Accidentally in Love

Current Events

In the next couple of weeks Emma and Kenny continued to dominate everyone in their Challenges. Kelly had gone back to her cabin, after convincing Kenny that she would come back if Seth started stuff.

Kenny and Emma made an agreement to be like they were before they dated while they dated. They didn't want to change the relationship like most couples did.

Their was two Challenges left. Emma and Kenny knew they were going to be in the Finals, they had only lost one Challenge and that was the one they didn't show up to.

Emma woke up that Thursday morning with a startling jolt as Kenny jumped on top of her. She groaned.

"Really, Kenny?! Can I not wake up properly for once?" He always seemed to be the first one up, no matter what and always woke her up after he had gotten ready in the morning, which consisted of throwing on some wrinkly jeans, a t-shirt, and rumpling his hair in an unorganized ritual.

"Why would I want to do that? It's more fun this way," he said, smiling widely.

I grumbled something under breath and gave him a mean look. "Let me sleep!"

"But we have a Challenge today and I want you bright eyed and bushy tailed, which means waking up in time for breakfast."

I lifted an eye brow at him. "Really? Quoting Alivn and the Chipmunks?"

He laughed and licked the top of my nose. “Now get up. Don’t make me ask you again or I’ll throw you in the shower dressed as you are.”

I made a face. He knew I slept in a huge t-shirt and underwear. If he threw me over his shoulder my ass would be in the air. “Alright alright, I’ll get up.”

“Promise?” I nodded.

He layed on the bed as I got up and said, “Oh, by the way, tomorrow night there is a dance.”

I stopped moving toward the bathroom. “A dance! Since when?”

He shrugged. Such a guys thing to do. “Since forever. They always have a dance after the last Challenge.”

“Well I don’t think I’m going to go.” I said and watched as Kenny stopped smiling.

“Why?” He looked stricken

“Well for one it would be embarrassing to go without a date.” I continued to watch him in hidden amusement as he looked confused.

“But we are dating.” He said.

“Yes, true, but no one asked me to go; therefore I don’t have a date.” I couldn’t help but smile as he figured it out.

He sighed. “God, why do girls have to be so damn complicated?” He got of the bed and gently grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. My breath caught in my throat and it seemed that this moment lasted a lifetime when it only lasted a couple of seconds.

“Emma, will you go to the dance with me?” He said it as if he were mocking a bad TV show and I couldn’t help but laugh as he ruined the romantic moment.

“Why yes, Kenny, I will go to the dance with you.”

We both smiled and then he popped me on the ass playfully and said “now go get in the shower and get you’re A game on. We have a poor challenge-less team we are going to murder in our Challenge.”

I giggled and went to the bathroom to turn the shower on hot. I quickly washed my hair then hopped out dress quickly blow drying my hair (after inspecting the dryer first of course, never put it past Kenny to try to pull the same tricks twice).

After getting my face on and looking almost perfect (nobody looks 100% perfect) Kenny walked hand in hand to the Dining Hall, laughing and booty bumping each other the whole way. After a quick meal they returned to the cabin to change into their team colors and headed out to their Challenge.
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I know that this has taken forever again but it only has 3-4 more chapters left and I plan on finishing them in the next 2 weeks or so, promise!!

Hoped you enjoyed, comments please!