Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


“Johnny, my stitches hurt.”, I whined.

“I know, baby. I know.”, he soothed. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”, he asked, helping me to my feet. Today we were going out to dinner with the guys, specifically for the purpose of announcing our good news. I knew Johnny was excited to tell his friends that he was going to be a father, but right now all I could think about the pain those fucking stitches were causing me.

“I might be in pain, but I’m not helpless.”, I snapped.

“Well, I don’t want you to rip out your stitches.”, Johnny said, sounding slightly disgruntled. “Then you’ll be in even more pain.”

“I know. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”, I apologized. “I know you’re just trying to help.”

“Alright. Now let’s go. The guys are waiting.”

. . .

“Okay, Johnny.” Zacky leaned back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head. “You invited us to dinner, you said you had something to tell what’s the big announcement?”

Johnny glanced over at me and grabbed my hand. “Well guys...Hayliee and I found out we’re expecting a baby.” Emmy and Callie both squealed, and the guys smiled.

“Congrats, dude.” Matt slapped Johnny on the back while Jimmy stared at Johnny with a crooked grin on his face.

“Little Johnny is going to be a daddy?”, he asked incredulously. “I can’t wait to see this.”

Zacky raised his hand to summon a waiter. “Hey, waiter! Let’s get a round of Daniels over here!”

Johnny and I looked at each other awkwardly. “Uh, I can’t drink, Zack.”

“Why not?” Zacky dropped his hand, looking confused.

“I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, yea.”, he said. “Sorry, forgot you can’t drink.”

Emmy shifted seats with Zacky as our food arrived. “Oh my God, Hayliee, I can’t believe you’re pregnant!”, she squealed. “Are you scared?”

“A little.”, I admitted. I looked over at Johnny face. “But I’ve got Johnny.”

“Your baby is going to be so cute.”, she said. “I wish I could have a baby.”

I shook my head. “No, you don’t.”, I stated. “Do you know where I’ve spent the last two weeks? In a bathroom, puking my guts up.”

“I guess you’re right.”, Emmy agreed. “So I take it you and Johnny weren’t planning this.”

No.”, I blurted. “This pregnancy was definitely an accident.”

“So, you’re going through with the pregnancy?”

“Of course!”, I shouted, bewildered. “I could never get rid of this baby. I mean, yea, I’m unprepared, but Johnny wants this baby and I can see how happy this pregnancy makes him.”

“Well, it makes me happy, too.”, Emmy said.

“Why?”, I asked curiously.

“Because now I get to throw you a baby shower!”, she cheered.

I rolled my eyes. “Uh, no. After my bachelorette party fiasco, I don’t think I trust you or Callie enough to throw me another party.”

“But this one will be different!”, she explained. “We’ll just play games and eat tiny little cakes. And I promise, no strippers.”

I still wasn’t sure. “I don’t know...we’ll see.”

“So is that a yes?”, Emmy asked hopefully.

“That’s a maybe.”, I told her. Still, she clapped excitedly.

Suddenly, I didn’t fell so well. I reached over and tugged on Johnny’s sleeve, trying to gain his attention. At first he ignored me, and I started to get irritated. I nudged his leg under the table, and finally he turned to me, looking annoyed. “What?”, he hissed.

I felt tears forming in my eyes at his tone. “I-I just wanted to tell you I wanted to go, because I’m starting to feel sick again.” I squared my jaw. “But I can see you’re too busy talking to your friends to pay any attention to me.”

“Baby, I’m sorry.”, Johnny apologized quickly. “But I haven’t had time to talk to my friends in a long time. Just give me a few minutes, okay?”

“Fine.”, I grumbled. “But if I throw up on you, it’s your fault.”

“You know what?” Johnny pushed back his chair. “Why don’t we just go?” Johnny reached into his pocket for his wallet and pulled out a twenty to pay for our part of the check. He handed it to Matt, but Matt refused.

“Let us.”, he offered. “Our treat for the parents-to-be.”

“Thanks.”, Johnny said crossly. I waved good-bye to Callie and Emmy before Johnny seized my hand and yanked me out of the restaurant.

In the parking lot, I jerked furiously on my arm, freeing it from Johnny’s grasp. “What the fuck is your problem?”, I seethed.

“What’s my[/i problem?”, Johnny mocked. “My problem is that you don’t seem to want me to spend any time with my friends.”

“Well, excuse me for feeling like shit.”, I yelled. “I’m pregnant. With your fucking baby. The least you could do is be supportive.”

