‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down

Puppy Dog

As soon as I exited the gate my plane pulled up in, I spotted John standing right outside the passenger exit in the waiting area, holding a bouquet of purple lilies in his hand. With I smile plastered on my face I closed the large distance between us.

“Hey, baby.” I greeted him with a chaste kiss on the lips, taking the flowers from his grip before he could offer them up himself. “Thanks.” I thanked him, sniffing the flowers; taking in their wonderful scent. “They’re pretty.” I noted as I took a petal in between my fingers and caressed it gently, looking down at it in awe at both the flowers and the fact that John actually bought me them.

“I’m glad you like them.” I picked my stare up from the flowers to look at his beautiful chiseled face. “I heard they were your favorite.” He said sincerely, though a smirk was present upon his lips.

My jaw fell open a tad in shock, “How’d you know?” I don’t recall ever talking about flowers with him. Ever. Nor mentioning that purple lilies were my favorite of the bunch.

“A little birdie told me.” that smirk never faltered as he spoke.

“And by a birdie, you mean a little red head who goes by the name of Rachael.” I corrected him knowingly.

He confirmed in his cocky way, “You would be correct.”

“I always am.”

As if trained, not a second later did he respond, “Yes, ma’am.”

I smiled widely, resisting the urge to say “good boy” and pat his head like an owner would do to their puppy, so I sniffed the flowers again instead.

I followed by John’s side, hand-in-hand, as we searched the airport parking lot for John’s small black BMW. It must be too hot for the old Ford.

The two of us rode mostly in silence, listening to the sweet sound of Death Cab For Cutie blaring from the speakers. Randomly between songs John spoke up.

“So, I was thinking that we could go to Santa Barbra for some of break.” He informed me of the plan that was brewing in his complicated head.

“It’s okay; we don’t have to go anywhere.” I told him. I would be just as happy spending my week’s vacation at the house. As long as I have John and my friends, I’m a happy camper.

He chuckled at my reluctance. “I thought that we could have our own time there for a few days, and then go to LA for production of the new album.” He explained, tagging on his reason for driving to California.

“Oh really?” I challenged just to bust his balls.

“Yes.” He confirmed. “We’ll head out tomorrow.”

I threw my hands up in the air and exclaimed as loud as I could without it being a murder cry, “Woohoo!”

“Halvo, I’m Home!” I called once we got through the door of the boy’s home.

“He’s not here; he’s over at Justin’s.” John enlightened me as he walked up the path carrying my luggage from the car.

“What?” I asked rhetorically, hurt claiming my features. “But I need to see my baby.” I whined, one of my hands covering my heart to keep it from shattering from the faux sadness I felt.

“Hey!” John scolded me with jealousy.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh shut up.”

I didn't care to hear the rest of John’s pathetic argument when he already knew I was kidding, so I proceeded to climb the steps situated on the staircase to my room, my luggage still in John’s hands in the foyer.

I heard a thump from behind me, probably John putting down my heavy duty Louis Vuitton suitcase, courtesy of my mother as a “Congratulations on making it through your first semester! Don’t bother coming home because I won’t be around, the new man is taking me to Hawaii for the week” present.

“Get back here you!” John called behind me, now chasing me up the stairs and causing me to run as fast as I could in order not to lose this game we suddenly started playing.

I made it to the door of my room, but as I went to open it, my hand already turning the doorknob, two strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me towards his chest and forcing me to let go of the door. His mouth wasted no time before assaulting my neck.

“John,” I moaned out as we still stood in the hallway. My spot was so familiar to him that he could find it in an instant. If the world relied on him finding my tender area in less than three seconds, we’d all be saved.

He didn’t bother removing himself from my skin, letting out as a response, “Mmm…”

“You won.” I breathed out, ending this game. My hand trailed up to fix itself in his hair, giving in to him; I felt him smile against my neck in sweet satisfactory victory.

After a few moments of John’s continuous nibbling on the same side of my neck I spoke up, “This would be so much better if, one, we weren’t standing in the small hallway, and, two, if my lips were on you.”

He finally detached his lips from me. “That can be changed, but no promises on number two, you just taste so good.”

I took my hand out of his hair and moved myself around in his grip so that he could see my face. “Compromise?” I asked with my infamous puppy-dog pout.

He knew what I was doing, and he was used to it. “Maybe.” Was his response.

“Then get your hands off me!” I yelled like a child that didn’t get their way. Which was exactly how I felt at the moment. John did as I said and released my torso from his grip, his hands falling to his sides as I turned myself to face him full-on.

He jutted his bottom lip out, doing his own version of my infamous face, so that I’d forgive him. When I didn’t do or say anything, John said, “I’m sorry, baby.” He leaned in and stole a kiss upon my cheek.

As he pulled his face away from mine, when he was only millimeters away, my hands flew up and gently rested on each of his cheeks to keep him in place. My brown eyes bore into his beautiful green orbs, catching his full attention.

“So how about that compromise?” I asked him in a whisper, letting my breath caress his lips which were only millimeters away with each word I let out.

I could tell he was turned on, his hormones clogging his head; not only could I see it in his eyes, but it was also present when he breathed out, “Yes please.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

In no time my lips were on his, our mouths moving at light speed, never getting enough of one another. As our feverish kisses got even more heated, John backed us up into my room; our mouth’s never breaking contact. He kicked the door shut with his foot, in case Eric came home any time soon, and then led me backwards over to my purple bed. I hit the mattress, John hovering over me attacking any skin of mine that was left exposed. We continued this for what felt like forever. And the rest is history.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is what happens when my wifi decides that it doesn't want to work for 45 minutes.

Yes, I know it's short. And I'm sorry for that, but I haven't updated in a while and you deserved something at least.

Camps been a bitch, a little brat got me sick so now I'm like Halvo and am breathing through my mouth and have an intense headache. My right knee popped out Friday night, so I have the pain from that too. As my mom said, Summer for you isn't summer unless a knee pops out.

I finished Antigone, but now I just have to do the questions; and I'm now on page 2 of Siddhartha (not spelled right but whatever), that's an improvement, I've been on page one for forever. Just have some more homework to do, and hopefully to get done before I go on my cruise in late August.

I started another story (I'm sorry, but I just can't help it. When I'm bored I write!) Don't Listen To The World. It's kinda a slow start, but it will get much better, I promise.

Now back to this story: I'm predicting 2-3 more filler chapters before things start to get really interesting.


I love all of you.
(haha a rhyme)
