Status: Finally updated! Hopefully another chapter will be up in a week! Just started my summer holidays so I can write more now! :D

The Apples at the Mansion.

Chapter 1

A jolt of the carriage awoke me suddenly; the view from the window next to me was different. I peered out and we were enclosed by trees; a forest. The leaves drooped from the autumn climate, the bronze colour meeting my eye everywhere I look.
My smile lights up my face as I spot a deer trotting through the trees in the distance. Squirrels ran up the long brown barks of the trees and onto the branches sending leaves floating softly to the ground. Something whips past my face and I bring my head back into the carriage, lying lifeless on the floor was a leaf. I pick it up and lay it gently on my palm. The leaf was dead, the tips curled upwards all crumbly and fragile. A beam of light shines across my palm and I look out in to the forest again. The distance between each tree started to get larger and larger when finally an opening unfolded and a magnificent beautiful mansion stood staring out at the enormous valley opposite. My jaw dropped as I took in the sight in front of me. The house was made of sand stone and it was four stories high, there was fourteen windows on the front of the house and in the middle of the ground floor was a huge black door. In front of the house was a crowd of people all wearing, more or less the same thing; the women wore white dresses and the men wore black uniforms. A low chuckle came from within the carriage.
“Welcome to your new home,” said the man sitting in the seat in front of me, “Genally House.”
“Good God!” I gasp.
“The housekeeper, Mrs Thorne, will help you get used to the ways of the house.”
We had pulled up outside the grand house and the footman opened the door, he had white hair and his skin looked a few sizes to big. He helped me and the Duke out of the carriage and closed the door. As I walked up the gravel path and looked around me I noticed some of the trees at the side of the beautiful garden held apples. They were a beautiful dark red and they shone like the sun. The Duke saw me looking and said,
“You mustn’t eat those apples they are poisonous. There are myths about them. But I wouldn’t pay attention to them, they’re ridiculous. I know they look inviting but surely you don’t want to die?”
“No.” I replied solemnly.
“You will dine with me before going to bed.” He said walking in through the front door. “Come.”

The room around me was stunning, I was shocked that this was all mine. My goodness! What have I done...? When I was a little girl I didn’t dream of having a delightfully handsome mansion and lots of money; although I always admired the amazing patterns and architecture, but knew it wasn’t for me. I didn’t like the idea of the consequences of it. Money equals manners, manners equal good opinions, and good opinions mean fame. I didn’t want to have the life my family had. My mother is insufferable! She only ever thinks of money and having a good reputation. Her marriage to my father isn’t happy; it never was, even when I was born. They never agreed on anything. They were like someone forcing two magnets together; they would get so close and then break off again; the consequence of a forced marriage. I knew this would most likely happen to me, I dread the day it does. The Duke was a fine man but there was no magic, he was worthy of having the woman of his dreams. But I wasn’t that woman. We both had different opinions, and rarely agreed on anything. Which reminded me very much of mother and father.
I looked around me; In the middle of the room was an immensely huge four poster bed. The floor was marble and the walls held mirrors and paintings. Along one wall were two doors and along the other there was a writing desk a Sofa. Next to the bed were French doors opening out on to a balcony. I walked across my glamorous bed chamber and through the doors. It looked out on to the beautiful garden and valley and along one side was the forest. Birds were singing songs in the distance and a slight breeze whipped past my face. On the right side of the balcony was the poisonous apple tree.
I took a few breaths and let the clean air fill my lungs before turning to go back in to my room. As I turned a rustling came from within the tree. I looked back, there was nothing there. It must have been the wind. I sighed and walked inside. On the other side of the room stood a young woman; a maid. She had a very pretty face, her eyes were a light shade of green and her cheeks were spread with a light blush. When she had seen that I’d spotted her she curtseyed.
“I must help you get dressed, ma’am.” She said shyly. I smiled at her and beckoned her into my new dressing room. I entered the room; it looked similar to the main part of my bed chamber except it was smaller, much smaller. On the right hand side of the room was a large window, in front of which was a dressing table. On the left side of the room were three wardrobes and at the wall opposite was a handsome full length mirror, the frame was gold and embroidered like the frame of a painting. I walked across the room and sat down at the dressing table and the maid started to take the pins out of my hair.
“What is your name?” I asked the maid. She looked up and said “Georgiana, your Ladyship.”
Urgh, Ladyship...
“Please don’t call me that. Call me Eliza, or if that is too much for you call me ma’am.”
She looked taken aback; I dare say she’s not used to having such privileges, I saw her think about it.
“If you wish, ma’am.” She smiled.
As she took the last pin out of my hair, my long locks cascaded down my back. It tickled and I shivered. I took a silver handled hairbrush off the table and ran it through my hair. Standing up from my stool I made my way to the middle of the room. Georgiana followed and started to undo the back of my gown. After I had been freed from the garment, Georgiana walked across the room and opened one of the wardrobes. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of some silk dresses. As Georgiana made her way back across the room she held in her arms a pretty silk gown. I put my arms up in the air and she flung the dress over my head. It slithered its way down my body and finally clung to my curves. I looked in the mirror opposite me. Wow, this is what I wear to bed? The dress was stunning. At every edge to the fabric there were clear beads embroidered in some difficult pattern. My waist was defined by the tie Georgiana was tightening at the back. It was just exquisite, but it felt wrong. I admired these kinds of things on other people but not me. It wasn’t me.
Georgiana was smiling beside me. I looked up in the mirror to my face. I looked a lot like my mother, I had a small pixie-like face, dominated by my defined cheekbones, and my lips were full and red. My eyes were a light blue and always sparkled even when I was sad. My tender skin was very pale and my cheeks were glowing. My light dirty blond hair fell onto my shoulders and flowed down my back. I grimaced and turned to Georgiana.
“Do you ever get tired of living in this world?”
“What do you mean, Ma’am?”
“Don’t you hate being treated like you’re not important?”
“No, ma’am, I am very fond of my job, it is the only kind of independence a woman like me can get. I feel important because someone has come to me to request my services. And I love that.” She looked at me curiously, “But why would you be treated like you’re not important?”
I sighed and said, “My view never matters, I was made to marry the Duke because he was rich. I’m not important to my mother, my father or the Duke. I’m a tool for alliances. I don’t know why I am here, if I think about what I want.”
If only I had a way to escape. Suddenly I thought of something I had heard the Duke say.
“Can you tell me the myth about the apples, Georgiana?” She looked surprised by the sudden change of subject.
“Of course, ma’am, but it is quite a long story, wouldn’t you like to wait till tomorrow?”
“No. I want to hear it now.”
“Okay then.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you are enjoying this story. :)
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