Emo Boy


I sighed. People eventually want answers, there are always questions I suppose but the answers are the worse.
"Well... I don't know where to start... I suppose with... With where I started off life.
I lived in Wales, Snowdonia, a small little town, I barely remember the name of it. I know that I used to climb Mount Snowdon a few times with my dad," my voice quivered at the word. I carried on, " My mom and dad and me were pretty much the normal family. Then crap began to happen. My dad started to drink and hang out in the bars a lot more. Mom was getting mad, he would miss my sports days and football matches. It crushed me. She would argue with him and he... he hit her. A lot." I didn't want to carry on, but when I bring this stuff out from the back of my head it just comes spilling out.
"Eventually mom had enough. She was sick of him and everything he did, to her... to me.. to every one. After school one day my mom came and picked me up. The bags were in the car and said we were going on a holiday. I was only 7 so I was excited but I could tell something was wrong. We went by my grandparents house. I went into the music room while they had a hushed discussion about some stuff. Then we drove. My dad wasn't with us and we didn't look back once. My mom was strong, she didn't cry or act stern. We drove all the way to Manchester. I was tired and I didn't even think about where we were going to sleep" I paused. My throat was dry and I wasn't ready to talk again

"It's okay, carry on" Esmee moved onto the same chair as me and took my hand.

"When she told me we were home I was confused. She explained that dad was a horrible person and we don't want to be with him any more. I was happy, I didn't like him very much. She said we were going to a new place, more people and we were going to live in a penthouse. I was excited. We would have the sky as our garden, which we did! But at the bottom of our garden was another block of buildings, full of chavs and emo's who were drinking and taking drugs. Mom said we shouldn't take any notice. I didn't. Until I was 12. I started high school and the kids there all lived around me and had older brothers and sisters. They were the ones I could see at night, smoking and getting drunk and doing a lot more than just hugging...

"It wasn't long until I became like that. I became emo because the Peole depressed me and I ended up showing it. Now it's just me and my mom and I'm pretty happy. I love her" I gasped. Tears were almost streaming down my face. These things just don't come out for me, I tend to keep it in and never speak my mind. I didn't even look at Esmee, I just turned away. Ashamed how much my life must look like crap.

"Hey... why are you upset... You know I'm not judging you, that's just how your life worked out" She grabbed my other hand and pulled me into a hug. Am I just plain pathetic? I am. She hugged me tighter, my hands were tangling in her hair. She leaned back again and looked me in the face. Her eyes were glinting. She leaned slightly closer, her lips millimeters from mine. My hear was pounding. I was about to lean in and finally kiss her. Boy this kiss was never going to happen though.

"OI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER YOUR DICK!" I could tell who it was with out looking.

"Oh for fuck sake, posh boy would you PLEASE just leave me alone?" She didn't look angry, she looked sad. Sad to miss out on that kiss? Hopefully.

"No, you, "he pointed at me, " get OUT of this house or I'm going beat the shit out of you!" I didn't need telling twice, plus I was sort of embarrassed to be with Esmee and sort of crying. I jumped up and ran out the house. This was never going to work. I should just leave this place and never come back. Ever.
"NICK... NICK WAIT!" Esmee was running after me, holding something in her hands. My phone?
"Look, posh boy is an idiot, please, please don't listen to him. I don't want you to disappear! Please, just... just come round tomorrow? I'll have your clothes for you" Suddenly she leaned in and kissed me. Her lips were soft and tasted vaguely of snickers. I like snickers
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More on the way, feel free to tell me your thoughts :)