Emo Boy


"Mom, going out to Shelly's! Back in a while!" I grabbed my only jacket left, an old black cardigan. Perfect for my new image. I didn't bother changing my other clothes before I ran out the door.

"Oh my god, look how gorgeous he is..." What? Are they taking the piss? I looked up, walking to Shelly's, 2 girls were stood by the bus stop making giggling noises and fluttery eyes. Euw. I carried on walking and walked into Shelly's. I only realised how cold it was outside when I felt the warmth inside. The smell of coffee, hot chocolate and sugar hit me in the face. It washed over my body, calming my nerves. I looked around the wooden and red leather room, Esmee was sat in the booth in the far corner looking out the big window.

"Hey there..." That felt lame when it came out

"Hey... Sit down!" She gestured to the seat opposite. I sat down and began fiddling with the salt. Nervous disposition

"I like you" She looked at me. She half blushed and half laughed

"I like you too"... Was I meant to say that or was it sort of meant to be in my head. We sat in silence for a few minutes, she was staring at me while I looked every where but at her. Her hair was in a high bun and she looked tired.

"You dance?" I blurted

"Yes, Ballet, Jazz, Classic and Hip Hop, everyday since I was about 5"

"Really? Like.. wow. I never really had any interests... well... yeah um.. nothing" I stuttered everything. What the hell? Ugh, I wish I could just shut up and not sound like an IDIOT!

"My parents sort of forced me into it, I had to do something for a hobby, dance just happened to be it!" We talked more and more about her and school and things. She's at some posh Performing arts school. I'm at Hillside Crescent, public school for the scraps. We ordered our hot chocolate and drank that.

"Well.. You could come back to mine y'know, I mean we're going to run out of money here!" She laughed, getting up, and stretching. She pulled her hair down and it dropped basically over her shoulders. Not too long but still longer than mine!

"Well...Last time I went there it didn't end too well did it..." I trialled off. The images of the huge group of boys were still fresh in my mind

"Oh please, posh boy wont touch you, believe me!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the store and towards Cornerstone Park.