Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


Not five minutes after I was settled, hooked up to an IV, Emmy and Zacky arrived. They both looked frazzled, and I instantly knew what they had been doing. I sighed. Wouldn’t I love to do that again. Emmy was instantly at my side. “How are you feeling, Hayliee?”, she fretted.

“Like shit.”, I answered, smiling.

Another contraction caused me to scream, summoning Johnny to my side. I latched onto his hand, squeezing it tightly, and Johnny winced. “Ow!”, he yelped. “Jeez, Hayliee, I think you’re breaking my hand.”

Emmy slapped him in the side of the head. “Give her a break. She’s in labor. With your babies.”

The contraction passed, and I went limp on the hospital bed. I glanced up at Johnny’s face and noticed a large bruise near his left temple. I reached up and touched my fingertips to it lightly. Johnny flinched. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. “Johnny, d-did I do that to you?” He nodded grimly, and the tears slipped down my cheeks. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. Does it hurt?”

“Nah.”, Johnny assured. “Just a little sore.”

“What’s sore?”, Zacky interrupted. “What, has it been so long since you two fucked that you forgot how to do it?”

“Very funny, Zack.”, Johnny said sarcastically. Then he lifted his head to show them his bruise.

“Holy fucking shit.” Zacky’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “What happened to you?”

I glanced down at my hands as Johnny answered Zacky. “Hayliee threw my phone at me and it hit me in the head.”

Damn. Shy must’ve thrown it pretty fucking hard.”, Zacky commented.

“Were you two fighting again?” Emmy’s question came suddenly, catching us off guard.

“Well, yea.”, I answered. “But it’s no big deal.”

“It must’ve been a pretty big fucking fight if you hurt Johnny that badly.”

“I don’t think it’s any of your Goddamn business if Hayliee and I fight.”, Johnny snapped.

“Well did you ever consider that maybe you yelling at her is the reason she’s giving birth to your babies three months early?”

Johnny was out of his seat immediately. He stood in front of Emmy, shaking with fury. “Shut the fuck up. Mine and Hayliee’s lives are none of your Goddamn fucking business. And don’t you fucking dare try to blame me for this shit.”

Emmy cowered under Johnny furious gaze, and Zacky stepped in between them. “Don’t talk to her like that, you little shit.”, he growled. “Emmy wasn’t accusing you of anything, so shut your fucking mouth.”

“Yes, she was!”, Johnny shouted. ready to continue this argument.

But I wasn’t having any of this. I gripped the bars along side the bed as another contraction pushed through my body, and I groaned Johnny’s name. He rushed to my side, abandoning his feud with Zacky and Emmy. “Hayliee, baby, do you need anything?”, he cooed.

“”, I breathed.

As if summoned by my words, Dr. Hullen, a.k.a Rita, walked into the room, dressed in scrubs. “Well, Hayliee, how are we doing?” I knew she didn’t expect an answer, and I remained silent. “We’re trying to stop your labor, because well, it’s too early for your babies to be born. But it seems your labor has already progressed too far to be stopped. Due to your age, the fact that it’s your first pregnancy-with twins no less-and the risk factors involved, I’ve scheduled you a C-section. So, if you’ll roll over, I’ll give you the medication to numb you.”

I did as Rita asked, rolling onto my side and trying not to think about the needle through which the medication would be delivered. I stifled a sob when the needle pierced my skin and Johnny whispered to me soothingly.

“Alright, you’re all set.”, Rita declared. “I’ll wheel you down to the OR and we’ll get started. Dad, you coming?” Johnny nodded excitedly. Rita looked at Emmy and Zacky. “You two will have to stay in the waiting room.”

The lights on the ceiling passed over my head in quick succession as I was wheeled to the OR. Millions of thoughts were running through my head, but only one stood out completely clear.

I hope my babies are alright.

. . .

“Okay Hayliee, you’re going to feel a slight pressure.”, Rita called from behind the blue curtain that had been resurrected between us, severing my view. I was completely numb from the waist down, but I definitely felt it when Rita made the first incision. My anxiousness mounted higher and higher as the minutes ticked by, the minutes until I would hold my babies in my arms.

Finally, I heard Rita yell, “Here comes the first baby! You want to cut the cord, Dad?” There was the sound of scissors snapping and then Rita held out our baby girl like a prize.

“Madelyn...”, I whispered, tears of happiness forming in my eyes. Then it struck me how small she was. Small enough to easily fit in the palm of Johnny’s hand, with a slight bluish tint to her cheeks. My heart skipped a beat. Wasn’t she supposed to cry? Before I could ask, Madelyn was whisked away and Rita delved back in for the second baby. Three minutes later, Rita delivered Isaiah Jonathan, looking every bit like his namesake. He was slightly larger than his older sister, but with that same bluish tint in his face.

“I want to hold them.”, I stated. “I want to hold my babies.”

“Sorry, Hayliee. No can do.”, Rita apologized. “Your babies were born extremely prematurely and they’re very sick. I’m sorry to say you won’t be holding your babies for awhile. Now, why don’t we get you to recovery so you can rest?”

But I didn’t want to rest. I wanted to see my babies.
♠ ♠ ♠
short? yea
did I like it? eh, kinda but not really
can comments and subscribers make it better? Hell yes! :D