‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


Many days and shows later we reached Orlando, Florida. Tim was nice enough to book us all hotel rooms at the Hard Rock Hotel so that none of us, including the drivers, would have to stay in the bus for the night.

We all were hanging outside the café that we went to for breakfast when Lisa came over to me and asked, “Hey, you want to skip out on the day? There’s a mall down the street.” She explained, and then coaxed, “Retail therapy?”

“Sure.” I agreed happily. There’s nothing like stretching your legs while putting the money in your pocket to good use.

She reassured me, “We’ll be back by the guys’ set, don’t worry.” As if I was concerned about that. They do almost the same songs every day. I’m sure I wouldn’t miss anything.

“Oh, I’m not worried,” I shook my head, smiling; “I’m going shopping.”

Lisa giggled.

I met Lisa, with Alex at her side and John at mine, in the Lobby of our hotel. We both pecked our boyfriend’s goodbye and went on our way.

After a couple of hours of walking Lisa and I decided to grab some McDonald’s from the food court.

Once we were seated with our food Lisa asked with curiosity, “So how long have you and John been together for?”

“Um, a year.” I said before taking a bite of my Big Mac.

She questioned me, “Why don’t you sound so sure?”

“I guess you could say our relationship was complicated.” I answered, causing her to look at me in a confused manner. “I’ve known John for about three years now.” I started to explain this long tale. “Kennedy introduced us, and we hit it off, but we really couldn’t be together because of that age gap.” I then went on to telling her the events of John and I’s past together.

“Wow, that’s heated.” She replied once I finished the tale.

“Not really.” I was quick to disagree, but then took it back, “Well, I guess with all the frustration of blockades between us.” I said and the switching the subject so I wasn’t on the spot anymore, “What about you and Alex?”

“Going on five years.” She replied happily. “I love him, I don’t want anyone else.”

“That must be nice.” I said in return. “It’s like Garrett and Rachael.” I looked down at what was left of my fries.

“Just because you’re the newest relationship doesn’t mean you won’t last as long as us.” She said matter-of-factly.

“I know, I just admire yours.” I said honestly.

She smiled, “Thanks.”

The two of us walked around some more, deciding that at six o’clock it was time for us to head back to the venue.

Entering through the backstage entrance with our passes, we made it back in time for my boys usual finale song Girls Do What They Want. John and Kennedy weren’t wearing their shirts, Kenny’s boxers peeking out from under his skinny jeans.

At the end of the song John flew out into the crowd. The fans went wild as they caught him; letting him crowd serf before the security guard pulled him out, placing him on his feet. John’s back was facing me as he waved goodbye to the crowd. His pants were hanging down low exposing half of his behind. What the fuck did they do while we were out?

Garrett and Jared helped pull him back up onto the stage so they could all exit off of the stage together. Once backstage I heard him slur his thanks to the guys and start rambling on about how awesome they did tonight. He noticed me standing there, and started towards me. Once our eyes met I crossed my arms across my chest, putting all my weight on my right foot hopefully he could tell that I wasn’t the happiest of people right now.

“Hey baby.” He tried to steadily say as he came down from his adrenaline high, leaning in to steal a kiss.

I pulled back before his lips could touch mine. “How fucking drunk are you?” I questioned harshly.

“What do you mean?” he asked like he had no clue as to what I was talking about, but I knew that he knew that I knew he was lying to me. If that makes any sense.

“You forgot to wear underwear!” I exclaimed, pointing out one of many points.

He shrugged, “Maybe I just like to be free.”

“If you like being free so much, then maybe I’ll leave.” I spat out, turning on my heels and walking in the direction of the hotel, John not coming after me.

My storming off seemed rather rash, but I mean, seriously, who gets completely wasted before they have to perform and forgets essential clothing? That’s just plain stupidity.

As I exited the elevator and walked to the entrance of John and I’s room, my cell phone started to vibrate. I contemplated on not answering, but decided to anyway because if it was John then I could hang right back up. Looking at the caller i.d. I noticed that it was Justin Godsey that was calling me at this hour.

“Hello.” I said trying to sound happy.

“Hey, you in town?” He asked not taking notice to the faux happiness in my voice.

“In town?” I questioned sarcastically as I unlocked the door, stepping into my room for the night. “I’m far from, I’m in Orlando.” I told him.

