Emo Boy

Secret room

**Nick's Point Of View**

It wasn't quiet an attic, nor was it another room. It was like a mix. It kind of slopped downwards at one side... Like really slopped.
"Where are we?" I tried to look around the whole of the area, but it was so big. At the opposite end to the slope it was like a hill, then it went straight, like a ledge.

"Well, it's just below the attic, but above the other rooms. Weird isn't it?" She sounded fascinated. It had old pillows and blankets in every corner, as well as 4 or 5 big bean bags. It was pretty cool.
"Yeah... it is!" She began walking to the far end of the room, there was a light coming from there, making it possible for you to actually see. I followed her. Out the window you could see my estate, my flat. It looked old and worn out compared to the shiny new buildings below us. I pressed my cheek against the cool glass. I wondered what it would have been like if I was born into this family, what nickname I would have and what kind of person I'd be. It made my head hurt to think about that... I loved my mom to imagine not having her with me. I pulled away, leaving a small semi-circle of warm breath.
"Whats wrong?" Esmee tilted her head, the light shinning on her eyes making them twinkle. I leaned closer and kissed her. All the sad thoughts vanished. My heart lifted and I could feel her smile. If only things would be like this always. This feeling.

"EMO, SUPPERS READY! HURRY UP!" We heard grey call.

"COMING" She broke away and yelled back. We clambered down the little 'bunny hole' and the glass stairs. I could smell freshly baked pizza.

"Grey is an awesome cook, you'll love his pizza!" She basically read my mind. To our surprise, when we walked into the kitchen, Posh Boy was there. Shit.
"What the fuck is that shit head doing on my house?" He barked. Not this again!
"Oi, posh boy, shut up for fucks sake, and don't swear, your not old enough! And leave Nick alone, he's alright, not gonna hurt Emo!" Grey growled. Posh Boy shut up and didn't say a word to me. We all grabbed huge slices of pizza and ate, talking about sports and school. They were pretty cool. Kenya was pretty cool, he liked most of the same music as me;
"No way, you saw All Time Low in concert? AS IF! I've been saving for months to get tickets to see them!"

"Yeah, they were AMAZING! Dad knows their manager, could always try get some tickets for reduced rate!" He smiled. I think I could like this dude a lot! Posh Boy didn't talk much the whole time, sending I HATE YOU vibes probably, and ate in silence.

"So, what school do you go to Nick?"

"Urh... Oh crap... I have to be home in 5 minutes, sorry I have to leave!" I didn't but I know that they would look down on me because of my school. I walked out the door, feeling stupid.

"WAIT! Nick, what was that all about?" Esmee came running behind me, "Why did you just leave?" She looked hurt.

"Cause my life is so.. different to yours, I'm not posh, I don't go to a nice school, and they wouldn't get it" I walked a bit faster. I felt my face go red.

"C'mon you don't think they're going to judge you because of your school? Posh Boy didn't even shout at you tonight, they aren't like that! Please, just... come round tomorrow?... After 7?" She grabbed my hand with both of hers and held it tight. I sighed.
"Okay.. For a little while, have to get some stuff done tomorrow" She laughed,
"Ooh alright, be mysterious, I'll see you then" She kissed me good bye and I walked back home.
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Hmm, I kinda got things going so this chapter isn't amazing, be better for the next one :)