What The Hell Is Wrong With Me


I was scared so much. I cried all the way to the police station. When we got out I was brought through the building to a small room and was told to sit there. I dont remember how long I was sitting on that uncomfortable chair, but I do remember what they said to me when they finally came in and interegated me. They asked me all sorts of questions containing to my friend that i killed, but did they know that, that was what I was worried the most. What would happen to me if they caught me. All was going good until they said that they needed DNA. I was bewildered, I didnt know what to do then suddenly a suited man came into the room and said that he was my lawyer and that I didnt have to do what the cops told me to do. I was in the safe zone... but for how long. The suited man greeted himself as Kevin gruntenberg, he also said that brittany had heard what happened to me and hired him to be my lawyer(thank you Brittany for being such a good friend). The cops originaly said that i was to stay in a cell at the station until my court hearing, but Kevin wiggled me out of it and said that i was to stay with Brittany until then. When it was all over we all walked to the elevator where i just froze in shock.... Dannies parents walked by me staring me down, I felt like I was sinking into darkness. (By the way, Dannie was my friend that I killed at my house) They stopped and said to me that they hoped i burn in hell for what i did, but all I could do was stare in shock. As they left a tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it off and headed into the elevator. We troad all they way down to the first floor were i was greeted by Brittany. She walked up to me and I hugged her and said thank you, she replied back with what are friends for and we walked outside and road home in a taxi..... where we were going.... Let me tell you one thing......It wasnt back to brittany's......It was out of N.Y.