Emo Boy

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**Esmee's point of view**

Tell me about you Esmee. Everything. Especially about these names you each have?" Nicks face light up, as if talking about any one else but him self pleases him.

"Well, firstly...my parents are, sort of famous.." I didn't want to give this speech, it always ended badly... "My dad is Alexander Hart and my mom is Samantha Drill. They're married but they keep their star names." I waited for his shocked face, telling me that he wanted their autographs or something, but he kept a neutral face.
"We have the nicknames from things from their movies, Mark was nicknamed grey after my dad's movie was like, all depressed and it apparently felt 'grey'?

Then Eric was nicknamed Kenya 'cause my mom's movie was in Kenya.

My dad played this posh boy and mom was a posh girl and Parker was nicknamed posh boy and then my mom was an emo in her movie with dad and he was a sports fanatic so I was nicknamed ... Emo." It felt weird calling my brothers by their real name. Too weird.

"I've danced, since I was 5. My brothers dance and sing, I'm tone def so I was no use, and other wise, nothing else. I moved house from Newcastle 6 years ago... Nothing else" I laughed. His face looked unsure but then he smiled.

"Pretty normal then, nothing compared to my absolutely messed up shitty life"

"Your life isn't shit, you have a mom who loves you" I moved closer to him. I could feel how warm he was.

"I still don't understand something Esmee..." He trailed off, moving away from me.


"You can't actually like me? Can you? I mean, I'm an emo, and the people round here hate emo's, I don't go to a posh school, I'm not smart... What could you possibly see in me?" His eyes were wide, questioning.

"You aren't posh, or snobbish or any of the things that the boys around here are like, I hate the boys around here... They assume that they are better than you. You don't... Plus, you're cute. Very cute." I kissed him on the cheek again. I saw him blush before he swept his fringe over his eyes. Cute.

There was a knock on the door and Grey walked in.

"Mom and Dad called, they can't get back tonight, maybe next week some time... We're having Pizza for supper, come down in about an hour" He left with out us being able to say anything. He was shy for some reason.

"Okay, I want to show you something else" I grabbed Nicks hand and lead him to the second door leading out of my room. I opened it and pulled him through, it was only a small dark room, just a bag of old clothes in the corner and an old barbie train.

"Is this 7 minutes in heaven or something?* He laughed. I shook my head, reaching up to the ceiling I push a lose tile open. I pulled my self up, ushering him to follow. He was hesitant. I could understand why. He managed to get through the fairly small gap. I watched his mouth drop as he realised what he was looking at.
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Mm... I don't know, bit of a filler? More coming up !