Status: Working on the 9th chapter.

Outspoken Silence

What makes you Breathe?


We're getting older now, and soon it will be time for you to die.
When you're on your death bed, will you be proud to claim that
this is the way you chose to live your life?

Tell me what it's like to breathe.. Breathe your soul into somebody,
somebody who never felt the pleasure you provide, with intent to please.
You are the devils' work, a true masterpiece, so dear sir, tell me what
it's like to breathe. Breathe someone's all, breathe their everything,
to leave them with almost nothing but a breath left to breathe, because
I'm curious, and dear sir, it seems quite interesting. You've caught my
attention, I do believe.

When you leave them lying on their deathbeds, I wonder if they'll be
proud to claim, that this is the way they chose to live their last days.

Monster, you breathe quite often, i see. Not a day goes by, that I don't
see my mother bleed. You break her, but she's not a toy. You make
her, but I thought you were only out to destroy? Silly, silly, little boy.

Tell me, tell me what it's like to be you. I want to know, what goes
through that thick skull of yours, that tormented cranium upon your
shoulders, tell me what it's like to be a "man" so strong, so
masculine, to be able to crush a woman in a matter of seconds..
Because I want to understand. All we want to do is understand you.

What drives you crazy, to the point of insanity, what makes you Breathe?