‹ Prequel: The Summer Scene
Sequel: Fall

Growing Up Might Bring Us Down

Play With Me

“Volleyball now?” I begged John as we straightened ourselves out from our heated session.

He looked over at me from his place on the bed; I was standing in front of the full length mirror in our room fixing my hair. “What’s with you and volleyball?” he questioned me.

“I want to play, Jeeze.” I huffed. “I never knew that was a crime.” I replied, deciding on putting my hair back in a pony tail.

“How about tomorrow when I’m not exhausted from all that driving.” It was more of a statement rather than a question; he was not going to play with me tonight, not even if I begged.

I huffed once again, “Fine.” I turned to the solstice of unpacking my suitcase while John laid and stared at me doing so.

Once I finished unpacking my things I decided to slip on my bathing suit and go for a dip in the bay while John finished with his things. I walked out through the glass sliding door of our bedroom, down the patio, across the boardwalk, and through the sand to the water. I placed both my feet in the naturally salty liquid and decided that the water was too cold for my liking. I made my way back up to the patio, leaning against the high cement wall, appreciating the scenery of the bay as the sun started to fall into oblivion.

I was startled when two hands gingerly found my hips. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you?” John whispered in my ear.

“Once or twice, maybe.” I replied softly as I kept my eyes fixed on the beautiful scenery that was laid out in front of me.

“Now that just won’t do.” He shook his head as his hands trailed along my skin to where they met on my bare stomach. “I love you so much, Natalie.” He whispered into my ear again.

I leaned back into him and didn’t hesitate when responding back, “I love you too, John.”

His hands traveled up and down my body while he whispered once more, “I want you forever.”

“Are you just horny?” I automatically responded without taking a single second to think about it.

John’s arms fell off of my body and back to his sides quickly. “Way to kill the mood.” he said sadly.

I rotated my body around so that my chest met John’s. I looked up at him as he looked back down at me. “I’ve always wanted you, John.” I enlightened him. “Forever and Always.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips gently to mine before telling me, “I’m gonna go catch a shower.”

“Good cause you reek.” I joked, pushing him back into the house.

He stated while we made our way back inside, “You’re so rude sometimes.”

“You love me.” I said back, letting my hands fall from his back.

He stopped walking and questioned with that stupid smirk on his face, “Who said?”

I threw my hands up in the air and pretended to be mad, “You did, like five seconds ago!”

“Oh, right.” He chuckled shaking his head as he went along.

“Asshole.” I said to myself after he disappeared behind the bathroom door.

When John emerged from his much needed shower I was seated, more like sprawled out across the living room couch, watching Freaky Friday on ABC Family.

“I’m hungry, can we go get food.” He whined, clutching his stomach as he stood in front of my view of the television.

I pried my eyes off of where the flat screen was sitting to see John with his lip jutted out in a small pout and wide green eyes pleading with me. “Fine,” I gave in, “Let’s feed the baby.” I huffed, pushing myself up from my comfortable seat on the couch.

“Thank you!” he exclaimed dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Once inside John’s black BMW, he turned to me and asked, “What do you want?”

I studied his face for a second before replying, “Chipotle?”

A wide smile spread across John’s face, at that I knew that I chose right. “You read my mind.” He told me, still smiling as he started the car up.

“No,” I argued, “I just know your stomach.”

“I’m going to go bathe.” I stated as we walked back into our room after a delicious dinner at Chipotle, dropping my bag onto the small couch.

“Can I come?” John asked in a serious manner, but the smirk on his face gave him away.
I played along, “You already had your shower, mister.” I scolded him.

He replied with a shrug, “I’m a dirty boy.” He advanced towards me with a creepy smile plastered on his face, causing me to back up further towards the bathroom to get away from him.

I slammed the door shut once I was in the bathroom, screaming, “Fuck off.”

I exited the shower feeling fresh, clean, and relaxed. Walking back into the bedroom, all the lights were off and there was a lump lying near the middle of the bed. Silently, I tip toed over in the darkness and gingerly climbed into our bed on the side that was facing John’s back.

I brought my lips to his ear, my right arm resting on his shoulder, and whispered, “Is my baby exhausted from the car ride?” he didn’t respond. “Not answering, huh?” I said as I moved myself a little bit away from him. I rolled myself over so that my back was now facing John’s. Faking hurt, I replied, “Well then.”

I felt the bed move around me, and suddenly there was a pair of strong arms pulling me backwards. “Come here.” He said as he pulled me into his chest. “I love you.” he whispered once more, snuggling into me.

“I love you too, John. Always.”
♠ ♠ ♠

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Love always,