Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


When Johnny and I arrived at the beach, it was around five, and the sunlight reflecting off the sand turned it a bright orange. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”, Johnny whispered from behind me. “Come on, let’s go set up this basket.”

Johnny walked down a stretch of sand, clutching my left hand in his right, his left hand holding the picnic basket. We stopped suddenly, and Johnny turned to me. “This look good to you?”, he asked. I nodded. Truthfully, any place would’ve been perfect.

Johnny spread out a blanket, setting the basket off to the side. He sat down and pulled me down so that I was practically sitting on his lap. “Wine?”, he asked. I nodded and Johnny reached into the basket and pulled out a bottle of red wine, along with two glasses. He carefully poured a small amount into each glass and handed one to me.

“Cheers.”, he said, clinking his glass against mine.

We drank, and I stared intensely at the sunset, which now turned the sand a soft pink. “It’s so beautiful.”, I stated.

“Yea, it is.”, Johnny whispered. I turned my head and realized he was looking at me. I blushed and turned away, taking another sip of my wine.

“You hungry, baby?”, he asked, reaching into the picnic basket and pulling out a steamy container. “Lasagna.”, he stated. “Cooked it myself.” He smiled proudly. He pulled out two forks, handing one to me, and we dug in.

“Mmm...”, I mumbled through a mouthful of lasagna. “This is good.”

Johnny raised his eyebrows at me. “You sound surprised. Are you saying you thought I couldn’t cook?”

“Maybe...”, I said, twirling my finger through my hair flirtatiously.

Johnny narrowed his eyes at me. “Oh, you’re gonna get it.” He tried to tighten his grip on my waist, but I jumped up before he could.

We ran along the beach, our feet sinking into the sand, leaving a trail of footsteps. I laughed and giggled as Johnny chased me, slowly but surely catching me. He finally caught up to me, latching his arms around my waist, and we fell backwards into the sand.

It was there, on the beach, that I truly fell in love with Johnny. I pulled his face down and kissed him, long and full and hard, unlike any kiss we’d ever shared. And then I realized I was ready. I loved Johnny emotionally very much, more than I had ever loved anyone else. Which meant there was no reason I shouldn’t be able to love him physically.

I pulled away and stared at Johnny’s flushed face. “Johnny?”, I whispered, our lips only centimeters apart.

“Mmm, what is it, baby?”, he moaned.

I took his hands into mine. “I love you, Johnny.” I locked my eyes onto his and felt my cheeks flush with color. “And...and I-I’m ready.”

Johnny pondered my words for a moment, and a smile spread across his face. “I love you, too, baby.”, he whispered, leaning down and kissing me sweetly, yet passionately. “And I’ve always been ready.” Johnny gathered me into his arms, sliding one arm under my knees, the other under my arms. He carried me to a nearby dock, and we crawled into what little space there was underneath.

As the sun set behind us, Johnny and I made love beneath the dock. Johnny’s hot breath on my neck, his hands on my thighs, his fingers all over my body, all of this became a blur as our actions blended together, made oblivious by the fact that we were sober, this time completely aware of what we were doing.

“Oh God, Hayliee.”, “Johnny moaned. I felt myself tense as we both climaxed, and Johnny collapsed onto the sand, pulled me close to him.

His body still glistened with sweat, and at that moment, I thought he was the most beautiful thing in the world. He ran his hand along my body, carefully tracing my curves. And then the realization hit me like a tidal wave, knocking the air from my lungs.

We were spooning. With Jon, my ex, this had never happened. We fucked long enough for him to get his pleasure, then he pushed me aside. He was nothing like Johnny. I’d never been treated this gently. Jon was rough and possessive, and Johnny was...

Johnny swept hair from my face, gently caressing my cheek, and I leaned into his touch. “Hayliee...”, he whispered, drawing me closer. “I love you.”

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I realized why I’d been so willing to surrender myself to Johnny. I knew he’d always protect me, always take care of me, physically and emotionally.

I let a small smile play across my face. I’d spent my teenage years believing I’d never find the perfect man, the one who would always be there for me. And yet, here I was, nestled in his arms.

I turned to face Johnny. “Let’s go home.”, I whispered.

. . .


I walked in the front door of my house, having just dropped Hayliee off at her dorm, and practically jumped out of my skin when I turned on the light and saw Zacky sitting on my couch.

“Zacky, what the fuck are you doing here?”, I growled.

He looked up at me and grinned. “Your shirt’s on backwards.”, he said. “And inside-out.” I glanced down and felt my cheeks go red when I noticed the tag of my shirt sticking out under my chin. “So.”, Zacky started. “Did you get lucky tonight?”

I groaned. Trust Zacky to ask a question like that. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”, I answered.

“You did.”, Zacky stated. “I can tell by your shirt. But what I don’t understand is...why the hell are you covered in sand?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “The beach, dude.”

Zacky furrowed his brows. “Wait, the beach? Did you go there before or after you fucked? Unless...” His eyes widened. “You fucked at the beach?” I nodded and Zacky doubled over with laughter. “Holy shit. How did you talk her into that?”

