The guys bought me a bib.” He smiled widely and I couldn’t help but smile at his strange Halvo-ness.

I shook my head, “They would.”

Eric and I sat on the couch together; his arm was draped over my shoulders, and I was snuggling into him. My head was on his shoulder as we watched the movie in almost utter silence, and before I knew it my eyes started to feel heavy as I fell asleep to his breathing pattern.

There were a few nudges and a familiar voice calling my name that started to stir me awake.

“Hey, Nat.” Eric whispered, not too loudly.

“Hmmm?” I responded, not wanting to get up. He was comfy and warm to say the least, and I missed being with him.

“I gotta go to practice.” He said a little louder this time, now that I was fully conscious.

I sat up, “Oh, sorry.” I apologized for taking over his lap so that he couldn’t get up and get ready, and for keeping him here when he should be with the guys of A Rocket.

“You can stay here if you want,” he offered, still sitting on the couch with me. I looked at him like that wasn’t a good idea as I rubbed my eyes awake, and he continued with, “John’s with Jared and Kennedy for the whole day. They went to Scottsdale to hang out with Rex.” He added the latter so I could get a jist of how long it would be until they would get back to Tempe.

“Oh, Um, yeah. As long as it’s safe.” I took him up on his offer on that one condition, which he nodded his head to, and added, “I’m too comfortable to move.”

I laid sprawled out on the couch as Halvo got up chuckling at my last statement. He patted my leg and left with a, “Bye, Natalie. See ya later.”

As soon as I was sure that Eric was gone I took a slow, solemn walk up the familiar staircase and to the door of my old room. I turned the golden door knob slowly, unsure of what is going to be unmasked behind it. To my surprise nothing was changed, or has been moved for that matter, it was kept exactly how I left it that morning.

I sat on my bed and absorbed everything in. So much has changed in such a short amount of time, and it’s crazy to think that nothing will ever stay the same forever, change is inevitable, and that my life and this life inside me are going to have to make some sacrifices everyday to get us where we want to be in life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, it's poorly written, and that I suck at updates, I'm so sorry!

But on another note, I update my autobiography last night (it's 4000 words in that one entry which is pretty freaking crazy): To Be Extraordinary [FYI: chapters 5-11 is where it gets interesting]

I also have an idea for another story, but I don't know if it should be a John or Kennedy story. So, opinions?

And I also resurfaced this original that I started to write three years ago, so that won't be up for a while..

I love you all, please comment, chapter 22 is done being written :)