Emo Boy

About Esmee

** Esmee's Point Of View; About Her Life **

My parents are actors, Jayne and Sam Carter. Yeah. I have 3 other brothers, Mark, Eric and Parker. Although we are never called by our birth names. We 'happened' because my parents were celebrating winning an Oscar for their latest movie and we were nicknamed after our parents character or something about the movie:

Mark - Grey ( Dad's movie)
Eric - Kenya ( Mom's movie)
Parker - Posh Boy ( Mom and Dad's movie )
Esmee ( me ) - Emo ( Mom and Dad's movie)

Yeah, pretty bad nicknames, but we grew up with them and they've stuck. The only time our parents use our real names are when they are seriously mad! Which isn't often. Well it is for Parker but yeah! Mark is 17, Eric's 16, Parker is 15 and I am 14. Oh the joy of being the youngest child!

I'm a dancer. I go to a performing arts school for the talented... and the rich! I have been going to John Lee's PA school since I was 8. I've made some really good friends, but I lost my best friend a year ago. Our school has a strict C and above achievement grade. If we get below that, we have to leave. Cassy got a D and was asked to leave. She was doing so badly because she had started singing in a band which took up all her time. She had to leave and then she moved to America. I still miss her.

Due to my heavy studying and constant practice, having an social life other than in school is difficult. Even being at home seems to be rare these days. I have to practice during school, then after school for another 3 - 4 hours. Fun. My brothers and I are really close. Well except Parker, he hates me and pretends I'm not related to him. Oh well, I didn't mind.


** Esmee's Point Of View; Modern Day **
"So Nick, how come you're walking me home?" I laughed, waiting to see his laugh. It was very cute

"Well, I'm guessing you live on Cornerstone right," I nodded, " and you just walked through Emo park... Not a clever idea for a good looking rich girl, I mean there are some freaks around her, I would know, they're my friends" He finished smiling properly. I saw his eyes light up, shinning. I could see that in his life he was upset, depressed. Things have affected him badly. I wanted to hug him and tell him it was alright, make him happy. We got to the gate of Cornerstone Park. The big gold gates, shinning from the lamps.
"You don't have to come through, I can go from here" I smiled.

"no, it's okay, I wanna come through to make sure you're okay in the so obviously dangerous place" He laughed again. I loved it when he did that!