‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down

You're Family

Justin pulled up at the curb of the O’Callaghan’s property after our lunch “date” as he liked to call it, we not only went to grab a bite to eat but we also went to see Easy A. Justin’s choice, not mine, though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

“Call me anytime, Nat.” Justin said, his big brown eyes attaching with my own.

“Thanks, J.” I replied sincerely.

“No prob, babe.”

I pecked Justin’s cheek before getting out of the car.

“See ya, Nattie-bee!” Justin called from the window of the car as I was making my way up to the front door, I shook my head the silly nickname he gave me and continued walking without looking back.

I walked into the big house smelling chicken and tomato sauce, and my stomach growled on the spot. Like I’ve been caught, Jenny walked in the foyer to greet me.

She smiled her stunning smile at me as she said, “Perfect timing, honey, dinner’s just about ready.”

I smiled back at her, and then I made my way up to my make-shift room to freshen up for dinner.

“Have you been taking any prenatal vitamins?” Jenny asked me as the two of us sat across from one another at the large dining room table.

As a response I shook my head “no.”

“Have you seen a doctor?” she continued with her questions.

This time I actually responded with words, “Just the nurse at my school.”

“How far along are you?”

I stuck a piece of chicken in my mouth as I thought and calculated approximately how old this fetus was. “A month and a half, maybe.” I replied when I was done chewing.

“Well then,” she started as she twirled some pasta on her fork, “I’ll make you an appointment for as soon as possible.” She smiled at me before taking a bite.

“Yay.” I sarcastically replied; I was not looking forward to any doctor visits whatsoever. In reality this whole situation I’m in creeps me out.

She sternly looked at me and scolded with reason, “It’s for the sake of the baby.”

I swallowed my food, “I know…”

Jenny reached her hand across the table in a comforting gesture, “You’re going to get through this, Natalie, don’t you worry your pretty little head.”

I sighed.

“Go,” She ordered me and I was a little confused, “Take a seat in the den.” She finished that thought. “Watch a movie. Relax.” She told me as she got up to clean off our plates.

“Thanks, Jenny.” I sincerely thanked her, “For everything.”

“No problem, sweetheart. You’re a part of my family.”

I couldn’t help but let the smile shine on my face. Though I wasn’t with John anymore, and she knew well of what happened between us, she still considered me a part of her family, and that truly touched my heart.

It was nearing ten at night and I was sitting in the den watching a marathon of That 70’s Show when I heard the front door open and close and a bunch of feet pitter patter in. I froze in my spot for what seemed to feel like forever, hoping that it wasn’t all four of the O’Callaghan boys. And to my luck, it wasn’t, it was only the three that lived here.

I watched as three shadows went by the entrance to the den, feeling relieved as none of them stopped in to see me there. But that feeling was short lived as one all too familiar body came to sit next to em on the couch.

“So you’re crashing here now?” He asked despite already knowing the answer.

“Yup.” I responded, popping the “p”.

“How’s it going for you?” He asked to keep the conversation going.

I shook my head and looked at him with a small smile, I missed him. “I haven’t even been here a day.” I informed him, though he knew that too, “But your mom’s being really helpful.”

“She’s here to help, we all are.” He told me as he threw an arm across my shoulder to pull me in for a hug, “You and that kid are a part of our family.”

“Thanks, Ro.” I replied with a shaky voice. There was something about hearing the word “family” coming out of their mouths that just made me all warm inside and want to cry. I don’t even know how to explain it, except the feeling of acceptance.

“No problem, Nat.” he said as he started to break our embrace, “By the way, how are you?”

“Sick.” I informed Ross, “I feel like I want to throw up everything I just ate.”

“I’m sure the rugrat enjoyed the meal.” He joked while messing up my hair.

I started to get up from the couch, “I’m gonna go to sleep.” I told him, “I’m exhausted.”

“Night, Nat.”

♠ ♠ ♠
This is short, and I hate it. It is also kinda a filler...
I really don't know where I'm going with this. Well, I do know what I want to happen, I just don't know how I'm going to get there. Your input is greatly appreciated!

I also know that I suck at updates, but I just have writers block when it comes to this story now :/ So please tell me what you think/want to happen cause I'll consider anything right now.

I also love all of you who have been sticking up with me and my terrible updating habits. I love you guys.

I hope you've had a wonderful holiday and have a safe and happy new year!