“Well so are we.” He said matter-of-factly, causing me to smile.

“No way.” I didn’t believe him. “Are you stalking me?” I backtracked jokingly.

“Yes way.” He answered my reaction, before asking, “Where are you staying?” I threw my backpack with the items I purchased that day inside them on the bed and sat down on its foot.

“Hard Rock Hotel.” I answered him.

“Meet up at the entrance to the café?” he asked, knowing that I would definitely go.

“Yeah, sure.” I agreed. “Is everyone coming?” I wondered out loud.

“My band is.” He told me like it was an obvious fact that I was missing. “What about your boys?”

I sighed, “I don’t know what they’re up to.” And frankly, I didn’t give a shit.

“Alright, so it’s My Girl Friday and a side of Natalie.” I heard him chuckle on the other end.

I decided on changing into a pair of skinny jeans, Converse, a purple tank top, and a light black hoodie; I have no idea what were getting into so I might as well be prepared for anything. I grabbed my wallet and cell phone, and then made my way out front of the Hard Rock Café where My Girl Friday was already waiting for me.

“So what are we doing tonight, MGF?” I asked when I was in ear shot to them.

Ryan smiled while he said, “And a side of Natalie.” He obviously was listening in to Justin and I’s conversation, or Godsey’s end at least.

“We should just call ourselves My Girl Natalie.” Logan, the tall skinny boy with long blonde hair joked.

I brought my hand to my heart, “How flattering.”

I followed the boys to their van, Godsey sticking close to my side. Tyler, their drummer, got into the driver’s, while I sat in the middle row with Justin, and Logan and Ryan sat all the way in the back.

“Bar or Beach, pick one.” Tyler turned around, putting me on the spot as he started up the automobile.

“Bar has booze and dancing.” Logan added in, obviously preferring the bar.

“The beach has booze too.” Ryan added in with a smile, causing Logan to glare over at him.

“I’m underage, so I won’t be able to drink at the bar.” I told them.

“Don’t worry, it’s a bar and club.” Logan said emphasizing “and” due to the fact that minors were allowed in the clubs, but were not allowed to purchase alcohol.

“Yeah we’ll slip you some good stuff.” Godsey nudged my shoulder with his own.

“The bar it is.” I commanded Tyler. “Not like I had much of a choice.” I mumbled.

Justin must have heard me because he playfully smacked my arm. “You know you’re itching to go.”

Arriving at the club no more than fifteen minutes later, Logan and Ryan offered to get the drinks while the rest of us went to find a booth for the evening. We succeeded in finding an open booth all the way in the back of the club after splitting up into two’s; Tyler going off after some girl, Justin and I, and Ryan and Logan. Justin texted his band mates our location as I slid into the booth, him following in after me.

We spent much of the night just sitting at our table taking shots, and just all around drinking the night away. After our third round the guys decided that it was time to “stalk some chicks”, all but Justin that is. As Tyler, Logan, and Ryan filed out of the booth on their way onto the dance floor, Justin asked me if I wanted to get up and dance. I simply complied. I didn’t know how to dance, but dancing was fun, and tonight was all about fun.

Godsey and I danced together with the occasional grind from both our parts, until Tyler came over to us and said it was 12:30 AM and that we should go because, in his serious drunken states, Logan liked to strip down, and that would possibly get us all kicked out if they didn’t get him to their hotel soon enough. I agreed, following Godsey by the hand back to the table to grab whatever stuff we left there.

Justin, being the sweet guy that he is, walked me up to my room for the evening to make sure I made it in safe and sound. I fumbled with my key card as I tried to get it in the slot, not able to focus much in my state. Justin took it from me with a chuckle, resulting with me smacking him lightly on his muscled, ex-wrestler’s chest.

Once I was in the dark room, I turned to say my goodbye and my thanks for the wonderful evening to Justin before closing the door. As soon as I lightly closed the door shut the light flickered on, showing a very upset John sitting with his arms folded on the edge of the bed facing me. I rolled my eyes at him, going over to place my stuff on the small table across from the bed’s edge.

John started to speak angrily, “You lecture me about being drunk when you come home completely wasted after spending the night with that tool.” He was now standing up, facing me with his left arm extended, pointing towards the door where I was just talking to Justin.

