What The Hell Is Wrong With Me

I Think Im Being Watched

My plan I wrote took about a day to create and i still didnt think it was going to work. (Britany's voice)... yo dinners here. I replied... k. God I wish I could tell here what I did but I cant risk the chance that she is going to betray me and call the police. I walked out of my room and went to the dining room and there she was on the other side of her 5 foot long table... I dont now why she had that long table but it didnt matter anyway. we got chinese food like we always do in the summer. After dinner we played games and watched movies. I was tired but didnt want to go to bed. Britany went to bed just as few minutes ago and now im sitting on the couch just thinking.... suddenly I hear a clicking noise. I look out the window and i see nothing but a shadow which looks like is stalking me so I just turned around. But as I was turning around I see the shadow move away and I finally realize I was being watched the whole time. So I packed my bags, left a note saying I had to leave, and ran.