The Mill

The End

Getting his breathing normal once again, like a nightmare, this wasn’t the end. A soft laughter echoed his ears that sounded eerily familiar. The rain had stopped a while ago but a drop of water dripped on Peter’s face. He thought nothing of it until it dropped again; slowly he opened his eyes that almost popped out of his head at the sight before him. Above him stood Avery, a mangled corpse with curious eyes looking down at her friend.

“Avery.” He whispered, the words barely escaping his lips as if he said her name she would surely disappear. Even though her appearance was terrifying and dead it comforted him to know that she was still with him. Then slowly her eyes glazed over with malice and that horrifyingly familiar Cheshire cat smile crept onto her face. Confusion showed clearly on Peter’s newly scarred face.

She rose up her hands from behind her back, tightly gripped in both was a rusted black metal axe, one that had hung on one the walls of the main floor in the mill. “I told you to stay, your time is up.” Her voice raspy and deadly quiet. “Too bad you didn’t listen and stay like a good little boy.” And with an amazing amount of force she brought the axe down, a sound almost like chopping rain soaked wood echoed through out the deserted streets.

Peter’s face showed nothing but pure terror as his head rolled down the bank plunking into the water and as if she was a wisp of smoke Avery’s corpse disappeared without a trace. And there lied Peter’s body without a face. The sun slowly rising casting a bright pink glow in the sky, it reached over the tree tops casting light on the old abandoned mill that was still quiet shabby and all in one piece as if nothing had happened.