‹ Prequel: Undeniably In Denial
Status: new in written and typed forms. be patient

A New Kind of Denial


So, it's the author here. Please don't report this (or at least not right away).

I actually do have story content, just not "officially" I guess.

But anyways, on to what we're all here for.

I know it's been ages (6 months to be more exact) but I honestly have been trying to write this epilogue. I ran into so many roadblocks. Including writing roadblock in general. In case you're wondering, I haven't posted anything on here for 3 or 4 months, and I've barely written anything at all after that.

So I sat down tonight with the intention of finishing this epilogue and posting it, but I realized something.

I can't do what I want to do and get across the points I want to get across in an epilogue.

I also realized that the way I left chapter 25 was quite a nice ending, even though I didn't mean for it to be. So I'm not writing an epilogue after all. This story is officially completed and has been for 6 months.


But I am going to give you guys what I had started for the epilogue. Keep in mind it's technically only a half of a chapter and it doesn't really tie up a whole lot, so you may not even want to read it anyways.

On the off chance that you do, though, it is posted here. Feel free to follow my tumblr if you want. It's kind of a mess of my fandoms, though.

And on that note, I leave you to run away from the aggrivation/anger some of you may be harbouring against me at this moment.