Where's Your Home When You Have Not A Heart?

Part 9

"Where are we going," Amelia sighed in a question for at least the twentieth time that night. The air was thick and they had already travelled far down the road.

Seth chuckled, getting accustomed to the question. "The harbor."

She giggled in excitement. "Really? Oh, I've never been on a boat before!" She spun herself around in circles, swinging her suitcases from side to side. Her shoes clicked together in her hands and her bare feet made small, almost silent, sounds as they hit against the vegetated soil.

"Well then," Seth stated, begining to losen up a bit. "Aren't you in for a treat."

"Where is it that we are travelling to," Amelia asked in a sigh, quickening her pace so that she was leaning over Seth's shoulder as she walked. Her wide-set grin creating dimples in her flushed cheeks as her bright eyes filled her atmosphere.

"We are going where ever that ship leads us to," Seth staed plainly.

"Oh. Well, will it be exciting?"

Seth chuckled once more. "For you, I'm sure. You're no better than an anticipated six-year-old, you know that?"

"Well, I really am a child at heart. My maturity has failed to take over my mental state." She skipped circled around him before she stole his hat and placed it on her own head.

"Okay, young child- that's enough. Now return me my hat."

"Oh dear Sir, where are you're manners," she giggled in the giddiest of moods.

Seth stressed the word, "Please."

Amelia ran up ahead, refusing his request.

"You have much youth in your blood- perhaps I should have waited a few years before I chose to take you along," he called.

"She stopped, an idea suddenly sprouting in her mind. "How old are you, anyways?"

"Now, now- All you need to know is I'm your senior and you musn't be cocky, little girl. Now hand me my hat."

Amelia shook her head.

Seth smirked. "Fine," he stated, before running after her in a matter of seconds, in a motion that she could hardly pay attention too. He knocked her lightly to the ground and pinned her against the grass, stealing his hat back with a smile and a laugh at the shicked expression on her face. She hadn't expected to end up on the ground- Neither was she expecting to have the man sitting ontop of her chest. She was uncomfortable- parcially scared of what could happen, but she ceased to show it. She kept grining at him in the oddest way.

He got of in a matter of seconds, placing his hat back on his own head, and reaching out his hand to help her up. "Now," he ordered. "Let's make haste, the the night is late and we've still got a ship to catch before 'morn."

"I though you couldn't be out in the day," Amelia stated.

"You silly girl- Why did I just tell you we need to catch the ship? And it's not that I cannot be in light- I simply dislike it to extreme proximities... You pay attention to too many stories. They're nothing but tall tales!"

"Oh," Amelia stated, a bit more calm as she gathered herself together and continued on her way, following her leader as he made his way through the shadows of the night.