Johnny glared at me for a moment before stepping into the car, slamming the door so hard the car shook. I followed suit, closing the car door and turning so that I faced the window. On the way home, Johnny fiddled with the radio, obviously trying to avoid conversation. As soon as the car was parked in the driveway, I catapulted out, eager to get away from Johnny.

“Hayliee.” Johnny’s soft voice surprised me, my foot on the bottom step. I pivoted around slowly, keeping my face free of emotion. I didn’t say a word as Johnny slowly but surely walked over to me. He lifted my chin so that our gazes me, despite my efforts to keep my gaze on his feet. “Hayliee.”, he said again. “You know I love you, right?” Automatically, I nodded, before I could even stop myself. “And I really enjoy spending time with you.”, he continued. “But I like hanging out with my friends, too, And lately, I haven’t really had a chance to do that, until tonight.”

“I know.”, I whimpered. “And I don’t have a problem with you hanging out with the guys. But tonight I felt like shit, and you just brushed me off.”

Realization hit Johnny like a tidal wave, I could see it in his eyes. “Baby, why didn’t you just tell me?”

“I did.”, I whispered. “But you didn’t listen. You just snapped at me.”

“God, I’m such an idiot.”, he scolded himself. “It’s just, these past few weeks have been so stressful for me...”

I grasped his hand tightly. “They have been for me, too. And they’ve also been scary. Johnny, I am so scared. And when we fight like that, I feel so alone, and I can’t deal with that.” At this point, I broke down, and Johnny pulled me tightly against his chest.

“Hey, shh.”, Johnny cooed, rubbing my back soothingly. “It’s going to be alright. I’m here, baby. Just calm down.”

I glanced up at Johnny, still crying, and he leaned slightly so that our lips met. The kiss took me by surprise. My eyes fluttered closed and my arms slowly crept around Johnny’s neck, holding him near me. Somehow, Johnny and I found ourselves upstairs in our bed, nestled in the comforter. We undressed each slowly and methodically, not wanting this to end.

Alright, kiddies. If you're offended in anyway by sexual stuff, just scroll til I tell you to stop, 'k?

Johnny moved his mouth over my body, across my stomach, between my breasts, pausing momentarily on my soft spot, and I moaned. Finally, Johnny buried himself inside of me, thrusting so hard my head slammed into the headboard, and we made love with a passionate rhythm, saying through our actions what words hadn’t been spoken.

I’m sorry.

But all too soon, it was over, and Johnny rolled off of me, his chest moving up and down rapidly. He looked over at me and smiled, reaching out to brush his thumb across my cheek, and I realized I’d been crying.

Self-conscious, I hid my face in the curve of Johnny’s neck, my tears falling softly onto his skin. His body smelled like guilt, and I cried even harder. But his heart beat fast with lust, and I immediately understood that he wasn’t guilty about what had just happened, but about our fight, and hurting my feelings.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed with a sigh, running my hand through my hair. I heard the bed springs creak as Johnny sat up and crawled over to me. I crossed my arms over my bare chest, suddenly not wanting Johnny to see me like this, open and vulnerable.

“Hayliee.” It wasn’t a question. Johnny laid his hand on my shoulder and forced me to turn around and face him. “What are you doing?”

I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. “I-I don’t know.”

Johnny’s hands trailed to my wrists and lightly gripped them, gently pulling them away from my chest. He smiled. “Baby, you don’t have to hide yourself from me.”

Suddenly I felt an urge to do something I’d never done before. I shoved Johnny roughly back onto the bed and lowered my mouth onto his heat.

“Shit.”, he gasped.

I moved up and down, alternating between fast and slow, and Johnny groaned, a primordial sound that shook his throat. Suddenly he grabbed my hair and yanked so that my head was level with his. “Hayliee.”, he breathed, his face red and flushed. “It’s too much. All of’s too much.”

Alright, the coast is clear!

Johnny’s words brought me to my senses and I started crying again. Johnny scooped me into his arms and I lay across him, head on his chest, my arm spread over his middle, with our legs intertwined. I could still feel his heat between us, and I was ashamed. What I’d just done...God, I couldn’t even think the made me feel like a slut.

Johnny whispered soothing words in my ear, wiping the tears away from my face. I felt myself falling asleep and I didn’t fight it. Soon, Johnny’s breathing became even and relaxed, signaling that he was asleep as well. I tightened my grip on his waist and pushed what had just happened out of my mind as I fell asleep.