Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner



I woke up the next morning to my cell phone ringing. For a couple of seconds, I thought I was on the tour bus, in my bunk, until the memories came flooding back, hitting me like a tidal wave.

Holy shit. What the hell happened last night?

I suddenly remembered my phone and snatched it off the bedside table.


“Dude, where the fuck are you?” Zacky sounded seriously pissed, and the sound of his voice brought on an extreme hangover.

Damn. I rubbed my temples.

“Uh...” I looked around. “I think I’m at some motel. The one across the street from that bar.”

Zacky chuckled. “Johnny Christ, did you do the nasty last night? Damn boy, you got some major game!”

“Shut up.”, I growled, wincing as my head pounded.

“Just get over here. We need to record a song or two.” And then the line went dead.

“Well damn, Zack.”, I mumbled.

For the first time, I glanced over at her. What was her name? Something with an ‘H’...Hayliee! Yes, that was her name. Hayliee...

I carefully studied every feature of her face. It was perfectly sculpted, and I felt like I was staring at the face of an angel. Her light brown hair stuck to her still sweaty forehead. It was all I could do not the reach out and caress her cheek.

Damn, I thought. I made love to a totally beautiful girl last night and it was perfect.

A shiver shot up my spine as I suddenly remembered the pleasure I’d experienced last night with this girl, our bodies molded together, fueled by passion and lust. I’d never experienced feelings like this for Lacey and...oh God. Lacey. I brushed it off. It was over between the two of us anyway. I knew she’d been fucking around on me, and I could use this as an excuse to leave her.

With a jolt, I realized how long I’d been laying here. I jumped out of bed and pulled on my clothes. I hurried to the door, placing my hand on the doorknob. As I turned the doorknob, I turned around to take one last glance at Hayliee.

Damn, Hayliee. You really are sexy.


Oh God. Hayliee, you really need to quit drinking so much.

I blinked open my eyes, and as I took in the unfamiliar surroundings of the motel, I began to remember what happened last night.

I smiled. I’d hooked up with an amazing guy, and I’d definitely felt a spark between us. I was pretty sure he’d felt it, too. I knew because...well, sex with this guy was different than it was with my ex-boyfriend, Jon. He’d slept with me and then dumped me. But, I knew this guy wouldn’t. It just felt...different.

But what was his name? God, what the hell was his name? The sexiest guy I’d ever met, and I couldn’t remember his name? I mentally slapped myself and rolled over to face him. But, he wasn’t there. The space where he had laid was vacated, the covers thrown back so that they covered my doubly.

I stifled a sob. He was gone. He was exactly like Jon. He had fucked me and then ran off.

Then finally I couldn’t take it. I let the tears flow down my cheeks, soaking the cheap motel pillow. I glanced around the room at my clothes, strewn out across the floor, and I felt a knot of pure disgust form in my stomach.

God, how could I have been so stupid? I was probably just some random fuck to that guy, he doesn’t care about me.

Still crying, I slumped out of bed and slowly pulled on my clothes. After dressing, I sat on the edge of the small bed, running my hand through my long, brown hair. I looked over at the spot where he and I had been just a few hours earlier. I didn’t mean to be perverted, but I couldn’t stop thinking about we’d been doing. I chewed on the inside of my lip, temporarily savoring the thought.

Hayliee, stop it! This guy doesn’t care about you!

Feeling utterly defeated all over again, I searched for my phone and dialed Emmy’s number. I could feel my stomach turning somersaults when I thought about what I had to tell her and Callie.

“Hayliee, where the fuck have you been?”, Emmy shrieked. “Callie and I looked everywhere for you at the bar, but we couldn’t find you anywhere!”

“Emmy...” I paused. “I’m at the motel across the street.”, I finished shamefully.

I heard Emmy take in a deep breath and I knew I was in for a rant. “A motel? That means...but no. You wouldn’t...You didn’t, did you? Because if you did-”

“Save it, Emmy. Please.”, I sighed. “I just need you or Callie to come pick me up.”

“Okay.”, she stated. “But you will tell us about it later.”

“Fine.”, I groaned.

. . .

“So, Hayliee. Spill.”, Callie urged.

“Yea.”, Emmy said. “Tell us what you were doing at motel.”

“Well,”, I began, taking in a deep breath. “I should start at the beginning. I was talking to you guys when you left. So, I started cursing to myself and this guy sitting next to me says, ‘I hope you’re not talking to me like that.’. Then I started giggling and flirting with him, probably because I was drunk-”

“Wait.”, Emmy interrupted. “Hayliee Johnson was flirting with some random bar guy? That’s a first.”

Callie slapped her arm. “Let her finish!”

I rolled my eyes and continued. “So, as I was saying, I was flirting with him and he offered to buy me another Daniels, but I said ‘Let’s dance.’. God, I’m such an idiot! I should’ve just walked away, but I didn’t. A fast song played, and we started dancing-’

“Hold on!”, Callie yelled. “Hayliee, were you dirty dancing?” She grinned at me deviously.

I glared at her and huffed before going on. “We started dancing and he started kissing my neck. And then he hit my sweet spot, and I guess that’s what made me lose control. I turned around, wrapped my arms around his neck, and started kissing him-”

“Hayliee!”, Emmy and Callie gasped in unison.

“Yea.”, I said, ignoring them. “So, there I was, making out with this guy in the middle of a crowded bar, and my mind was screaming at me to stop. But my body told me to keep going, and of course I listened to my body-”

“That’s called your sex drive, babe.”, Callie said. She laughed. “Ha, you were horny.”

“Will you please stop interrupting me? Jeesh. So, we went across the street to that motel and...and-” At this point, my voice broke. I felt like if I said it out loud, I wouldn’t be able to ignore it anymore.

“You what, Hayliee?”, Emmy asked, grinning slyly.

“I-I...I had sex with him.”, I blurted.

“Whoa!”, Callie exclaimed. “Did you really?”

Emmy and I both turned around to face Callie. “You seriously aren’t that stupid, are you?”, I questioned.

“No!”, Callie yelled, hiding her hurt. “So, you really slept with some random guy?”

I nodded my head and burst into tears. Because now I finally had to accept it. I slept with some random guy from a bar. And I was never going to see him again.