“I didn’t spend the night with Justin.” I retorted. “I hung out with him and his band.” I added as I continued taking my jacket off.

He threw his hands up in the air, exclaiming, “Even better!”

I looked at him, putting my hands on my hips. “Oh, John, I’m allowed to have friends other than you and your band.” I told him, trying to keep my voice level. All this yelling was starting to give me a headache.

“Not friends that want to fuck you and break us up like that Justin asshole.” He yelled at me.

That was the last straw. “Get out!” I screamed. I couldn’t stand him bad-mouthing someone he didn’t even know, let alone yelling which was starting to piss me off. “Go sleep with Pat or something, I don’t give a fuck!” I added, pointing to the door.

He huffed and willing left, grabbing his phone and wallet off his nightstand table.

“Fucking bastard.” I said after he slammed the door behind him.

I changed my clothes to my pajamas, and lay down on my bed without turning the light off, ready to go to bed.

That dream was crushed when I heard someone come into the room and sit down on the bed.

“Why’s John asking to sleep with Pat?” it was Kennedy.

I mumbled into my pillow, “Because he’s gay.”

“Okay, what’s wrong?” he asked, knowingly. No doubt John already told him what happened.

I picked my face up out of my pillow, still not looking over at Kenny. “He’s an asshole, and I can’t stand him.” I told him.

He sarcastically replied, “Well that clears things up, thanks.”

“He doesn’t like that I hang out with Godsex.” I told him honestly without putting up anymore of a fight. I just really want to go to bed.

“That’s understandable; he can be a player at times.” He agreed with John’s logic. I didn’t like it, but he’s known Godsey longer than John and I combined.

“He’s just my friend, nothing else.” I explained, sitting up and looking at him. “I don’t know why John’s acting this way.” I wondered out loud.

“He’s protective of you.” he said as he brushed the hair out of my face.

“No shit.” I replied, since his previous statement was completely obvious. “He shouldn’t be though.”

“He’s like that because he loves you.” he told me. “I’d be the same way with Gab if I didn’t know better.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Fine, I’m going back to bed.” He said, and then kissed my cheek the way a sibling or a parent would before their child went to bed. “Night, Nat.”

“Night, Kenny.”

Kennedy left, turning the light out along with him. I lay back down and drifted off into a tiresome alcohol induced sleep.

Morning arrived, waking me up with the alarm clock that John must have set going off. I got up, showered, changed, and packed my stuff back up, taking notice that nothing of John’s was here. He must have came in earlier and got his shit together.

I made my way to the parking lot where our bus was waiting. I noticed that only Max and Pat were the ones loading everyone’s things back onto the bus and took this as my chance to sneak inside before John, who was talking to Boys Like Girls’ Paul, did. Unfortunately for me, Max and Pat finished and headed into the bus, leaving just John and I the last two.

I tried to discreetly make my way onto the bus. I almost made it, but a firm hand gripped my forearm, stopping me from going any further. “Nat, I’m sorry. I overreacted.” He tried to apologize to me. “Forgive me?” he asked, looking at me with his big pleading emerald orbs.

I put my suitcase down on the ash fault, and sighed. “If I’m stuck on this bus with you for the next few weeks with no way out, then I have to.”

He embraced me in his arms happily. “I love you, you know that?” he asked in my ear.

“Yeah, I do.” I sighed again, “I love you too.” He wasn’t getting off that easily, the next few weeks he was going to pay for what he did, both on and off stage.

Tour ended towards the end of August, just in time for Rach, Gabi, and I to hang out all together before Rach and I had to depart back to New York for school, her going back to NYU and I going to Binghamton. We left early due to my freshman orientation, and that she wanted to have her room sorted out before her roommate actually arrived.

Rachael and I kissed our band boys goodbye in that same terminal entrance once more, neither of them begging us to transfer this time. I told John that I loved him and that I’d see him again for the holiday break.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's the end of the summer. Finally! Now things, in my opinion, will start getting better. I've been wanting to write/publish the rest of this story since I started The Summer Scene.

I guess you could have probably guessed that I was listening to The Maine's Right Girl and Inside Of You Acoustics since alcohol and messing up were themes of this chapter.

Thank Godsey for me almost not getting this chapter out tonight, I was writing when he tweeted me back, I was dying from laughter and I don't even know why because it really wasn't all that funny... If you care to see what it was
