‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


After two weeks of the boys constant running around in an attempt to get everything for tour together and in the same place at the same time, and my constant pecking fun at them all for being all stressed out and resembling a bunch of headless chickens, the time to take off in the bus has arrived.

The bus had 3 sections; the “living room” all the way in the back where we will most likely spend most of our time playing with the xBox, the bunks, and then the “kitchen” which had a counter, a small table for four, and a couch lined against the wall opposite the table. Frank, our bus driver drove us many hours away from home to our first stop in Dallas, Texas.

Roaming around the venue early in the morning, John introduced me to Jack and Alex, my two favorite members of All Time Low at the food tent.

“Nattie, these are the guys, the guys, this is Natalie.” Was my intelligent boyfriend’s introduction.

“Way to assume that I know everyone.” I said with sass, turning my body to face him three-quarters. “When you assume, you make an ass out of yourself.” I told John matter-of-factly while wagging my index finger at him along with my left hand resting on my hip.

“I thought it was ‘you and me’?” Jack asked, referring to the rhyme that some children are told by their parents to remember the spelling of the word.

I used Jack’s words against him, “I don’t know you well enough to have a relationship just yet.” I winked over at him.

John questioned me with a raised eyebrow, “Yet?” He obviously didn’t take notice to the fact that I was joking.

“Not that kind of relationship,” I shook my head in reassurance, and then looked into his eyes; “You’re mine.” I turned my body to fully face him, then wrapping my arms around his skinny frame. Our bodies were pressed together; his hands were wrapped around my waist, as I looked up at him and sincerely said, “Always.”

“Or maybe we can change her; Zack’s got that physique of muscular manliness.” Alex interrupted our moment.

I rotated my body in John’s arms so that my back was now pressed against his chest and I was facing the ATL pair. “And he’s quiet, no girl can resist and shy guy.” Jack added seriously, causing me to chuckle.

John didn’t find that amusing, he tightened his arms around my waist, causing me to coo, “Aw, look at him get all insecure.”

Alex and Jack “awed” as I leaned up to kiss John’s cheek where the blush was evident. Shy and insecure John is sexy.

“John, Bro!” a guy’s voice called behind our backs causing all of us to look at the source of the voice.

John called back to the source, whose name is Max, “Yeah?”

Max stopped walking towards us now that he has our attention. “Come here, we need you.” He yelled towards us. John nodded his heads towards Jack and Alex as a goodbye, taking his arms from around my waist to grab my hand in one of his own, starting towards Max. “No. Natalie can’t come.” Max denied John.

John shot him a pleading glare but Max’s decision didn’t falter. He turned back to me, pleading with me through his eyes to stand up for myself.

“Sorry, babe.” I told him in agreement with Max. “The boss has spoken.”

Through John’s eyes it was easy to tell that he was sad that he had to leave me behind, but knew he had to do whatever it was Max wanted because they play in a few hours. “I’ll meet you at the tent in an hour.” He told me before he sought after Max, placing a kiss on my forehead.

“Will do.”

“So what’s your purpose on this tour?” Alex asked, now the only member of All Time Low left in their previous spot.

“I’m John’s whore.” I said seriously, turning to face him.

I looked taken aback, “I didn’t know he was like that.”

I chuckled. “No, I usually spend the summer in Tempe, but my cousin is on tour with We The Kings, so that left me with the guys, but this tour came up, and Tim pulled some strings so I wouldn’t be lonely all summer.” I rambled on in an attempt to explain myself.

“Well that’s nice of him.”


Alex and I talked with one another for the rest of the remaining time before I had to go meet John, getting to know each other better. I found out that Alex also brought his girlfriend, Lisa, along “because he can.”

As Alex and I departed to our specific areas, Alex brought up, “Party on our bus later to kick off the start of tour, tell the boys!”

“Will do.” I agreed, continuing my walk towards The Maine’s black and white striped merch tent.

Once meeting John and the rest of the guys at their merch tent I learned that they took the stage in less than half an hour, and that they were already all set up, being that they are the first ones to play today.

The boys did their “We Like To Party” chant and then headed to get on stage.

Before we parted ways John told me, “You could stand backstage if you want.” I knew that he was only offering because he wanted to keep an eye on me to make sure that I was “safe”. He’s become very predictable.

“Nah, I’d rather look at your face than your ass.” I told him with a smirk, leaning into kiss his cheek.

“John doesn’t have an ass.” Garrett commented from behind John.

Kennedy added, “Yeah there’s nothing to grab back there.”

“Well, ya never know. They’re the only two that fuck with each other.” Jared concluded for the rest of them.

