Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


“Aw, fucking hell!”, I shouted. Instantly, Emmy, Callie, and Ada were in the doorway.

“What’s wrong, Hayliee?”, Ada asked.

“My pants don’t fit anymore.”, I complained. This whole pregnancy thing was getting to be quite annoying. My stomach was almost large enough that I couldn't see my feet, and now my pants didn't fit. What was next?

“Well, if you hurry, we can go shopping for maternity clothes before we go to L.A.”, Callie added.

I jumped at the chance. “Awesome! Let’s go.”

. . .

“It’s great to finally have pants that actually fit.”, I cheered.

“I can’t believe you outgrew your old pants that quickly.”, Callie commented.

“Hey, well, she is getting pretty big.”, Ada joked, rubbing my stomach.

“Shut up.”, I grumbled. “I’m already self-conscious. There’s no need to make me feel like even more of a fat cow.”

“Hey, this is no one’s fault but your own.”, Ada stated. “And Johnny boy’s. And you are not a fat cow. You’re pregnant. With twins.

“I wish Johnny was here.”, I mumbled.

“Why?”, Ada laughed.

“So I can kick his ass for doing this to me!”

“Hey, you played a part in this, too, little miss horny.”, Ada commented. “Maybe if you and Johnny didn’t fuck every night, you wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.”

“Johnny and I do not fuck every night.”, I huffed.

“Whatever.”, Ada replied. “We’re here. Go kick Johnny boy’s ass.”

. . .

“Johnny!” I called his name the instant I saw him. He whipped around, shocked for the shortest moment, then he smiled. Moving quickly towards me, he embraced me and I breathed him in.

“Hey, baby.”, he whispered into my hair. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” Then I pulled him down and kissed him hard on the lips. “I missed that, too.”, I breathed.

“Me too.” Johnny smirked wickedly and kissed me again.

“Where the fuck is short shit?”, Zacky called. Then he walked around the bus, spotting us, and a wide grin split his face. “Surprise, surprise. I find you two making out.”

“A kiss, Zacky.”, Johnny said defensively. “Only a kiss. And besides, I think I should be able to kiss my pregnant wife if I want to.”

“Whatever.”, Zacky said, sounding somewhat bored. “I’m going to go make out with Emmy.”

Johnny and I both laughed as he ran off. Then Johnny stepped back and studied me closely. “Hayliee, are those new pants?”

“Yea.”, I mumbled dejectedly. “I got too fat for my old pants.”

“Baby, you’re not fat.”, Johnny cooed. “You’re barely even showing.”

“I’m still fat.”, I whimpered. “I’m only fourteen weeks along, and I look like I’m twenty weeks. I hate this.”

“Hayliee, you have never been more beautiful.”, he whispered.

I stared up at him, disgruntled. “You’re just saying that.”, I grumbled.

“No, I’m not.”, he laughed. “Baby, you are beautiful. I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks. Your eyes are the prettiest shade of green. Even prettier than Zacky’s, but don’t tell him that.” He winked. “And your, like I said, I don’t care what you think. You are not fat. Every time I see your stomach, I think of our babies, that we created together. So stop thinking you’re fat or ugly or whatever, because you’re not.”

The look in his eyes conveyed to me that he was telling the truth. I smiled. “Thank you, Johnny.”

“No problem, baby.” He looped his arm around my waist again. “Come on the bus and sit down.”

. . .

“Okay, guys. Sound check in fifteen minutes!”

Larry’s voice carried onto the bus and Johnny moved his hands from my stomach. The babies had been moving and kicking constantly, and Johnny had kept his hands splayed on my abdomen, feeling the thumps and vibrations.

“I guess I should go now.”, he mumbled, not moving an inch.

“Yea, you probably should.”, I replied. But I didn’t want him to leave. I was enjoying this time I was spending with Johnny, and I was determined to absorb as much of it as I could.

“I don’t want to leave.”, Johnny whispered.

“I don’t want you to go.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, Johnny pressed his lips against mine gently, and I instantly turned to putty in his hands. Johnny pulled away and stared at me curiously. “Why do you that?”, he asked.

“Why do I do what?”, I questioned.

“That.”, he said. I stared at him, completely and utterly confused, and he elaborated. “Whenever I kiss you or touch you, you just go slack or limp. Why?”

I felt myself blush under Johnny’s gaze. “I-I guess I just like it when you kiss me. Really like it.” I smiled. “Or maybe it’s because whenever you kiss me, I think about how much I love you.”

