Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


One Year Later (October 3, 2009)

“Say cheese!”, I yelled.

Johnny held up his hand against the flash. “Hayliee, don’t you think you have enough pictures?”, he asked.

I looked at him strangely. “No.”, I said in a ‘duh’ tone. “It’s Maddie and Isaiah’s first birthday! I can never have enough pictures.”

Suddenly I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down and saw Maddie latched onto my leg. “Mommy.”, she gurgled.

I smiled at her. “What is it, sweetheart?” She reached for my camera. “You like my camera?” I crouched down beside her, positioned her so that she faced Johnny, and held the camera out in front of her. “Press this button, Maddie.”

She eagerly pressed the shutter button. When the flash went off, she clapped and giggled. Johnny whipped around at the flash and narrowed his eyes playfully at our daughter. “Maddie, did you take a picture of me?”, he asked.

“Pic-ture?”, she repeated curiously.

“She doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”, I said. “Where’s Isaiah?”

“In the playpen.”, Johnny answered, standing up.

“Could you go get him, please?”, I asked, scooping Maddie into my arms. “The guys will be here soon.”

Johnny walked over to me and caught me around the waist. “Can you believe it’s been a year?”, he asked.

“No.”, I whispered. “They grew up so fast.

Johnny laid his hand across my stomach. “Well, just think. In five months, we get to start all over again.”

A few months ago, back in June, Johnny and I had yet another shock place in our lives. Upon the discovery of my second pregnancy, Johnny and I couldn’t have been happier, and we were happily welcoming this new baby into our lives.

“Go get Isaiah, please.”, I asked again.

“Alright.”, Johnny said, pecking me on the lips before hurrying to fetch our son.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Maddie clapped excitedly, pointing towards the door. “Okay, Maddie.”, I laughed. “I’ll go answer the door.” I swung open the door and saw the guys, Emmy, Callie, and Ada standing on the doorstep.

Ada pushed forward and engulfed me in a hug. “Hello, sister!”, she exclaimed. “And hello, Maddie.” She tickled Maddie, and Maddie giggled. “God Hayliee, she really does look like you.”

“Are we going to stand out here and listen to you babble, or are we going to go inside and party?”, Brian asked.

I sighed exasperatedly and bounced Maddie on my hip. “Okay. Come in.” I stepped out of the way and let them come in.

“So where’s short shit?”, Brian asked.

“Getting Isaiah.”, I responded.

“Bri!”, Maddie cooed, reaching out and yanking on Brian’s hair.

“Ow.”, Brian mumbled, rubbing his head. “Hey, Maddie. Could you please not pull my hair?”

“I’m sorry, Brian.”, I apologized. “Maddie, we do not pull hair.”

“Who’s hair did she yank this time?”, Johnny asked, returning to the living room with Isaiah on his hip.

“Brian’s.”, I said, laughing.

Johnny tickled Maddie under her chin. “Good job, baby girl.”

“Hey!”, Brian exclaimed indignantly. “Don’t tell her ‘good job’. She pulled my hair!”

“And you deserved it.”, Johnny said smugly.

“Shut up.”, I interjected. “It’s our babies’ birthday, so shut up.”

“Alright.”, Brian and Johnny mumbled in unison, hanging their heads.

“Come on. Let’s go outside and set up the party.”

. . .

“Happy Birthday dear Maddie and Isaiah...Happy Birthday to you!”

“Okay sweethearts, blow out your candles!” I crouched down between them and mimicked blowing out a candle. They attempted to copy me, but only blew their hair, and everyone laughed. Johnny and I blew out the candles for them, and everyone clapped.

“Maddie and Isaiah, do you want some cake?”, I asked. “Johnny, could you cut some cake?” I stood up and put my hand to my back, wincing.

“Baby, are you alright?”, Johnny asked, instantly at my side.

I waved him off. “I’m fine.”, I assured. “Just a little back pain. Go get the cake, okay?”

“Okay.” Johnny leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. “I’ll go get the cake. You sit down.”

I did as Johnny advised, pulling up a chair between Maddie and Isaiah. Soon, Johnny sat plates of cake in front of them. “Dig in!”, he yelled.

They looked at the cake like it was a foreign object. Being brave, Isaiah reached out, grabbed a handful of cake, and stuffed it into his mouth. Maddie mimicked her brother, smearing the cake over her face. Soon, the babies finished their cake, although they got more on their faces than in their mouths. Next, Johnny insisted on letting them open their gifts.

The rest of the party passed uneventfully, until Emmy and Zacky said they had any announcement. “Okay, we wanted you guys to be the first to know...” Zacky paused and dragged Emmy close to him. “We’re pregnant.” I laughed under my breath at the way he announced it.

“Oh, congratulations!”, I squealed. “Emmy, you’re finally getting your baby.”

Emmy held her hands over her stomach. “Actually, all I’m getting right now is morning sickness.”

I smiled smugly. “I told you. It’s hell.

“Thanks for the support.”, Emmy muttered sarcastically. “Listen, we’ve got to go. Tell Maddie and Isaiah I said happy birthday.”

“Okay.” I hugged her. “Look at us, Emmy. We’re both fucking rockstars.”, I whispered deviously.

“And look where it’s gotten us.” She gestured to both our stomachs. “Bye, Hayliee. I’ll call you tomorrow.”


As soon as everyone had left and the twins were in their cribs asleep, Johnny pulled me close to him. “I heard what you said to Emmy earlier.”, he mumbled into my ear. “How would you like to fuck a rockstar right now?”

I smiled. “As tempting as that sounds...I’m exhausted. The party really wore me out today. And my back has been killing me lately.”

Johnny buried his face in my neck. “I bet I can fix that.”

I laughed. “Amazing. I’m four months pregnant, and I still can’t keep you off of me. You’re like a dog.”

“Come on, baby.”, Johnny breathed. “We can go upstairs, blow off a little energy, and then you’ll sleep like a log. You’ll forget all about your back.”

I twisted in his arms. “I just might take you up on that.”

Johnny leaned forward to kiss me. Just as our lips touched, the baby in my stomach kicked, and Johnny smiled into the kiss. “I can’t believe we’re having another baby.”, Johnny mumbled randomly.

I smiled. “Me neither. I’m never going to lose my baby weight if you don’t keep your hands off of me.”

“I’m serious.”, Johnny said. “We’ve got the best kids ever, and another on the way. Could things get any better?”

“Yes.”, I whispered. “Because I’ve got you.”

Johnny kissed me again, soft and sweet, passionate and lustful. He pulled away and gazed at me adoringly, his eyes sparkling. “I love you, Hayliee. Don’t you ever forget that.”

“I won’t.”, I stated. “You won’t let me.”

“Nope.”, Johnny breathed. “You’ll always have me.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”, I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the last chapter!
but I've been working on a sequel and I've already written the first chapter
I decided to end this story on a happy note since there won't be much happiness for Hayliee and Johnny in the sequel
LOTS of drama!
thanks for reading!