‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


I stayed at Binghamton up until the last day we students were allowed to be on campus. Now I was walking up a long stone pathway to the grand mahogany door. The sun was shining brightly, as per usual, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The grass was a deep, healthy green, and the windows of the house were closed, most likely keeping the cool air from escaping from inside.

I rang the door bell. I stood there uncomfortably, shoving my hands in and out of my jeans pockets while I kept my gaze upon my purple vans. Finally, after what seemed like forever, someone opened the door, and I looked at their shocked and confused, yet happy to see me, face.

“You said that if I needed a place to stay, I could stay here.” I choked out almost inaudibly. “Is that offer still open?” I asked with a small amount of hope, my eyes meeting with her bright emerald green ones for the first time in a while.

“Of course, sweetie, of course.” She cooed, opening the door wider to let me inside her home.

She didn’t say a thing as she closed the door after my entrance into the grand household. I then followed her up the staircase to the second floor, both of us carrying my bags in our hands.

“You can stay in Shane’s old room.” She told me with a genuine smile, as we made our way to the door at the end of the hallway. I could tell she sensed my confusion because she finished with, “He moved into John’s once he left.”

“Oh.” I replied in full understanding, as I followed her into my new room for the time being, dragging my bags along with me.

After dropping my duffle bags on the full sized bed, both Mrs. O and I stood there in somewhat of an awkward silence before she spoke to break it, “I’m sorry, Natalie, about everything.” She apologized just like everyone else had, taking me into a hug.

Hugging her back, I sighed, “It’s all in the past now.”

“And the babies your future.” I could hear the smile in her voice as she pulled away to look at my face. Mrs. O has always loved children, I guess that’s why she has three of her own and works in a children’s hospital.

“Yeah…” I said unsurely. I wasn’t ready for this, and even Mrs. O’Callaghan knew that, but regards she’s taking me in, even if the only reason she is caring for me is because her son won’t, well I won’t let him.

“I’ll be here to help, sweetheart,” she told me sincerely, “Every step of the way if you need me.” She smiled that crooked smile that always got to me; now I know where he got that from.

I couldn’t help but smile back a “Thanks.”

“Well, I’ll let you get settled in.” she said as she dropped her arms from around me. “Any preferences for dinner?” She asked. “It’s just going to be you and me tonight; the boys went out for some male bonding.” She concluded, letting me know why there was only going to be us two eating this evening, in a house that usually has four people minimum in it.

“Anything with chicken would be fine, thanks.” I informed her. I love anything with chicken.

She smiled as she exited the room, “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”

I descended the staircase and made my way to the kitchen around noon, and saw Mrs. O starting to prepare a meal. When does this woman ever leave the kitchen?

“I’m gonna go hang out with one of my cousin’s friends, if that’s alright.” I nearly asked her for her permission. As long as I’m going to be living here, I could at least treat her with the respect of being my guardian.

“That’s fine, hon.” She chuckled, probably at the fact that I was indeed asking her permission. “You deserve it,” She told me before she laid down her “rule”, “Just no drinking or smoking.”

“I won’t, I promise.” I could feel a smile of happiness creep up on my face. As I skipped away I called behind me, “Thanks, Mrs. O.”

“You can call me Mom, sweetheart.” She called back, making me stop in my tracks.

I turned three-quarters of my body back around to look at her. That same smile grew wider than it already was. “Thanks, Mom.”

It felt weird calling her mom, but it felt strange to even call my own mother “Mom”. But I wasn’t opposed to the idea; I needed a mother figure in my life right now. I’m just surprised that she didn’t request me to call her Jenny instead, and yes I do know her first name, since she is my ex-boyfriends mother.

I made my way out the front door and to the awaiting black car.

“Hey.” I said happily as I buckled up my seatbelt.

“Hey,” he greeted back, leaning over to kiss my cheek. “What’s up?” he asked when he pulled his soft lips away.

“Nottin,” I replied with a shrug, “just taking it one day at a time.”

“That’s the way to be.” He applauded me, before asking, “So what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, go get lunch?” I suggested, not really caring. I just needed to talk to him, to vent, I missed his company, whether it be virtual, cyber, or present.

“Fine by me.” he agreed, starting up the car. “I love me some food.” He growled and rubbed his toned belly.

“So, Miss Natalie,” He said to begin whatever it was that he wanted to say as we were seated in a booth at TGI Friday’s.

“Yes, Mr. Godsey,” I replied mockingly.

He raised his eyebrows up and down as he got to the point, “I heard about your date-and-run with Connor.”

“Yeah…” I rolled my eyes, recalling the night and the fact that Justin would bring that up as our first topic of discussion, “You jealous?” I countered, glaring at him intimidatingly.


“Don’t be.” I shrugged it off, telling him, “I was only trying to get over John.”

“Over him, huh?” he thought over my words for a moment, “Why didn’t you call me? I make an excellent rebound guy.” He smiled his contagious smile, causing me to pull a smirk also. “How’d the guy fuck up anyway?” he asked out of curiosity.

“Cheated on me.” I replied as I looked down at my plate, moving the French fries around.


“Yeah…” I said, prolonging that thought before I jumped to the gun that would for sure throw Justin over the edge, “I’m pregnant too.”

“He cheated on you after you told him?” he exclaimed loudly; luckily there weren’t many patrons seated around us. “Man, that guy’s a douche.” Justin concluded.

“No no no,” I started to correct him, “I found out two weeks after I caught him.”

“He’s still a douche.”

“I know,” I agreed, “but him and his family want to help.” I added to bring a little light to the situation.

“Is that why I picked you up there?”

“Yeah. I’m staying there for the rest of the summer.” I confirmed. “No, John’s not staying there. I don’t want anything to do with him.” I added before Justin could even ask, or think about the question.

He threw his hands up in the air and offered, “Come stay with me,” like it was the easiest thing in the world to do.

I glared at him seriously, “And stay in that apartment with you and Ryan, no thanks. I’ll stick with the nurse who’s the grandmother of this child.”

“Fine. Be that way.” He huffed, and then I threw a fry at him. “Hey, that could have been in your baby’s stomach!”

“Shut up.” I scolded him with a roll of my eyes. “Do you know when they’re coming back?” I changed the topic of discussion.

He put his hand to his chin, taking the stance of a thinker, trying to be funny, “Next week I presume.”

“What day?”

“Friday night.”


He caught me in my act, “You’re plotting, spill.”

“I should tell Jess what’s happened.”

“That would be nice,” he added, “and while you’re at it, get your car back too.”

“But if I do, then that means I’d have no legit reason to call you.” I said with a pouty lip.

He shrugged, “I’m always up for a party.”

I chuckled, shaking my head at him, “I don’t think I’m fit for partying.”

“Then we can sit and watch the stars all night.”

My eyes met his own brown orbs and I could see the seriousness and commitment of his statement, and it just filled my heart to know that he’d do that for someone like me. “I’d like that.” I smiled up at him.

Smiling his own crooked grin he replied softly, “I knew you would.”
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I'm not happy with this chapter :/

I'm soooo sorry that's it's been forever, I've been really busy lately. Also, I definitely need feedback because I have no clue where this is going to go from here. I've done some minor changes and I'm just... blah with this right now.

I love each and every one of you who have been reading and commenting all along; you don't know how much it's meant to me.

Love, always forever,