Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner


When I woke up the next morning, Johnny was still asleep. I smiled, and snuggled closer to him. I felt him stir, and then he froze. “Hayliee?”, he mumbled, still groggy. “What the hell are you doing here?”

I nestled in even closer to Johnny, not minding that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. “I couldn’t wait to move in.” I paused, and looked up at him. “You’re not mad, are you?”

He grinned. “Of course not. How could I be mad when I’ve got a hot girl in my bed?”

“Hmm...” I smiled at him flirtatiously. “Maybe because I’m getting out of the bed?”

“No.”, he whispered. “Stay here.” Before I could object, Johnny wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. I nuzzled my face into Johnny’s neck and breathed in his scent. I was just starting to doze off when I remembered that I had classes scheduled for that day.

I shot up out of bed. “Shit!”

“What’s wrong, baby?”, Johnny asked groggily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

“I just remembered I have classes today!”, I shouted, rifling through my suitcase for something to wear. I frantically pulled off my old clothes and pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I slipped on my Uggs and turned around to find Johnny with his eyes closed, smiling widely.

“What the hell are you doing?”, I questioned, walking over to Johnny.

“Thanking God.”, he replied.

I grinned at him. “For what?”

“For sending this gorgeous girl who doesn’t think twice about stripping in front of me.”

I chuckled. “You are such a guy.” I knelt down on the bed and started crawling towards Johnny. I placed one leg on either side of his hips, straddling him. “Do you know what I am?”, I asked, running my index finger down his bare chest.

“W-What?”, Johnny stammered. I smirked when I felt him become hard.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Late. I need a ride, baby.”

Johnny sighed angrily and slammed his hands on the bed. “Goddammit, Hayliee!”, he yelled. He gently nudged me off of him and climbed out of bed, trying hard to hide the bulge in the front of his pants.

“I’ll be right back.”, he grumbled, disappearing into the bathroom. When he emerged a few minutes later, I was still sitting on the bed, waiting for him. He ignored me and walked over to his dresser.

“Johnny?”, I asked timidly. He grunted, which I assumed was his version of an acknowledgment. I made my way over to him and placed my hand on his arm. “Johnny, are you mad at me?”

Johnny sighed and turned around to face me. “No, I’m not mad. Just a little pissed. I really don’t like it when you tease me like that.” He paused and gripped my upper arms. “Because you are incredibly gorgeous. And God, you have no idea how hard it is to resist you, especially when you do shit like that.”

“I’m sorry.”, I whimpered.

Johnny stared at me, his expression softening only a little. “Sorry? You didn’t do this on accident.”

“I said I was sorry.”, I snapped. “You know what? Forget it. I’ll just walk to the college.” I grabbed my bag and was halfway to the door when Johnny reached out and stopped me. I slowly pivoted around to face him, my gaze blank.

“Wait.”, Johnny said. “I’ll drive you.” He pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry, baby.” He gently kissed the top of my head. I didn’t say anything, burying my face in Johnny’s chest. “So.”, he started, pulling away from me. “Do you forgive me?”

I nodded and pulled him down, pressing my lips against his. I felt Johnny smirk into the kiss, and he pulled away. I happened to glance at the clock, and suddenly remembered how late I was. I separated myself from Johnny and tried to walk away, but he held onto my hand.

He met my gaze, his eyes sparkling. “I love you, Hayliee.”, he whispered.

“I love you, too, Johnny.”, I replied. I tugged on his hand. “Now, come on. I’m going to be late!”

. . .

“Hurry up, the movie’s starting!”, I called to Johnny, who was in the kitchen getting snacks.

He walked into the living room, balancing a bowl of popcorn and two beers. “I’m coming, baby. What movie are we watching?” I handed him the DVD without looking back. “ ‘The Taking of Phelam 123’?”, Johnny asked. “I thought we’d watch a scary movie. You know, like ‘Saw VI’”

“Hell no!”, I yelled as Johnny sat down next to me. “You know I hate scary movies.”

“Yea, but that means you’d have to cuddle with me for two hours.”, he stated with a sly grin.

I slapped him on the arm playfully. “Shut up and watch the movie.”

Halfway through the movie, I felt Johnny nudge me. “Baby...”, he whispered.

“Leave me alone.”, I grumbled. “I’m trying to watch the movie."

“Kiss me.”, he mumbled, and before I could object, he leaned down and kissed me softly. I fell into the kiss, and when he pulled away, I looked at him curiously.

“What was that for?”, I asked suspiciously.

“Baby, I’m sorry for what happened this morning.”, he said. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“Aww, you’re turning all mushy. I like it. It’s kinda sexy.” Johnny raised his eyebrows suggestively and leaned in to kiss me again. I shoved him away, giggling. “Come on, didn’t you get enough at the beach?”, I asked.

“I’ll never get enough of you, baby.”

I shifted in Johnny’s arms to face him. I raised my eyebrows and stared at him incredulously. “Is that all you care about?”

He shook his head, looking irritated. “I’m not just talking about the sex. Although, that is pretty great.” He winked at me. “I’m talking about you in general. I can’t get enough of you. I love you, Hayliee.” He leaned in closer, so that his words were breaths of air in my ear. “You’re my heroin.”

I shivered. “God, you have no idea how turned on I am right now.”

Johnny hovered by my ear, then softly blew into it. He bit lightly on my earlobe, and began to leave lingering kissed down to my collarbone. I tilted my head back slightly and moaned, my eyes fluttering closed. Johnny lifted his head so that he was level with my ear once again. “Baby, why don’t we head upstairs?”

I shook my head. “Johnny, we just had sex last night. Can’t you wait?”

“Alright.” He sighed. “How about tomorrow night?”

“Sorry. We can’t tomorrow night either. I’m going out with my sister, Ada.”

Johnny smiled at me, a genuine smile that reached to his ears. “I don’t care. I can wait. Let’s just go to bed, baby.”

I nodded my head and Johnny gently took me into his arms and carried me upstairs. He sat me down on the bed and headed towards the bathroom, shedding his shirt along the way. “I’ll be right back.” As soon as the door clicked closed, I grabbed night clothes out of my suitcase. I slipped on a pair of sleep pants and, spying Johnny’s shirt lying on the bed, seized it and pulled it over my head.

I heard the bathroom door open, then click shut, and Johnny reappeared beside me. He looked at me, then turned his gaze to my dirty clothes on the floor. “Baby, you were supposed to wait for me to get back before you changed!”, he exclaimed.

“Shut up.”, I grumbled. “Now come get in bed. I’m cold, and I need you to make me warm.”

Johnny grinned at me cheekily and pulled back the covers, sliding into bed next to me. He reached over and dragged me closer, and I buried my face in his neck. “Is that my shirt?”, he whispered. I mumbled a response, already half asleep, and pressed myself closer to Johnny. He rolled over to face me and I automatically placed my hands on his bare chest.

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Johnny whispering in my ear. “I love you, Hayliee.”

God, what did I do to deserve all this?