Emo Boy

What A Saturday

Saturday 9:03 am. My mom would be about to leave for work and then the house was mine!
"Nick, I'm going to work now okay? Order a Pizza at abot 6:30 and we can eat it together" I could hear she was smiling when she spoke meaning last night was nothing! I grunted to let her know I'd heard her and then went back to sleep.

12:34 and I am up. Finally. I grabbed a bowl and spoon and started eating my crunchy nut clusters. Addictive stuff! I switched the TV on and began watching last night's 'Criminal Minds'. Chemical Romance was ringing out from my phone, pretty loudly, which made me jump because some creeper on TV was about to murder someone else with an axe!

"Ahh Mr.Caffery! Man you HAVE to get down to the park dude! We're having this huge party tonight..you coming?" The familiar voice of Joey rang through my phone

"Yeah maybe later..." My mind was still on the axe murderer

"C'mon say you'll come? Meisha has been bugging me all day to get you to come! Please say yes!"

"Woah, no fucking way am I spending my time with that little werido... She's creepy Joe! Tell her I got flu or something? I might show up later"

"Alright, it starts at 9"

"Reyt bye" I put the phone down. A night with Meisha? Not a chance! She is full on weird... Worse than this axe murderer guy! Although the party, which would probably consist of supermarkey beer and cigarettes, did sound like something to do. I decided to get changed and go for a walk, anything to get some movement going. I put on my black All Star Converses and black skinny jeans along with my pretty amazing green day top. I headed out the door and round the back of the estate. I lived on some cheap estate called Milstone Estate, basically for the scum of our town, where a load of chav's and Emo's live. Bad combonation really. Fights break out all the time and police never respond to our calls. Well when someone innocent gets serisously injured I hope the feel guilty.

"Well well well. Looks like we've got another freak show over here lads!" Some chavs laughed at me, probably because of the eye line, "Look at him, or her! He can't decided if he's a girl or not! Well maybe we have to teach him a lesson!" Fuck. Not another fight

"S'reyt dude, I can chose for my self!" I walked off quickly, through a broken wooden fence and round near the not-so-local cornershop. I grabbed some gum and chocolate and paid and walked out. There wasn't much to do where I lived, either go into town where the people would watch you if you went in any shop because we steal all the time, spend the rest of the day at the park with super obsessed Meisha and then stay at hom for the rest of my life and die. Fun.
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Hang on until the next chapter for Nick's love interest ;)