‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down


I was pulled out of my precious sleep with a smack on my butt and by John’s constant yelling, “Come on, lady, get up.”

Being abruptly woken up, I did the only thing I thought suitable; I buried my head further into my pillow and replied, “I don’t want to.”

“Fine. Then I’ll go all the way to Cali by myself.” John huffed. I didn’t need to get up or move any muscle for that matter to know that he was running around the house getting all of our stuff ready for the long drive ahead.

Wanting to see how bad his case of frantic’s were, I lifted my head up slightly to see him adding more things than necessary to his backpack. “Oh no you won’t.” I said back to him, I could tell that my facial expression exposed one of confusion and unbelieving and his obsessive compulsive disorder.

“Then get your ass up.” He spat back as he fought with his backpack, obviously the backpack was winning.

I gave in, throwing my legs over the side of the bed, “If you insist…”

I shuffled over to John’s kneeling place on the floor. I stood in front of his back, placing each of my hands on one of his shoulders. He stopped shoving the things into his backpack and lightly stuffed them in, my presence somehow making him a little relaxed. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a light hug, and he completely stopped his abuse, his hands falling down at his sides, then placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Before he could think anything of it I snatched his backpack from its seat on his lap right as I was pulling my lips from the newly shaved skin of his cheek.

I ran over to the bed, throwing the backpack down on top to pry it open and sort through all the unnecessary things that my silly boyfriend packed. As I searched I found photograph frames wrapped in newspaper pages. “John,” I said in a scolding tone as I unwrapped them one by one. Looking at them I realized that they all were of me and him. “You don’t need these.” I told him, holding up the picture of us sitting in front of a sunset that his good friend Dirk Mai took unknowingly of us.

“Yes I do.” He protested, getting up from his previous spot on the floor and grabbing the photo out of my hand.

“No, you don’t.” I said again seriously. “You have me with you.” I replied, looking up into his enchanting eyes.

He challenged me, “And when you go back?”

“Then you have the photos on Facebook.” I retorted; he was still holding the picture frame in his hands, gazing at the photo. I could tell that he was remembering that night; New Year’s Eve, how could anyone forget that night? “You don’t need them with you.” I backtracked.

“Whatever you say, honey.” He said as he tossed the frame lightly onto the bed.

I closed the distance between us like I’ve done many times before, pressing the tips of my toes to the floor in order to get our lips to meet once again after all this time. “Good answer.” I smiled as we pulled away after the chaste kiss.

After a lengthy car ride John and I finally made it to our condo for our stay here.

“How many days are we here for?” I asked as we started to unpack our bags from the bed of the car.

John replied simply, “Three.”


“Why?” he questioned me.

I shrugged and replied just as simply as he did before, “Just curious.”

I saw him shake his head side to side with a smirk plastered on his face as I followed him up the cement path, both our suitcases in hand, and up to the dark blue door of our one-floored home for the next few days.

“Well this is cozy.” I said as I took in the inside of the condo.

I put his backpack and my purse on the white counter of the kitchen and ran around the suite like a four-year-old on Christmas morning. I ran through the spacious, dark navy blue carpeted living room which was clad with a white and blue shell printed couch, light wooden end tables and a matching coffee table in front of it, with a solid blue chair on both ends of it turning three-quarters of the way to face the flat screen television, which was hidden behind a light wooden entertainment center.

I then opened the first and only white wooden door on my right, which led to our bedroom. There was a large king sized bed with a printed comforter to match the living room couch and long posts on each of the four corners. We had a walk-in closet, our own flat screen T.V., love seat couch, and all the way over at the other side of the room was another white door which led to our bathroom. The bathroom came clad with a toilet, large glass shower which could probably fit a family of four, his-and-her sinks with a plated mirror sits on the whole wall above the sinks counter, and a grand Jacuzzi bathtub.

After exploring our room I went back into the living room and stood in front of the full wall window that overlooked our patio, complete with lounge chairs and patio furniture, the bay, and a beach volleyball court. I turned back around to see John still standing where I previously left him.

I ran to him with full force, throwing my arms around his neck, kissing him in the process. “I love you.” I said after my first kiss. “I love you.” I said after the next. “I love you.” I replied one more time. “Now let’s go play volleyball.” I insisted, looking up at him with my body still hanging onto his.

“Let’s unpack first.” He insisted himself.

I agreed with him, well knowing that if I didn’t do it now then I would be living out of my suitcase the next few days, “Fine.”

We each picked up the bags that we walked in with, carrying them into our beautiful bedroom. I swung the bags that I was carrying onto the loveseat and flopped myself onto the bed, dying to try it out. “Wow, this is, wow.” I was left adjective-less. “Oh my god! It’s so comfy; I could just lay here forever!”

John was standing in front of our wooden dresser, his suitcase already open, unpacking his things. He scolded me with his own chuckle, “Unpack your shit, missy.”

“Fine.” I replied, propping myself up on my shoulders so I could look at him. His back was to me, he was wearing dark colored skinny jeans and a light grey v-neck tee-shirt. That look, no matter what, could make my heart melt one hundred times over. “Then I won’t tell you how undeniably hot you look right now.”

He turned his head over his shoulder so he could look at me lying there. He noticed my eyes wandering over him, he smirked and put down whatever it was that he was putting away. He started to advance towards me. “Well I’m done unpacking.” He informed me as he started climbing on the mattress and over my body.

“I figured.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I cut this one in half because then it would have been too long of a read.

Yes, I did indeed start a new story: Don't Listen To The World
I have big plans for this one.

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