The Mill

The Request

“Avery!” She heard her name being choked out in a yell, her head whipped around to look in the room to find her friend struggling for his life, the noose around his own neck. Her jaw dropped as she forgot about the dead man standing next to her and raced to her friend. She held his legs up to give him some leverage so he wouldn’t suffocate to death.

Her mind racing and eyes darting around the room just like the rat from earlier. Her eyes found an old rusted saw hanging on the wall, instinct took over as she raced to the wall letting go of Peter’s legs just long enough to grab the tool. Avery grabbed his legs again handing him the saw, Peter began cutting the thick rope understanding the unspoken plan.

Under his weight Avery collapsed to the floor disturbing the thick covering of dust. Peter’s breathing was labored as he rubbed his raw neck, Avery groaned in pain. It started quietly and they just thought it was the rain until it grew louder; maniacal laughter filled the room giving them chills and goose bumps.

Peter and Avery stood up running for the stairs almost falling down the steep steps. They rushed to the entrance of the building they had come through only to see a young woman with black holes where her eyes should be, bloody scratch marks around the holes like she gouged them out herself. Her clothing from the same time period clothed her corpse that had what looked like a giant black iron nail sticking out of her skull. She closed the door with the same Cheshire cat smile the man had on her face. “Please stay awhile.” Her ghostly voice requested them with malicious force behind it.

The two teenagers ran screaming down the stairs that led to the basement where the old exposed wooden machinery worked. Trembling from fear they held each others hands in a vice grip so they wouldn’t be separated. Silent tears ran down Avery’s cheeks along with her eyeliner, her throat sore from all the screaming. The smell of dust and the remains of flour dust filled the air they now breathed; the sound of churning water could be heard under the sound of the machinery.