Status: Comment!!! The title change (Why Was It You?)

Wrong Things

Chapter 1- My Best Friend Brady

I looked in the Rolling Stones magazine and saw a picture of our album cover along with the review under it. They had given us 5 stars and wrote:

Poison By Society is the new… Well we aren’t quiet sure how to describe it due to their own yet changing sound and style. The band uses a variety of sounds from now and other decades along with adding some other twists in. The album features 15 tracks (including an into called PBS PSA and People And Viewers Like You… Thank you?) Released tracks include Fire, Pleasant Disaster and new track Say (All I Need)

All this had been surreal. These 10 months have been like a dream or in my words... Like whoa (Like our new song for our next album). We had a video shoot tomorrow and next week we were going on the AP summer tour.

“Nichella Nutella!” Brady yelled walking into my apartment.

“What?” I yelled like an old lady from Brooklyn.

“Gees no need for that accent. I’m going to Starbucks, but…” He said pointing his finger. “I’m afraid to go alone and you will call me a filthy whore if I didn’t get you anything.”

“That’s why they have a drive thru hon and you are right you will be on my filthy whore list if you didn’t get me anything.”

“True to the drive thru thing so are you going or not?”

“I’m going let me get my shoes.”

“Don’t you think you should change out of your pajamas?” He asked as I hopped of my bar stool.

“We are only going to sit in the car.”

“Well you don’t know that we may go somewhere else.” He said.

I sighed, I didn’t feel like changing. I wanted to stay in my ninja turtle guys boxers that I used as pajama bottoms.

Brady was my best friend out of guys. They said it wasn’t good to pick a favorite but Brady was my favorite. I had known him longer and I had left my mark on him when we were in pre school (I left a gash in his leg after he touched my (at the time) non existent boobs. Brady was also the drummer and co founder of the band with me.


“What are we getting Foley for his birthday?” Brady asked as we sat in the car waiting for our drinks.

“Contacts.” I scoffed.

Foley was the bass player, he also wore glasses and had just broken a pair the other day.

“Not a bad idea but he’d probably stick himself in the eye.” Brady laughed.

“So true.” I said as one of me and Brady’s favorite songs came on, Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold.

“This would be on your iPod.” I joked.

“Fuck yes.” He said turning it up before he grabbed the drinks. “I feel insane every single time I'm asked to compromise

“Cause I'm afraid and stuck in my ways and that’s the way it stays. So how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance? By that look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip.” He had began to sing.

“I'm not insane, I'm not insane, I'm not insane, I’m not... not insane.” I picked it up.


“Come back to me it’s almost easy.”

“Said it all.” He sung the ad libs.

“Come back again it's almost easy.”

We both stopped singing and laughed a little bit, we had always done this with any song. There was a video on YouTube of us singing Spice Girls while we were recording in the studio.

“Oh I forgot to tell you I had a crazy yet awesome dream the other night.” He said sipping his coffee.

“What was it?”

“Ok so imagine an indoor show and one of the songs is Lose It.” He said referring to indoor percussion and Lose It by Atreyu.

I started to do what he had said and thought about it. The floor the costumes what would be needed and then I had saw the whole song go in my head.

“Holy shit that would be a good show.”

Brady and I were “band geeks” in high school. He of course was in percussion and I was in almost everything (brass, percussion and woodwinds).

“See you thought of the same thing I did didn’t you? Visuals and all.”

“Most likely.”

That was another reason why Brady was my best friend. Over the years we had gained some telepathic power of knowing things that we never had to say or describe out loud. Everybody swears that we were going to get married or something but we could never see each other that way. We did kiss once but that telepathy kicked in and told us that it felt strange and boring.

He was not my best friend actually.

He was my brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was just to start everything off and to get some sence of what was happening. But other than that comments will speed everything up.

Thanks to Mad for black and whiting it (She knows what I mean)

The Band