Emo Boy

Questions Part 1

"I don't understand you Esmee, something just doesn't fit" We'd been walking for a few minutes in silence and instead of thinking this, it came out of my mouth. What an idiot!
"I mean.. why the hell are you even looking at me? Let alone talking to me! No girls like me, apart from the few weirdo's that I know..."

"Well.. because I like you" She said it as if it was the most obvious answer in the world

"But, you don't know me!"

"All I know about you is that you jumped over that fence and walked me home the other night... and some other stuff..." She blushed and turned her head away from me. Smiling, I hope. Right then and there I was willing to kiss her, no messing about, on the lips kiss! But then again, mother nature is a bitch and she would have kicked me in the balls. I felt huge drops of rain suddenly drop on my face. At first I didn't register what it was, then I began to smile. It wasn't just typical British, shitty drizzle rain, it was hard pelting, soaked in 3 minutes rain. The rain I loved. I looked over at Esmee, she was smiling too. She leaned closer to me, her arms slipping around my waist. I may not be tall but she was small enough to put her head on my shoulders

"I love rain" She whispered into my ears. It rang in my ears, she had said it so softly and sweet. It was the only thing I could hear
"Me too" I spoke into her hair, which smelt of lemons. I love lemons. I pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes. They were gorgeous and big, rain drops sticking to her eye lashes. She leaned in closer to my face so I could see the few freckles she had on her nose and cheeks. Her breath was warm and slow. I could feel it on my lips. I wanted to lean in and kiss her and have this moment for ever. Sadly no. This wasn't going to happen was it?

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Someone shouted so loudly Esmee practically jumped 3 metres off the ground. It was the same guy that she called Posh boy. Why does he keep showing up?

"Oh for fuck sake posh boy, leave me alone!" Her voice dripped with acid

"I'm your fucking brother, I don't want to watch some fucking emo kid try get in your pants!" He walked closer and pulled me away from Esmee. Moment fully over. I could still feel where her arms had been and how close her lips were from mine. 3 more seconds and I would have kissed her.

"Wow, no need to get violent, I'm not gonna shag her!" I looked at him, he had the same sort of face as Esmee but he was much taller and quite muscly too. Crap, no way to fight him off then.
"Piss of you twat, she's my sister and you were fucking touching her!"

"POSH BOY JUST FUCK OFF! HE'S MY FRIEND!" She broke away from him, grabbed my arm and walked off, fast, into the direction of Cornerstone Park, "Sorry about him, he is a complete IDIOT! He doesn't realise I'm not 9 anymore, I'm fucking 14! UGH!" She was practically shouting. I stopped and pulled her into a hug
"It's alright, don't get all mad at him, he's your brother right?" She nodded, "Well then he's gonna be like that... Ignore him"
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Not finished, part 2 on the way ! :)