I chuckled at the fact that their “fucking” jokes will never get old, and turned around, “I’ll see you after the set.” I called back to them as I started to make my way to side stage.

John wrapped up the end of their closing song Girls Do What They Want while I made my way back to behind the stage where the boys will exit. Pat was the first one out. Seeing me waiting there he came running full force at me, embracing me in a sticky and sweaty hug.

“You’re gross.” I whined when I felt his skin on mine.

“It’s called man.” He retorted.

I rolled my eyes remembering what John told me a while ago, “So I’ve been told.”

Pat let me go to follow the rest of the guys over to the showers to cool off, all but John that is. He repressed the urge to pull me in to kiss me after my little outburst at Pat.

“Let me go change, and then we’ll head to ATL’s bus.” He simply told me, as he too walked over to the showers.

“Kay.” I replied grabbing his hand in mine. If he wasn’t going to kiss me due to my hate for sweat, then this was as good as it was gonna get.

I sat on top of a picnic table as I watched as one-by-one each one of my boys exited the shower house freshly cleaned and clothed.

Upon entering All Time Low’s bus last, due to the fact that John actually takes forever trying to make himself look presentable, Alex saw us walk in from his spot behind their make-shift bar. I left John’s side momentarily telling him to go talk to his friends and have fun while I went to hang out with Alex in hoped that he would introduce me to Lisa.

Standing in front of him Alex held one of those infamous red Solo cups out to me, saying, “A drink for me’Lady.”

I took the cup from his extended hand questioning, “Is there anything in it?”

“Other than booze and my eternal love, no.” he replied with a smirk.

“Ok,” I replied back, “I’m trusting you.”

“Hey, Alex” A blonde girl greeted him with a light kiss on his left cheek. “Who’s this?” she asked taking notice to me standing there.

“I’m Natalie.” I extended my hand out to her, and she shook it. “I’m John’s girlfriend.” I couldn’t help but smile. It’s been a year and calling me his girlfriend was still magic to my ears.

“I’m Lisa.” She introduced herself though I already had an inkling as to who she was. “Nice to meet you.” she added. “We should hang out, being the only girls here and all.” She said with a genuine smile.

As time passed I met the rest of the guys here, Vinny Vegas being my best friend for the evening. Alex helped with getting the two of us completely wasted. When Vinny went to use the restroom, I found John seated in the bus’s own living room with Martian, Paul, Rian, and Zack.

I went over to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. “Hey, bay-beee!” I greeted him with a sloppy kiss to the cheek.

“She’s hammered.” I heard Rian chuckle.

“Am not.” I argued with him, but didn’t look his way; instead I cuddled up closer to John.

“Of course you’re not, Nattie.” John said.

“See, Johnny agrees with me.”

“Natalie?” I heard Vinny call for me.

“Got to go, baby. See ya later.” I kissed John’s cheek one last time before joining Vinny over in the front room.

We both sat on the couch and started talking.

Vinny looked down at his lap, tears starting to form in his eyes. “I like this girl and she has a kid. And I want it to be mine.” He confessed to me.

I moved in closer to him resting my hand on his thigh. “Aw, that’s so sad.” I cooed. “Is she married?”


“Vee, you should go for it.” I told him in my own opinion.

Tears started to fall from his eyes now, “But she lives on the other side of the world and doesn’t know I exist.” He cried.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close so that his head rested on my shoulder. “I know how you feel.” I replied, as I leaned my back against the wall with Vinny still in my arms, and joined him in the sobs.

I was shaken awake by John rattling me, and Zack getting Vinny up and off to bed.

“Alright, let’s get you to bed druggie.” John said as he picked me up into his arms bridal style.

“Will you be joining me?” I asked in a whisper, linking my arms around his neck and resting my head against him.

“But of course.”

I yawned out, “Good.”

Ironically John and I stirred awake in our bunk at the same time. He kissed me good morning before he climbed down the bunks.

“You coming?” he asked me from the floor.

I groaned unhappily, “Sure.”

Sitting in the kitchen was Max, Aaron, Jared, Garrett, Pat, and Kennedy.

Garrett was the first to take notice to our presence. “Hey, Party Boy, Baby Girl.” He greeted us, and then smirked, “You two get laid last night in your moment of Ecstasy?”

“No.” I snapped unhappily grabbing a pack of pop tarts and a cup of coffee, then storming off into the living room. I had a terrible hangover and wasn’t in the mood for their ridiculous jokes.

I heard Max laugh behind me, “Well now isn’t the married couple boring.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here, have a "funny" filler.

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