Status: Completed

We've Got a Big Mess On Our Hands

Chapter 7


He doesn’t completely hate me! He had coffee with me and he was willing to tell me about Genevieve, so he must trust me at least a little. He looked really happy when I told him I was gay, so maybe I have a chance?

After we finished our drinks, we went back to the recording studio and most people were done. All of my band were finished and were sitting around watching the others play and commenting every once and a while.

“Hey, guys. How’s it going?” I asked.

“Really well!” Vicky said. “The guys have really taken the song to the next level!”

I listened to the playing that was going on and smiled. “Yeah, it sounds great.” I said. “Thanks again for agreeing to help us out.” I said to William.

“No problem.” he said, smiling. “I loved the song and I was happy to come help.”

“Hey, Gabe, you ready to go?” Alex asked. “We trust these guys know what they’re doing. They can finish up on their own.”

“Yeah, if that’s not a problem.” I said, looking at the sound techs.

“None at all. Go ahead, we’ll record these tracks and have them ready for you guys to listen to tomorrow.” one of the guys responded.

“Cool.” I said. “Let’s head out, then. It was nice hanging out with you again, William.” I turned to him, unsure of what to do. He answered that question for me, however.

“It was nice seeing you again.” he said, wrapping me up in a warm hug. “See you tomorrow.”

Vicky smiled at me and we walked out of the room, followed by the rest of the band.

“So?” she asked.

“So what?” I replied, knowing what she meant but not wanting to tell her.

“You know what.” she smirked. “How was your little date with William?”

“It wasn’t a date. We went and got coffee.” I said, slightly embarrassed.

“Sounds like a date to me.” Vicky said, still smirking at me.

“It wasn’t a date, okay?” I said, blushing.

“Look at that blush!” she said, pointing at my red cheeks. “Did you tell him you’re gay?”

“Well, it came up, so yeah.” I said.

Vicky squealed and clapped her hands. “Did he give you his number?”

“No, Vicky.” I sighed. “I don’t think he likes me that way…”

“Well, maybe-”

“Gabe!” I turned to see William running down the hall towards me.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, giving Vicky a look so she’d back off. She stepped over to the rest of the guys and told them to hold on a second.

“Hi.” William said. “I just wanted to give you my cell number, just in case you have any questions. And I was hoping I could have yours in case anything comes up during recording.” He looked slightly embarrassed, as if he was worried about me turning him down.

“Yeah, sure, that’s a great idea!” I said, smiling at him.

We exchanged numbers, while Vicky gave me suggestive looks over William’s shoulder.

“So, I’ll call you sometime.” I said, smiling.

“Yeah, that’d be cool.” William said. “It was nice seeing you again Gabe.”

“You too, William.” I said.

He waved and walked back into the recording studio. I watched him as he walked away… He has a nice ass…

WOAH! What am I saying? That’s a new thought… I have honestly never thought about another guy like that…at least not consciously… So that was a shock… He does have a nice ass though.

Vicky came over, smiling her head off and giving me a look that clearly said “I know what that was about and I’m going to tease you about it until you tell me yourself”.

“So he doesn’t like you like that, does he?”

“Shut up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwwwnnnnn. Gabey!!!

I haz no wifi. So I'm working from my phone... Lemme know if I make any mistakes!!!

Also, read the previous chapter's author's note!

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