Emo Boy

Questions Part 3

**Nicks' Point Of View**
Kenya... Why have all her brother got weird names? Seriously, posh boy... Kenya? Wow... I don't think I'm even going to ask. When we walked into her house I was amazed, it was bigger than it looked and it was decorated to perfection. It had a picture hanging in the front hall that recognized as Picasso. I hadn't seen it before but I knew it was his. I love art and music. Her brother came slopping down the, awesomely cool, glass stairs. He was a basically the same size in every way as me. His hair was the opposite colour of Esmee, light blond. His eyes were the same colour as hers, green.
"So, you're the guy Emo's been so dazed over?" 'Kenya' broke me away from analyzing him,
"Urh... Yeah I guess?... How do you know she's been dazed over a guy?"

"She ate carbs last night...She's in super training and carbs have been so off limits for her, but she came home and made spaghetti and meatballs, a good thing really, and then some brownies. Her dance teacher would go ballistic if she knew! Emo takes her dance seriously, but she gets like this when she really likes a guy. She never bring ANY ONE home, and the fact you're here proves you're an alright guy... Just one thing. You hurt her in any way and I Posh Boy will hurt you... And then I will hurt you and I am much stronger than him.. and then Grey will come after you and beat the crap out of you and you will be nothing than a pile of mushed blood and skin" He looked at seriously. I was slightly scared,
"I wouldn't hurt... erh.. Emo? I like her... She's not like the freaks I hang out with..."

"What freaks do you hang out with?"

"We'll.... Emo's...."

"Oh shit. You have to stay the hell out of Posh Boy's way... He will MURDER you" We'd finally reached his bedroom door, inside it was pretty dark, lights were dim and the walls were dark purple. He rummaged around his draws and found a top and shorts.

"Well... I kind of already have met him... And again today"

"Right... well I'll talk to him, tell him to back off... you seem alright" He handed me the clothes and pointed to the bathroom. I got changed. It was an old faded Kiss shirt and a pair of what looked like holister shorts. Good taste! I looked up at the HUGE mirror that was on the wall... I sort of suited the look... more than the emo look, but they were my roots. The rest of the bathroom was silver and white, mirrors on the roof and above the sink and on the side of the wall. The bath was much bigger than me, both ways, and the shower was basically a room in it's self! The toilet was covered in Sea shells and the sink had small parts of mirror in it.

Kenya and I walked down stairs. Esmee ( Emo?) had already changed into superman hoody and another black skirt.
"You guys look like brothers! Apart from the different hair colours!" She smiled at us. "I put our clothes in the tumble dryer... Should be ready soon" I followed her into the room next to the kitchen, a lounge I'm guessing, and we sat down.

"Nick, I don't know anything about you, absolutely nothing... tell me about you? Everything! I want to know it all... I want you to tell me because you seem like the only person who wants to talk to me" Her eyes were wide and begging but soft enough for me to agree

"You just... Can't judge me on the things I may say..." I didn't know what t o expect her to say... just okay hopefully.

"I pinky promise" She smiled kindly again.