Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


“So, tell us all about it!, Callie urged.

“Yea.”, Emmy added. “Spill.”

“Where did he take you?”, Callie asked.

“He took me to a pizza parlor.”, I said, sighing to myself. “And then we went to see a movie.”

“Pizza and a movie?”, Emmy questioned incredulously. “God, the guy couldn’t spring for something a little nicer?”

“Shut up.”, I snapped. “It was perfect.”

“What movie did you see?”, Callie asked.

“Paranormal Activity.”, I whispered.

Emmy laughed. “But you hate scary movies!”

“So, Hayliee.”, Callie started. “Did he kiss you?”

“Yes, and it was amazing.”, I sighed, plopping down on the couch next to Callie. “He was amazing. The whole damn night was amazing.”


Zacky was on me as soon as I walked in the door. “Dude, where the fuck have you been?”, he asked. “I’ve been trying to call you for hours.”

I looked at him and grinned. “I had a date.”

A devious look appeared on Zacky's face. “You mean a date, or a ‘date’?”, he asked. “Who was it? What happened?”

“Damn, Zack.”, I snapped. “It was a real, honest-to-God date. And nothing you would care about happened.”

“Well, you still didn’t answer one of my questions.”, he pouted, sporting a look of hurt. “Who was the date with?”

I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking. I can’t really tell him, can I? I mean, Zacky isn’t the kind of guy who goes out with a girl once he’s slept with her. He’ll probably think I’m insane. “Hayliee.”, I finally said. “Hayliee Johnson.”

“You mean that chick from the bar?”, he said, staring at me like I was crazy. “Dude, you already fucked her, why are you still talking to her? She’ll think you like her or something!”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Maybe I do like her. Have you stopped to consider that possibility, Zacky? She’s really sweet, and I really do like her. I mean, I’m twenty-two years old, I’m ready to settle down, maybe start a family. I’ve always wanted kids. Did you know that, Zacky?”

Zacky held up his hands in defense. “Dude, Johnny, calm down. I didn’t mean anything about it. I’m just saying, we’re rock stars! We’re Avenged fucking Sevenfold. We’ve got girls out there who will give us anything we want, and you want to just pick one? I mean, who is this girl? Where does she live? How old is she? What’s she like? Do you even know anything about her?”

“It’s not like we knew anything about the whores we used to fuck after every show.”, I scoffed. “We didn’t even know their names!”

“That doesn’t matter!”, Zacky yelled, throwing his hands into the air. “We fuck them, and then we get rid of them. We don’t need to know their names! But you supposedly ‘like’ this girl. You should know a little about her.”

“Hayliee.”, I mumbled. “Her name is Hayliee.”

“Okay, dude. I think we’ve established that you know her name.”, Zacky said in a ‘duh’ tone. “What else do you know about her?” He crossed his arms and stood there, waiting for an answer.

“I know she’s in college.”, I answered.

“Where?”, Zacky continued.


“What’s she studying?”, he pushed.

“Uh...I don’t know.”, I said. Zacky grinned smugly at me and I continued, “Like you knew everything about Gena.”

At the mention of his ex-girlfriend’s name, the smile slid off Zacky'd face. “Don’t you mention her fucking name ever again.”, he growled through clenched teeth.

Gena and Zacky had been dating for three years, and they were completely in love. Or so Zacky thought. They got engaged, but then Zacky caught her in bed with another man. Gena broke off her engagement to Zacky and announced she was marrying someone else. I don’t think Zacky ever got over her.

“Then shut up and leave me the hell alone about Hayliee.”, I responded. I turned and started to walk away, but Zacky spoke again.

“I want to meet her.”

“What?” I spun around.

“I want to meet her.”, he repeated, separating every word. “Bring her to the studio with you this weekend. Let her meet the guys.”

“I’m not sure she’s ready for that.”, I whispered.

“Why not?”, Zacky asked, sounding a little offended.

“Well...” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I think meeting you guys too soon would be overpowering for her.”

“I don’t care.”, Zacky retorted, crossing his arms. “I want to meet her.”

I sighed, knowing I had lost the argument. “Fine. I’ll bring her with me on Saturday.”