Where's Your Home When You Have Not A Heart?

Part 3

At last - he was alone and he could think in solitude without any interruptions.

He found it odd that the one time he wished to be alone, he was not. Yet, any other time he would feel emptiness and loneliness in his heart- and there was no one to comfort him.

There was a puzzling thought that lingered in his mind, clouding up most of the thoughts he wished to ignore. But after such a young woman was to interrupt his thinking- his thinking would do nothing but think of her.

Why had she stopped to talk to a stranger in the night? Had she no mind? Was she herself, a creature of darkness?

She seemed smart... unlike most modern young women. But, it would be impossible for her to be one of his kind. He thought he would have been able to tell. And she wouldn’t have ran...

But why had she been walking at this time of night in the first place? It didn't make sense.

After a while, the thought began to puzzle him. He had been thinking so deeply, that he had forgotten where he was and drifted off into a dreamland of nightmares and tremors. Where the pleasurable can only be found in agony and pain.

Unlike the apathy Seth was used to in the real world, this rare and unusual state made sweat beat off your forhead, your skin to become cold and clammy and your heart rate to quicken.