“Hmm...”, Johnny pondered. “Johnny Seward likes the second reason, but Johnny Christ likes the first reason.”

I giggled girlishly. “Well, do you know where Johnny Christ is?”

“Right here, baby.”

Johnny kissed me again, deeply and passionately, and just as Johnny had said, I went limp. Johnny smiled against my lips, but continued kissing me. Suddenly the door banged open and Jimmy bounded onto the bus. “Yo, short shit, we have sound check in like five minutes! Let’s go! Quit dry-fucking Hayliee and get your ass off the bus!”

“Fine, I’m coming.”

As soon as Jimmy jumped off the bus, Johnny stood up to follow him. He stopped at the door and turned back to me.

“You coming, baby?”, he asked.

I nodded enthusiastically and followed Johnny off the bus.

. . .

The roar of the crowd was deafening. Thousands of teenagers packed into a tiny arena, clamoring to get to the stage, trying to get as close to the guys as possible.

Matt stepped up onto the middle ego riser and lifted the microphone to his mouth. “How the fuck are you doing?”, he shouted, his voice echoing throughout the stadium. The crowd screamed in approval, and Matt continued. “That’s great. But before we melt your fucking faces off, I believe some congratulations are in order.”

Matt walked over to Johnny and slung an arm around his shoulder. “Our very own Johnny Christ is going to be a dad. When is it, like December?”

“January.”, Johnny corrected, obviously smiling.

“January, then.”, Matt repeated, walking across the stage to where Zacky stood. “And I believe Mr. Vengeance has something to say, don’t you, Zacky?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”, Zacky trilled. He slung his guitar around to his back and yanked the microphone from Matt’s hands. “Okay.”, he started. “So, as most of you probably know, I’ve been dating this girl named Emmy for quite some time, and we’ve been getting pretty serious.” At these words, Emmy latched onto my arm, shaking excitedly. “Now, I want you guys to understand, I love this girl. I know a good thing when I see one, and I’m not letting this go. Ever. Brian, my friend, if you will.”

Brian stepped over to Zacky and shoved something into his hands. They were trying to be secretive, but I knew what it was and my heart jumped. Suddenly Matt was next to us. He grabbed Emmy’s arm and gently led her onto the stage. She looked back at me, confused, and I just shrugged.

Zacky took Emmy’s hands into his own. “Emmy, baby, I love you. I hope you understand that. After what happened with my ex-girlfriend, I never thought I’d fall in love again. But I fell in love with you, and I fell hard.” He produced a black box from his pocket and knelt on one knee in front of Emmy. “Emmy Lauren Collins, will you marry me?”

The entire stadium, me included, held its collective breath as we waited for Emmy’s answer. She stared down at Zacky, the shock extremely evident on her face.

“Yes.”, she said, quietly at first. Then, louder, “Yes. Yes, Zacky Baker, I would love to marry you.” Zacky instantly stood up and scooped Emmy into his arms, kissing her passionately.

Matt reached over and tapped Zacky roughly on the shoulder. “I think Mr. Vengeance and Johnny Christ over there need to learn that we save the fucking for the bedroom. Of course, Johnny and his girl obviously did quite a bit of that, because now they’re going to be parents. That just goes to show you...kiddies, if you decide to fuck, be safe.”

“How’s about we end this little love fest and play a kick-ass show for these kids?”, Jimmy asked from behind his drumset., earning a laugh from the guys, as well as the rest of the stadium.

“I was just thinking the same thing, Jimbo.”, Brian agreed.

“Well, what do we want to play first, guys?”, Johnny questioned.

Matt pretended to think hard. “Why don’t we let the ladies pick?”, he suggested. “Hayliee, Emmy, what would you like to hear?”

Emmy and I glanced at each other, our decision instantly made. “Scream.”, we said in unison.

“Scream it is then.”

Jimmy gave the opening clicks and the song started. As Matt started singing, I turned to Emmy.

“Oh my God, Emmy. I can’t believe you’re getting married.”, I gushed. “To Zacky Vengeance.” Never mind the fact that I was married to Johnny Christ, my best friend was getting married!

“Me neither.” Emmy glanced down at her ring. “Wow. I guess Zacky really does love me.”

I nodded. “You know what this means, don’t you, Emmy?”, I asked suddenly.

“I’m kind of scared to ask.”, Emmy mumbled nervously.

“I get to pay you back for my bachelorette party.”, I stated devilishly.

“Oh God. Now I’m scared.”, she said.

I just laughed and turned to watch the concert.