I explained to him everything that had happened. How she had changed her mind at first, and then I’d taken her to the beach. How we’d fallen into the sand, and she’d told me she was ready to make love to me, and I’d readily agreed.

“I asked her to move in with me.”, I finished.

“Damn.” Zacky leaned back on the couch. “How is it you get this perfect girl, who’s willing to fuck you in public, and I get no one?”

I suddenly realized he was serious. “Hey, don’t worry dude. You’ll find someone eventually.” I nudged him with my elbow. “Hey, her friends were pretty hot, maybe you could pick up one of them.”

He instantly perked up a little. “Yea, maybe I could.” He glanced over at me. “Man, you look like shit. And you’ve got a fucking huge ass hickie on your neck.”

We both laughed. Zacky stood up and started towards the door. “See you later, man.”, he shouted.

“Bye.”, I called as he slammed the door shut. I leaned back and closed me eyes, letting the memories of tonight wash over me. All I could think about was the way she smelled, the way she felt, her body nestled perfectly against mine.

“God.”, I muttered. “I love you, Hayliee.”

. . .


I rushed into my dorm room, not even considering the fact that Emmy and Callie might still be awake, so I was startled to find the light still on and both of them sitting on the beds. “Holy shit!”, I whisper-screamed. “What the hell are you two doing up? It’s two in the morning!”

“We could ask you the same thing.”, Emmy countered, walking over to me. “Where the fuck have you been?”

“With Johnny.” The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I instantly slapped my hand over my mouth.

“Again?”, Callie asked from her bed. “What are you two doing that takes that long?”

Emmy’s eyes widened, and she turned to me in shock. “Oh, Hayliee. You didn’t!”

I stood up straighter, my cheeks flushing with anger. “So what if I did? I’m eighteen years old, I can sleep with my boyfriend if I want to. I am so fucking sick of everyone treating me like I’m a child.”

“We’re not.” It was Callie who spoke, rising up off the bed. “But do you think maybe that’s all he wanted?”

I stared at them, not wanting to believe what they were saying. “No!”, I yelled, shaking my head as tears began to form in my eyes. “You’re wrong! Johnny loves me! He told me so!”

“Really?”, Emmy sneered. “Did he say that before or after you fucked?”

I raised my hand as if to slap Emmy, but thought better of it. I rushed past her and reached under my bed for my suitcase. I dragged it out and began stuffing my clothes into it.

“Where are you going?”, Callie asked worriedly.

“Johnny asked me to move in with him.”, I grumbled. “And I said yes.”

“So you’re moving out of the dorm?”, Emmy asked, all anger gone from her voice.

“Yea.” I turned to face them. “But I want you guys to understand, this has absolutely nothing to do with you. Johnny and I just think our relationship is at a point where it’s...appropriate for us to live together.” I paused. “And I love Johnny. I want to live with him.”

Callie hugged me. “We’ll miss you, Hayliee. Hey, you want me to drive you?”

I halfway beamed at her. “Sure. I think it would be great if you and Emmy met Johnny.”

“Awesome!” Callie clapped excitedly. “How about it, Emmy?”

Emmy was silent for a minute. “Alright, I’ll go.”, she finally said. “Besides, I’d love to meet the guy who makes Hayliee this happy.”

. . .

“Here it is.”, I whispered as we pulled into a driveway.

“Does he know you’re coming?”, Callie questioned from the backseat.

“Oh shit.”, I mumbled. “No. I wasn’t supposed to move in until next week.”

“He’s probably asleep.”, Emmy stated. “Should we just go back to the dorm?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Well, I think it would be better if we met him later.”, Callie said.

I didn’t reply to Callie, thinking she was smart enough to know the answer. I opened the door and stepped out, walking around the car to the trunk. I hauled out my suitcase and walked to Emmy’s window.

“Well...”, I started. “Bye, I guess. I’m going to miss you guys.”

“We’ll miss you, too.” She hugged me through the window. “Have fun living with your boyfriend. Call us if he starts acting like an ass.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry, I will. Well, I should probably get inside. It’s getting cold.”

Emmy looked at Johnny house. “He must be pretty special, Hayliee.”

“Oh, he is.”, I assured.

She looked back at the steering wheel. “I just wish I had someone that special.”

I hugged her again. “Don’t worry, you will.” I smiled deviously. “Hey, I know a friend of Johnny’s who’s pretty cute. You should come to the studio next Saturday and meet him.”

She looked at me, smiling widely. “You know what? I think I just might do that.”

I glanced towards Johnny’s house. “Bye.”, I whispered.

“Bye!”, Emmy and Callie chorused.

I stood and watched as they drove away, then trudged into the house. Once inside, I was suddenly nervous. Johnny didn’t know I was coming, and I was unsure of how to announce my presence. I dropped my bag near the door and slowly crept upstairs. Soon, I heard the sound of snoring drifting from an open room, and I walked inside.

I quickly slipped off my shoes and slipped beneath the covers next to Johnny. He stirred, and I froze, but he remained asleep. I cuddled up next to him and fell into the most peaceful sleep I’d ever experienced.