Status: Comment!!! The title change (Why Was It You?)

Wrong Things

Chapter 6- No Asses Allowed

I played a few riffs on the acoustic trying to get the song I was thinking about a few weeks ago. I hummed and played a little bit trying to think of some lyrics.

Now I can’t walk, I can’t talk anymore
Since you walked out the door
And now I’m stuck living out that night again…

I stopped in the middle as I wrote it down and tried to think of the next line.

…I’m not falling apart

I knew that I wanted to finish the song so I put myself in total writing mode the next day. I put on my yellow skinnys, my ninja turtle shirt, and green nose ring my purple watch and I put my hair into my beanie along with wearing my purple converse.

“Nick, do you still want the 10’s?” Gavin asked walking up to me and handing me the yellow gauges.

“Yeah, thanks.” I said putting them in.

“Writing today?” He asked noticing how I was looking.

We all knew when somebody was doing something by the way they looked, especially when they wrote. Foley, would be lost the whole day if he was thinking of something. When Gavin writes his attention span gets shorter and he wears hats because he didn’t brush his hair and when Brady wrote he wore all dark clothes (shades included) and shied away from everything and everyone.

“Yeah, I’m going to work on this drum part.” I said leaving.

We knew we never really had much of a problem with not having enough material because we always had extra that we saved for later.

“What is it, look like a guy day?” Brady asked when he roamed around backstage a few hours before the show.

“You know I don’t care about how I look when I write.”

“Oh you’re writing? Can I help?” He asked.

“Not with this one, maybe later though.” I said getting ready to go to the drumset to try the part I had written out.

After going through it one time I had gotten what I wanted (along with getting Pat, Rian, Brook and Jake looking at me play).

“Hey! It’s the little drummer girl.” Rian joked.

“Yeah, I haven’t heard that before.” I rolled my eyes.

Everybody had called me the little drummer girl since

“We are just playing Nick.” Jake laughed. “What else do you play?” He asked.

I sighed at the long list. “Piano, percussion, alto, tenor and bari saxophone, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, trumpet, guitar and bass. I’m not good at all of them but I can play most of them.” I said seeing the guys with dropped mouths.

“Seriously?” Brook asked.

“Wait what type of percussion?” Pat asked even more interested.

“A bunch of stuff. All of us were in band.” I shrugged speaking for the guys.

“That’s cool. I was too.” Rian nodded.

“I’ll talk to you guys later I have to do something.” I said before getting ready to walk away.

I guess since the whole slapping John thing I had begun to keep to myself more and ignore everyone else. I had begun to become the girl who was stuck with guys, who didn’t really want to talk to them. But oh well they will live and so would I.

I kept walking back to the bus but I was stopped when I heard John calling my name. I sighed keeping my back to him and turning around annoyed.


“I’m not here to fuck with you or anything.” He reassured. “I just want a conversation.” He said in defense.

“Yeah, along with the other three hundred people that called me the other day. And I’m not just throwing that number out.” I said informing him.

“I know, and I’m sorry. I just want to talk.”

I looked him over for a second. He wasn’t lying but he wasn’t telling the truth either. I didn’t know why he was trying to talk to me when instead of being an ass he could have talked to me.

“About what?”

He shrugged. “Anything really. I heard your list of what you played by the way.” He said.

“Ok.” I asked wanting him to get to the point.

“Come on don’t be like that, I only want to show you that I’m not always a jerk.” He said giving me a crooked smile.

“I beg to differ.” I mumbled.

“Here, have a full conversation with me right now. I swear I will listen and I will not be an ass in any point.” He said.

I sighed. “Ok.”

“Here come on my bus.” He said.

I arched an eyebrow. Sure I was going to (attempt) to have an actual conversation with him doesn’t mean I trusted him… At all.

“I’m not going to rape you, you’d probably kick my ass anyway.” He shrugged walking.

I shook my head and continued to walk behind him.


“So how’d you meet Brady, Gavin and Foley?” He asked after telling me how he met the guys.

“Brady and I went to the same elementary school and at the time he was a grade above me but we had recesses at the same time and he tried to put his hand in my shirt but I kicked him and he has a gash in his leg from it.” I shrugged making him laughed a little.

“I had skipped 5th grade and when I went to 6th Foley and Gavin was in my class.” I said thinking about when we had started to talk. “I didn’t talk to them until we had a Star Wars vs. Star Trek conversation. Foley said Star Trek and Gavin and I disagreed.” I said thinking about the stupid conversation.

“How did you get into a band? Sorry for sounding like I’m an interviewer or something like that.”

“No, it’s fine as long as you aren’t an ass.”

I had to give it to him, he hadn’t been one in the whole 45 minutes we were talking.

“But like many things, it started when we were in band one day. We ate lunch in the band room and we just started talking about it and then it happened.” I finished.

“And this was one year ago?” He asked.

“Three, we say it’s one because of how it feels but we’ve been doing this for three years. Now my turn for questions,” I demanded.

“Ok, shoot.”

“Why are you an ass?” I asked wanting to know why.

“No specific reason really, I just thought it was fun to mess with you.”

I couldn’t tell if he was lying or not. I never could, but knowing him he must have been a good liar anyway.

“Sure.” I nodded.

“What? You don’t believe me?” He laughed.

“Of course not.” I said looking at my watch.

“My set is in a few minutes so I’ll see you later I guess.” I said getting up and walking off the bus.

I didn’t know what to make of John. Guys weren’t complicated or confusing but he was just… special. Not stupid special or special as in he means something to me (maybe the first one) but he was his own person in the world.
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Sorry for the long wait, it's kind of crappy so sorry

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