
we were remembered

The camp opened the next summer. The abandoned cabin was burned and the cliff was barred off by fences. New cabins were installed with locking doors and locking windows.

We were remembered.

The next generation of campers and consolers continued the story of the maniac in the woods. Everyone knew the story of Xander Craft. They knew how he single handily killed off practically the whole camp. They also knew how Marie Declan killed him and survived.

My children still come home every year after summer, telling me the new and creepier versions of the story. And every year I tell them the real version. I show them the proof. I show them his shirt and his bracelets and his camera. And every year they tell me I’m a liar. They always sing the little song about lying that I taught them when they were young.

What can I say? Kids are kids. They do some crazy, out of this world shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
word count: 162

So... yeah. This turned out WAY different than I intended it to be. I got the idea and I couldn't stop writing. XD

This might be changed to one long one-shot. It depends on the contest rules. The answer is still pending, so don't be surprised if all the chapters disappear.

Feel free to comment. :)