Status: Restarted...Totally Different Used to be ****Boarding School: You never said I'd be the only GIRL here!****

It's Like High School...

Chapter 3

My eyes opened softly. I stretched and sat up. Cole, still sleeping, turned in his sleep to lay on his side. Trying not to wake him up I got up and went into my room to grab some clothes for the day. Next I went to the bathroom to take a shower, so I could go find some breakfast.

The shower woke me right up. I was ready for the day. I grabbed my clothes and put them on with my hair wrapped up in a towel. I blow dried my hair made it just how I wanted it, which took no time at all.

After I was done I walked out to find the living room empty. I went into the bedroom to grab my bag and it was empty too. Cole must have left.

I put my headphones in my ears and turned it on. Firework by Katy Perry came on. I started humming alone as I walked down the hallway to go find breakfast. Not paying attention I bumped into somebody.

My Ipod fell to the ground, unplugging my head phones, and playing the song aloud. "Oh, I'm Sorry!" I said picking up my Ipod.

"No worries," the girl said smiling, "I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

"Uh, yeah, I got here last night." I replied, "I'm Lynnsay."

"I'm Ashley," she giggled. "I was just about to get some breakfast, you hungry?"

I laughed. "Perfect, I was about to too!"

We talked and laughed until we found a Walk-Up Mexican Food place. We both ordered Breakfast Burritos. It turns out we have a lot in common and she is just down the hallway from me.

"So, how long have you been here?" I asked Ashley.

"About a year and a half. I got here about 2 summers ago." she stated. "Ugh." Confused I asked what was wrong. "Him." She said point behind me. I turned around to see Cole kissing some girl that I didn't know.

"Cole?" I questioned.

"You know him?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's my roommate."

"Oh.." Ashley said quietly.

"How do you know him?"

"I dated him." She said slowly.

"Oh...who is that girl he's with?"

"Um, that is Tina." She said after looking at her for a minute, probably trying to figure out who he was making out with.

"But I thought he was with Kesley...that's who he was kissing yesterday in our dorm?"

"I'm not surprised, he's just a player, he never has a real girlfriend. I thought he changed when I dated him, he said he did, and then he went and slept with my best friend behind my back."

"That asshole!" I growled. "He's been a jerk to me like the whole time I've been there too."

"I'm not surprised. That is how he acts, and your stuck with him all year, which is surprising because last year some how he convinced the office about how he need his own room so he could "study" better."

"Yeah, study what subject, kissing?" I snickered.


After breakfast I got Ashley's number and I said I'd text her later, I wanted call my parents, because I forgot to yesterday. I walked into my room and dialed their number.

"Hello?" I heard on the other line, it was my mom.

"Hi Mom." I said smiling, it was nice to hear her voice.

"Hun! How are you doing?" she sounded excited to talk to me.

"Good, I'm sorry I didn't call you last night, I feel asleep watching a movie with Cole."

"Oh, who's Cole?" my mom asked curiously.

"My roommate..." I said in a monotone voice.

"You don't seem to happy about that," she said softly.

"He is just a player, and its..well I don't know," I sighed.

"I'm sorry baby girl, is there anything I can do?"

"Can you send me a care box with Jif Peanut Butter in it?" I said giggling.

"Oh you always were the funny one."

"Yeah..." I said smiling. I heard the door open and close and I assumed it was Cole. "Well, I have to go." I said as Cole walk into the room.

"Alright Love, call if you need anything, even that Jif peanut butter, I can get it over nighted there." I giggled at her words. "I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." I said hanging up.

"Who was that?" Cole asked me looking at me funny.

"My mom, why?"

"Oh I thought it was your boyfriend or somebody..."

I laughed. "Oh yeah definitely my boyfriend."

"What's so funny." he questioned.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Seriously?" he looked at me like I should of been kidding.

"Yeah, seriously, why?"

"You just don't look like the type of girl to not have a boyfriend."
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Chapter 3 completed!! I hope you like it(: Please leave comments so i know if anyone is accually reading this story, and for those few that have, thanks (:

-Baylee <3