What The Hell Is Wrong With Me

On The Run

I was almost to my destination when suddenly we were stopped by the police. God, i just hoped it wasnt for what i did back in san fransico. We were stopped because one of the lights on the cab was out. My heart was panting so fast that I almost fainted. The cab driver got a ticket for $50. Ha, sucked for him.As we started moving again my cell phone rang... I answered my phone and on the other side of the line was my mother. she was so sad but i didnt bother to ask why. She was wondering where I was and i said that I was out and that i would be home later. I hung up and fell asleep. The cab driver woke me up saying that I had been asleep for an hour yet it only felt like ten miuntes. There I was, I had reached my destination. I was back in my favorite city... Los Angeles. I knew that i couldnt stay in california so I got on a plane at Los Angeles International Airport and headed for New York.